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Mr. Giddings

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Our readers may rest assnred that Mr. Giddings has pursued, throüghoüt the lato cxtraordinary proceedings, a course eminenltyjudicious, patriot ie, dignified, finn, nnd honorable to himself anc! his constituent?. His resolution9 were most lirnely - they broke tho sileace of the House on a subject on which, before, every lip had been sealed. They have spoiled tho plot by which the slaveholdcrs intended to snutgglv the country into a war in defenco of slavcry. This is what made them so inad. This was the treason of the measure. The resolutions are so true, so logical, so irrefutable, thal the slavoocracy did hot dare to have them discussed, and Mr. Giddings therefore dtf wisely in withdrawing them, that they might nol be rpjected without discussion, h was patriotic in him to save tho country from a blind commitment to the uppnsiie of thoso resolution?, ut the expense of a war. His demand of time to prepare for his dofence was also strictly proper. It w;is a. right of the accused, and although, in the. particular case, hc would not have been caught unprepured, yet his omièsion to claim the right would have wrouiht injustice as a precedent in the case of others. A nionieni's rcfiriclion, aio, will satisjy every one thal he acted. right ii reilising to enter on his defence by iKo courlesy ar chariiy of his enemies. lïe knew enough of their temper to know that a defence, w'ith his head in the lion's mouth. wonld be rather an aggravaiion than nn advnntagc The following note from Mr. S. to the reportera of the Nuional Intelligencer, will place him on the highe3t grornd. To the Reporter of the Intelligenecr: IVhen I rose so ofíen during the confusión of the proceedings of the House this iay, and was so oftcn ealied to order, the lust time by Mr. Coopcr of Georgia, I had written, and desired to havo staled to tho Eouse, what follows: "Mr. Spnalcíjr: I stand befare the House ■huution. h i-r proposed lo ëen?ur(ï upoa me, suhstani at I differ in opinión Be tncml)crs. The ma without giving ne timo to b Bwould bo idle for ■nni of the dispoK3 the resolution. I have been violenlly a'ssailcd m a J'l noopponunity of J w. i do nút nou' stand ! ■Tavor or Jo crave nny Js of iho members, I3ut, Ban insulted constitucnr:y - roo of the sovoreign States Won - in behalfof the People of Kates and ihe Federal Constitution Wemand a hearing, ágréeably to the n guarantied lo me, and in the prdinafy nudo of proceeding. I accept of no other privilege; I will receive qo othcr courtesy.'" Mr. Giddings is, bcyond a question,thc abicbf, most. industrious, nnd most influential member of the flouse 'rom the wholc North West. There are others wlio make more noiso, but no other so universally repented Rnd confilcd in. His poaition as chairrnan of the Gómtriiüée of Claim?, placed there ly a sfuveholding Speaker, aflcr bis Florida speech, attests his standing ia the Hous-3. No other appointment in the House is so honorable a mark of covfulénce, and it may be safcly affirmcd thal lhÍ3 conñdence, both in his ability and his inlegrity, has continually increased pince his appointment. " The Washington correspondent of the Ñew York Commercial Advertiser, no great admirer of aboHtionists, says,--r liMr. Giddings, is a smgularly mild, afiaj)le, modest, reliring person; a man of unassuming manners,of unobtrusive character, and remarkably gentle and quiet in bis way oí urging his opinions upon thoso whom he would convince. He reprecnis tfte Western ;Ro?crvo Iitrict, (;ho 16th)ín Ohio, vvhich s .trongly imbued wilh anti-slavery principies, and to tlic iniorésís of hts constituents he is de o!eJ - The re is nnthing wild or fanatical' iri bis modo of discharging what he thinks his cliitios as a Icgi.síalor. and a elcarer, cooler head docs not minóle in ihe business of iho Houee oí Representalivcs than that ni Mr. Giddings. He snccèéded Mr. "Whittlesey, (now Auditor of the Post Office) as (he chairraon oi' the committee of claims in the House; a réspririsibía post, which he has filled with índefütiorahle zeal, and wi'h univcrsally admitterl efficiency.?' Wo bavo no doubt, he will come b'ick with a vola noarly ünanimóus, frotn bis great district. Lot every nvin yivo h? volé. A great principie i: ntslake. Tho righis of ev.ery represeatjuivo of thé pcople are in iasue. VVo-ïulmire une! cordial Iv nnprovi' (r fóllowing senlimonf Of tile N!v Yoik Iv.ciiing Poet, i dfiifiocjjíilirí i-.per. "Mr. Giddingf dios weli in and nppp:l;n lo bis cbnstituen's. U'u hopo t'hey will sem! biin bak by un unan imous volé. If wo (yod amoyjj.them we would lay aside all party prefèrences to vimÜcato the rights which }iarc boon po nrbi'rarily wresteLfrom their representaiive." Tho Democrncy of Turnbull district, ti re of that sort, and ihe viows of the Post will have semfl uciln there. Mr. Giddihgs cujiys tlio entirc respect añil esteom of evury man in his district . lic was broughl up arnonií tbern, helped tlic eaily scíiIpcs cleur oíf the l'nick forests, &uhi wilh them in ihc ranks dúring the last war.and afler lila honorable exenions rmcio bim oiiE of the most suecessftil lawyers va tbat part of the State, his rnodesty, sim;lii%ily of tnauners, kiminess, and unspoHnd in'.o;r rity, havo made bim jusily the frien'd of every hotiest man, anti every lionot man hi? friend. The effect of tlris iñasterly movement, o avertiög tho cahunity of a war lor the defonce of the 6lavc trade, will be butler appreciated hercnftor. The view taken of the ea?e by one cf tlio oldcRt and most constant dioiula of liberty on the spnt, will be etíen by tho f.1lowingcard from Mr. Slado to the N.ition al Intelligenter: - Gentlemen: In asking permistión to say (hrougli yonr paper thnt I wasdetained from the House yesterday, and lost the privilege ofvotingon the resüluiinn ffoe-n?ure of Mr. Giddings, by cofitihued indisptjsition, ['fake the occasion to add, ihat 1 have reaci [hc. róceédttfgs which rësröltcd in that censare, wilh a, a id an indignation vhifh I can find no Inntingo to express; Burprise a. the mfatuaiion which thüs continúes to characlerizc the movemonts of slaverv iri (he populai branch of thö National Leuislnture, and iiidignation at lbo outragc wliich has (hua been pcrpelraled upon the jrst freedom 'f action„--f riie pcople's repiosentatives, and by necessnry conscqnenco, upan lbo people ihoinselvci!, in a-Hall onre GonsecrHted to freedorn, hut now desecraJèd to purposes of me most high-hrmdèd nd insupportahlé oppresion. I feel it dtie to Mr. Giddings tosay, that f approve the resolutions, whose presentation by him have fonnedthe sround of this extraordinary procpoding.and.etanfl ready here and evory wherc, now and for ever lo maintain them. ltespectfuüv yourp, WILLIAM SLADH. March 23, 1S42. Mr. B irnard alao publishes a card, sfatinx that ho purposely absentnd himself from lbo vote, bècau?e bo regarded the wholo proceodmg so unconstituiional nd öufragèouS that he would not lend it even the sanction of a vote in the negative. - Mr. Brigix?, of Massachnsetls, was absent on a vi.-it lo hss furml v, and Mr. Burnell was sitk.