Home Leagues--home Industry
Oov readers cannot have fuiled to notice the recent genera! and similtaneous move ment of iho Norihern Whig Press to get upan excitement in favor of a TarilT. - Meetings are held ft all the Northern States, and leagues formed, and the leadin Whig papers appear to be unaniinous on the subject. Jf wü understund their object arightjthey ?eek for heavy countervuiling duties on foreign procluots iiriported inlo this country, for the purpose of exeluding them in pirt or enlirely, nnd thus nltimately compelling foreign gpvêrninenta to diininish or aboljsh tlie dtitics on American exports, or in case they persist in their present policy, to Luik up surh n innaufactürihg interest at home, as shufl diake us independent of supplics of' forign manufactures. It is alledged, that ihis is ouronly truc course - that thè productions of the INLorth, especially ho agricultural product?, are eitlier excluded f rom foreign porteor heavily burihened wilh duties, whiie their produce is received by U3 free of duties, or at rates comparativeiy !ov. h is also held' forlh thal the perutiiary in'erests vC ihe North liave fur a long time been lartered away in our negotiatiÃQS with foreign power?, for iho salte of seeuring an ainjiie and unresiricled riïirket t'.ic Sotfthern producÃs. Tho Norih is mnv eulled upon lo unitü poliiieally, and come put as a Nodhern party, for a prolcctioü (-f Northern iudus(ry, even though it beat tho expenso of a rupture vi:h iho Southern VV'hjgs. Süch seems lo bo the sysum of policy 'hul is to bc udopted,as a last resor!, lo re Irievc the luriunes of this sinking party. Tho leaders secm to be vvcll uwarc that people cunnn be induced to act, üri'essah oljoct it; placed bufore them. While a iNatioiKtl Jjitnk was suppused lo LeaUaina' bie, that answered the purpose. When that pr jtfct was defealed, and placed bevond the hope of a reáU-rrcction, some ofi the papers seized on Mr. Cla's noüons of améndïng the Constiïution as a substituto. But the niass of tlie pt-oplo could not be uterestèd in an abslrKét propo&iliön of that kind, and il failed: 'J'lie ILnne League prujêct bitlsi fa ii lo have a more ex'.ensive run, in;i.-ii:'!c!i as it fiupcais to the peciiniury intcersts of eveiy N nthern laborer. Wc have no dit-position lo entrr on a di.oussK n of tl:o TiiiilV; but shail throw out u few icmarks cüiieërhing t&i.s ncw pnrly aod some ol its priiiciplos. First, it wil!, be uoticcd ihat iho ncw '. party, (fur. such il ö in rcalitA ) iectional in its charactcr. It is conipuácd of j thern men. Jtseeksto promotc the inicr ësis of Ãortherñ. labor. Tuis is iis avowed oij(!ct. 2. il is cnlirdy pccuniary in its object. it is con vefsant only with dullms and ceuts. It nenhcr cares for, nor advócales, the righis of Noithern freernen, any further than ihose rights raay have nn influence in fiiling tho pockets f the Norih. - The Liberty pariy proposes firsl to secure to all men their personal righis, without negltÃcting their pecuniary inlcrebts; the Ta riff party passes by their their personal rtghls, and rnakes a tariÃT the jlrst ol ject, asa means o! increasing ihe value f Northern labor. Thus ihere is an essential diüt-rence in tlie fundamental ol jccis o! the Uvi parties. 3. Il iiuiy bc questioned wheiher impösiug immense dulius on foreign product?, is the only or lle b.(fft wiiy, to secure u favorable nmiket lor the pn.ductions of our country. Il is worlliy nfenquirv, whether quite ns much miglil not be gained, in a much shorter iÃmip, by proposing a mutual dimiuaiion of duties, rulher than an increase 'of them. ilas not the present favorable uuiket fofebtton been obtained, more by ncgotiation than by a heavy iariff? 4. The Tariff party cannot succeed in thuir ol'ject without the consent of the slaveholders, uuless the free States should hecome nearly tiuanimous in favor of a Tariff. Th(!y constitute now bul a small majority in the free States. The party may be anti-souihern in its churacier to long as the South oppose its projects - bui shoujd the South be inclined to meet them half way wilh a compromise, and bo able muiually toagree on a pro-slavery President, the TariiFparty and the Slave power would become good friends ngain wilh all ease. Menee the Tarifl' party must of necussity be pro-slavery in its character, because its oljecl cannot beattained without the consent of the slavebrecders. 5. The TarilT party is pro-slavery in ittf niüterials. The choree of the Tarifl party for President is doubtless Ucnry ry Clay. The western Whiga areularly parlial to hitn. The leading TarilT papers advocate his claims. C. The Tariff party is, and of course must be, opposed to ihe exisience of the Liberty party. Theür candiduies will be noitiinated and supported against ours. - Their oljects aie fundanientally different from ours, to be sought for by a different coursp. of policy. 7. The Tariff party will probably be brief in ils duration. Should it progress and succeed soon in the accompllshment of its object, il will nalurally cease to exist, and the materials will bo ready for any new conabination that ils leaders msiy desÃgnate. Sliould il not Le iuimediately succesful, noff ihat the wheel of levolution has begun to roll wiln increasing ve. locity, it tnusl give place lo olher suljects .of slill muro absorbing mierest. 8. The cause of jusilce iind equal righis has uuihing lo hope from the suceess of the Tariff party. It proposes nolhhig of the kind. Jl does not offer lo resist ihe Slave Power in uny of its aggressions on ihe liberties of the Nurth. To expect any permanent favorable action in favor of liberty ftom such a conibitialion, wuuld be as absurd as to look her gnijies fiom thorus, or fis from Uiislles. We hiivej thus frankly elaled our views of the new aspect in vvhich the Wblg party presenta itself, intendiug tu do ihem exa'ctjusticc in every point. We shall nut be drawn into any controversy on ihe ihis subject. Let the tariffinen in ihe old parties fight their ovvn batlles. If,. in doing. this they give a good blow at ilavery,vELL. Itonieniber, thcy mat gain ihcir object without securing ours. And we need a party ivHuec success MUST abolish &hver) ! We neeu scarcely fmy in conclusión, ihat a party thus sectional in its feeling, [iecuniary in its olject, doubilul in some of its pretftieeg, limiied in its p!an, oppoed to ihe success of the Liberty party, depenJenl on the Slave Power lor succes.0, ani pro-davery in iis materials, offinitics and preilections - is unworlhy the support of any true hearted friend of liberly. Ile uho drpenJs on that party to destroy ihe Slave Power, wiil be doomed 10 disap)ointmen'. ÃyThe People's Advocate says of the recent CleCtlon in New llampslure: 'The Liberty pnrty would have got 500 mure votes liad it r.ot been for wbi"tricks, in taking our men as theii c;uidiflates. It 3 time ibis whig p ra et se should j be denounced. We want none f their aid in the election ofour candidates. They j wijl have their hands f uil lo look out for thcinselves, without troubliug their neijilibors. Let it bo understood we have no fellowship for ihemasa party wlmievcr."
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