Weekly And Semi-weekly New-york Courier And Enquirer
To the Public. - From and afier Friday, 11 Ui instant, the JVeekly and Scmi-tf'eekhj Courief and Enquirer will bc enlurged Ie ihc size oà the Daily paper, and ulier inducemeÃits tu the ndveniser nnd general n-ader, such as have. rarely been prt-senlcd by an papers in the Umied States. Skmi-Wekkly - This sheet will be publishnd on Vrdkesiavs nnd Saturdays.- Ou the outside wil) be pi&ced ;ill the contents of liie D.iily sheets for tln two precedinf. daye, togerher with appropriate maller ibi tlie general reader selected for the purpose and th iuside will be the inside of the Daily puper of the s;tme day. Thüs all udvertisemsnts in lhe Daily pnper on Wkdnksdayà and Saturdays will aLso appear Ãn the Seir.i WeekJy paper for these day?, without rui} additional charge (o tho uilverliser. This ptibhcalion will ofcoursR. be mailed ivitli thf Daily püper of the saaie date, nnd carry te the reader n the country tiie very latt-bl inielligence. TEAMS OP TIIE SKMI WEKKLY PAPER. F our Dollars per ühnura, puyabie in adva nee. Fivc Dollars per annuni, in all cases wher payment is not m:u)e in ndvahcé. Any persun fyrvvarding twenty-dollars ir mbney nol more tban five per cent below par, foae of postngo, will be entitlod to Btven uopii-s lo bo sent to he s;me post office; anc at similar rart3 for any langer uuinber of sub scribers. VVhcn the rnouny sint is more than live p?r cnt br;low par in this city, il will be eod at ihu ciirrenl rates, the procceds carried to thè credit of the eubscriber, and the papurs ser.t for o pro rata penod ol lime WEEKLY COUHÃER AND KNQüiRRR, This sheet, also of tlic BÃzé of tho D.iil Courier, and the Iargest weekiy paper iSSiiet from a daily press, iil! be publieh.-d nu Sai.indays onlyjiind in addiüon to uil tho mat ter pubtished in iho Daily during the weeli, wili contüin at le;.st pne conUniioiis story and a great varicty pf 'extracta on misceüanooiiá subj.-cts, relattng to History, Politie?, Literal ure, Agriculturc, Manufactures, and the Mechanic Arts. lt is iuiended to moke ihis 6'eet the most perfect, as it wijl be one of ihe tallest of the kind, ever offered to the readiog public; that 3 a ncwspaper in tho broadest sen?e of the ;enn, as lt necess?.rily will be. from c ruaining all the matter of tho Daily Courier, and at the samo time vry tóiscellanêoiw and lilorary, by rer.son of selections nnd riptit)Tfciitions set up expressly for injertion ui tlns paperj Tho politics of tho CourasR Sf EjiquiRE are loo well known to the public t reqnire any explanaUon. Il was this paper which rlröt gave tba name of Whios onn LocoFocos to the two grer.t porties in the United grates'; and CÃ'ültf ts counsol.s have prevalled at Hnrrisburg in D. cember, 1&3Ã), HENRY CLAY would nuvv have been i'resident of the United States. lts motto ia "Justice to 'Iïakuy of tuk Wkst,1 tel the conseqiiPiict33 Oe whai ihey may;" and it ia the only paper in thegreat commercial emporiuui of the United States which has assumed and will raaintain this position. TBR.-U8 OF THE WnKKI,Y CO.ÃRIII AMD N - qUIRKR. To eioglo subscribers, three .dollars ver annum. To two or more sub?crHer loss i!ian b'ix, to besent to the same Post-Office6} tico dolla-rs and fifty cents per annum. To six subscribera andjessthan twéntyfive, to be 6ent to not moré than three different Post-Ollices, two dollars per annum. To classes and commJttees over twentyiive in number, lo be sent in pareéis not less thun ten to any one Pust Office, one dollar and seventyjive cents per annum. In no case wlll a Weekly Courier be forwarded (Vom tho offic.a lor a penod lesa than one year, or unlcss payment ia made in advance; and when the funds sent are belovv par,t they will be soid at the currc-nt rates and lhe discoent be deducted from the amount cirricuJ to the credit of tho 6ubseriber. In Jike rnanner, when poslage is not p;id, it will be deducted froin tho" amount enclosed . All Postmastcr3 are nuthoriznd by the Postmostor General tó forward funds fro subscribers, f ree of post age; a:id al! rexiiitt.-tncee rnade through PosLinasters will be at our rÃ3k. Generul Agent?, Carriers, 8sc S,-c. will alwaya bc supplied witli any nurner of copies they may n-quire, on givin; tvvo d -lys' notice, at four dollars per huudred. The Daily Morning Courir and JVewYork Enquirer, in euusequenc of its gréat 3ireulation, haa boon appointed the ofkÃcial PArHR of the Circviland District Courlsof he United States lo publisii all noiicesand Jther'proceedings m exsea of JÃankiiuptcy n the Southern District of the iStale of lYew-York; nnl aji such notices will he m;t:rted at least once] in both tho weeily.wi'd semi-vve'.'hly papers; Ãn addition to w'.'nch, wo ehail aloo jjiihüeij in our Daily, Weèkly, ind SeniiSWeeHy papers, a fuif list öf all he anplicafions in the United States for the lencfit of lhe Bjnkrupt Law. Prices Currenl and Review of the Marhet, ijriU olcüiirse, be pubüshed at length in each )f the three papers. Country Papers with whicb. we exchango,' vre respectfully requtsted ïf convenient, to ;ive lliiü advurtisemeut one iusertion and cali Utention to the safaré; and every daily, locek'y, er semiweeldy paper in thu United Statte,! ,vith which we do not exchane, will bo en.itled to an exchang.i for at least one year, )U pi ving this advtutiseuiont an insertion and jalling public aitention to it. The weekly and sWni-weekJy of Salnrday next, will contuin the iirsl Ibur chapters- all that have appeared- of '-Our Mess, or the Life Gaardsman," by the author of'-Charles O'Mallev." Nao Vork, February 3,1843. llfltdlt
New York Courier
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