Anti-slavery In Tennessee--slaveholders Defending An Aboliti...
"I met here myorthy young friend Mm. H. Dunn of Blounl Couuty, who iparried the adopted daughter of ltobert Buy Ie. He informed me, ihm abom iwo weeks since Itev. Thornus Kendall, the clergymunof the seceder church (tlie same who was tarred and fealhered üy a mob in South Carolina some time sÃlice) gave un anti-slavery uddress al Louisvnie, Blouni county. Some men who live in this coun iy, Iteariiug of the appoinlmcni, sent word that they would come down aud mob hini if Ijo attcmpled to speak. The people sent woid to ihein, thut they rnight come - they should be we II prepared Ãur ihem. They met well armed, and (what may aopear very cxiraordinury) there was a number of slavcholders ih'ère wiih llieir rifles ready lo delend ilic liberiy ot speech. Nu atiaclt was made - and had one been atteni)ied, it would have provea disastrous tq Uie uggressore. II is uue, thut a very considerable poriion oÃ' our sluvehol 'era moPl sincerely desire the aboÃitÃou oi'siavcry. The luws do not pennit thera tu eniuncipale them, to reroain hcre, und weie they enraiicipuled, they would Le the objeeta ot perst cution. They (esjre tbe vvhole (kbric of slavery ovtithrown, so that ihc prospi rity of ihe Su;h may bc ptqcéd on a durable basis. In Cucke county iheie ure iwo societies oà the yoüng men, rccently lbrmed fur the public discussion of lavery and oiher ujects. Last wiek and the week bol'ure, ihe debate was, w In ther si 1very or iutmi)crance was the greatèsl nationul evil. Tlie debate is 10 be continued. There is tliere nosign ofopposition thul I have heard of. 1 atu candid in ihe.opinion, ihal if there wna a'o ami-slavery press ihcre, Ihe public t-eniiment would sustain it. Though in the pr'ëScnt st.Ue oà tho question; it would not bc cxpcdient to establihh one ihcre. A ii;w days since I-met with nn inlelügent young man from Liurens dislricl, fá. C, who toiil met hal there was inuch dis satisfaction there among the non-slarvehold ing pari of the CüintiuJinty,aiid that a luios i the only iutelligeuce they get on the subject was what appeared in the National Intelligencer. The low price of collón is doing much. Slave labor at present prices is i worihless or nearly so, furgrowing cotton. S:.les, 1 am credibly informed, range in Augusta from 4 to 6 cents - sumo extra parecis a liltle higher. They are now becotning txeeesively alarmed about the cullure ofcoUun in India."