Classified Ad
THRIÃÃSHJLN'G MAGHiÃjáS, HOltSK POWER, MILLS, kc. THE undersigned are manufacturingand I will keep constnntly on hand at their shop two and a half miles west of Ann Arhor, near the Rail Road, HORSE POWERà anüTHRESHING MACHINES.- The horse power is a ncnv invention by S. W. Foster, and is d .cidedly superior to nny tliing nf the kind ever before ofFered to 'he Public. The pnce of a Four Horse Poteer, a good Threshing Machine is lüO dollars, r.t the "shop; without the Machine, ninety dollars. These Horse Powers can be nut-.ú with two, threo or four horseá to good ad van! age. Threje men with two horses, can thpesh one hundred bushels of wheat per day (if it yields middling wel!,) and it wi!l not b hard work for the horses. The Horse Power and Thresker can both be put in a cuuiuion waggnn box, nnd drawn my distance by twú horses. The Ttm Horse Power will be sold nL the shop, with the Tlircshcr for om; liundred dollars; without the 'l'hreshcr, for seventy-fivf ilollars. They alao manufacture STRAW CÃTTERS, recently invented by S. VV. Fostkr, which are decidedly pref'erable fö my others for nutting struw or èor.n stalke, by horsé or water power." Tliey aiso work by havd. - Prico, fi ticen ilollarÃ. - ALSO- CAST-IRON A1ÃLLS for grinding provender, at the rale of six to fijSfht busheJa per bovjr, vyjtii two horses or by walor. (TSMUT MACl'nNCS of superior conBtructióp. IfÃvchted by S. W. Foster. - l'rice, sixty dollars. S. W. FOSTER, b Co. Scio, June 23, 1341. 10-ly ANTI-SLAVERY ALMAN ACS FOR 1842 - jnst received and for sale at this office Pfice 6cüït.d single;50 pel dozen. ' _______ Pïodsice oL evevy DcscrÃplioM, O& ECK1VED in p.ayincnt for Job work, JÃt' Advertiriitig and Subscriptions lothe " MfXAX of Libkrty," if dèliroTÃd at the Ofiic?, phmedtatuly over the Btire of J. Beckley, Co ipril 28 COFAltTNERSHlP. ySBIlE undersij(ned, James Jones fe Ca ler N. Ormsuy, mider -the name and fiim of JONES èt QRA1SBY, have this d;iy formed a copart.nership fd'r the manufacture and sale of PAPER, óf various descriptions and quality. They have connected with their Mili, a B O O K BTNDERY, where all ordurs in that line may be met with noatness and dispatch. They aro now in ert-asing their machinery, by which they wiil ?)o enabled more promptly to answer ordera for Paper, &c. JAMES JONES, C.N. ORMSBY. i Ann Arbor, March ü, 1842. tf