General Bennett And Abolition
General BeniieU, Chief ui the ciiy , von, III , has come om in tbundering styl in favor of liie aboliitonists. lie suya - "I gave it (slavery) a fu!I and fair investigation ycars ago - I swore in my youih that my hands should never be bound, my foet fettered, nor my longue lalsitd - I am ihe friendf Liberiy, umvkesal liberty, both civil and religious. I cverdelested servile bondage. I wish to see the shackles full from the feet oÃ' ihe oppressed, and the chains of slavery broken. 1 hate the oppressor grasp and the lyruni'a rod; against them 1 set my brdws like brass, aócl my face like steel j and my arm is nerved for the conflict." '-Great God! has it come to thi?,- that the ftea citizens of the sovereign States of Illinois, can be taken and immured wiihin the walls of a Missouri peoitenliary for twelve long years, for such a crime as God would reard as a virtuo? - Sitnply for pointing bojidmen lo a state of liberly and law!''Good! Mr. Renslmw, well khovvn to aboliton6t3, was telling Theudore D. W eld of a violent personal attuck ujuu himseif. ' 'But," udded lié, "1 routcd them cumpleiely - I deniolished thcfli utterly." "Huw cüd yuu du it?" asked Mr. Weid. "How diJ ï do il? l'll teil you," suid he, clenching hts hnnds, and thrusting his arm frward, with ibe earnesinesa tiiat charuclerizGd liis tiiunner: '"i'll teil you how I did ii. gave them a tremendous letlitu
American Slavery
Old News
Signal of Liberty
Theodore D. Weld