Irish Repeal
-The llepealers recentlvheld a grcat meeting in New Orloans. Tliefullcuvir.g sentiments advanccd ly one of the speakers, we re receiv.ed wilh "loud cheers'" and "great applause." ''The cause of Liberty is outragud in lrelam!, und theraVër k is assailed i-l is ihe businc&s of tlie f'reeiueu of America lo ñy to itspoteclion." "Aa American wiil reply to.tiiu calis of the oppressed wilh lïis longue, and, if necessury, wiia his right arm?'' "Wherever 1 fiti;i (Vppcession-, 1 iii fly to tlie aid of the oppressed with niy tongue, ttilh my arm, and with my hearty Sltould an American use the saine expressions in reference to the oppressed of Ofür countrj', tbis New Orleans assembly would be ready lo tear him in piecee. To do away auy niisconstruclion that rniglit be putupon! their language, previouely to a(ijourning, tljey voted that they wero warmly altached' to southern institutions." An opposiüon meeting of Amer-c-in citizen3 was subsequenlly held in New Orlcans, denouucing the Irish Repeal, and declaring ihat they regard Daniel O'Connell and Wm. Lloyd Garrison wilh no feeling but abhor rence - !ihat we consider one 09 a politicali rencgade,and the other as a political fanalic, i and both together are entilled to the tion of all sober, uptight and American citizens."QTU Ã3 6tated, that at the late Cabinet meeting at Washington, t wasthought best to back out ofail the posilions of JMr. Webser in the Creóle cose,except the connty of nntior.s: that is, if they do not give us our negroes back, we will say they are uncivil, 11 mannered people, and let the matter go. On the right of search, there is understood to be an equal división. Webster, Spencer and Forward are in favor of a qualified right of search in certain latitudes. Upsher, WiokhffÃà nnd Legare are opposed. fXSometime since, the House of ReprtÃsuntativcs adopted a resolution calling on President Tyler, fora list of the names of Members of Congress who have applied to him or his secretaries for oilice. The President sent them a message siating that the appointing power 13 conferred on the Exec utivc without reserve or qualification, and nithtirhe nor the secretaries will comply wit!) the request of ihe resolution.