Poetry: The Cold Water Conflict
ike the rush of the etorm, With tlie shout.of refornoj Thé triutnph of truth ia abroad; Like the -ivhirlwind it sweeps, Liko the lightning it lenps; Speed, speed to the tempest of God! Lo, thejug is upturned, And the barrel is burned, Aüd itg contcnt9 are scattered abroad; With our cold water mob, We shall finish the job - Mako way for tho chariots of God! Without trumpet or drum, In battalions thcy come, And thcir banners are floating1 abroad; Without weapons thej' fjght, In thcir cold water might; Success to the armies of God.' The conflict grows hot, With the sober and sot, Vho advauce to the war without blood; Come, unite, heart and hand, With the cold water band, And sliout for the battlo of God ! Ye men of thostill, Of the juj and the gill, Lo, the beacons are kindled abroad- The hogslicad in flames Yöiirsalvation proclaims- Come and list -wilh the legions of God!
Didactic Poetry
Old News
Signal of Liberty