American Ladies' National Magazine
! GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK, FOR m I The most splcndid and valuable Monthlu ; Periódica! ever published. The only map : azine devoted to Ladies and cmducted j members oftheir own scx. Compoeed en tireiv of original anieles, hy the irfba' em nent writera of tho age; and emboÃliahei ! wiih a largiir number and a greater varielv of cos.tJy,.elegant and at,tracuve pictorial il lustrations, ihan any similar ljubhcation EDITED BY i ïïrS ?LL Hale' Monon M'Michaei Mrs. L, H, bigourney,lj. A. Godey. CONTRIBUTOKS PO ACH KUMBBR j Miss. C. M. Sedgwiik, N. P. Willis i Miss E. Loslie, Mrs.C. L"e Ãmc, j Mrs. E. C Embnry, T. S. ArlhÃr, 'iiieodoro S. Fay, Mrs. E. F EÃlet In announoing to hfo nunierous patroi jand th public at large, Uw arrangctncHUi . lor Ihe y car mi ti iroprieiâr of Godev'a [LHya Book, w.kes occasion to ackiiowlà ef tho mipirnlioloc1 ;uul triuniphant succéel i ftl lus Magnzuui, yv-lnch hns now rëachcd ; the ottraonl!,,;,, -y ui.ïber otforty thoutmi j wo?!A.v; bemga farmer editiün than has ev i er been pnnted of ai;y other work of aiw descViption ,n America. Tius süc-Céa ho ia : avvare has ,een nttaiml l-y the vast operL Diauitaincd over thecontemporary magazinoa vr!.cli havo ittcinplL'd to rival lts merite, 6 : snporuiriiy wlnch he iá still detcrQ}incd to. I preserve by kecping it, in all its departments . lileráryj irilellèdtual end moral, aö vvell a3 ; pictori.:], emblematic, artistie, and mechanicah That thi is rib idfè boast, hc anpeals . to tlio experiene? of tho past tvvelve ycárs ,m all whicli {'uv.r.Jm has made ro promiJi to the publïc n-hicli he kas not ètriclly per formeel, nor fmderiaken unytjiing whiuh hts üieans diil not éñab'(fc liim to acconiplisii t5 ihe ntmnat. Décrüig-, as he is abpu.t'tq do, j on tho 2it!i Voiunje'of the Lady's Book) i vith increaspd enérgy and accumulated ro' eources.-with an ampie knowlodge of thebu: siness in whïch he k ongnged, acqnircd by ! lonrr yrnrs of unrciintted appiication: witha 1 snbácriptioii list unparal!ek;d in thtj anna8 of litera: ure: 'uitli numetous facilities not j possiïssüd by any other pubKshtfr; with welldigestüd and wide-e.tönded argument-;; and nliove'al!, with a Kloadfast purpose of maiotaining the lofty clevation hi.s work hos reaclied, the proprietor has not hesitated to incur exponÃes, which undör other circum elances might provo starUing, but by means of whicli he wül be enahled to mako the La-J ; i!y'a iiooic, the richest, the rarest, the mosi , attractiye, and tho most vnluab'e periodical intrinsical and estrinsically, ever üffered to the American public. Splendi(]) colored platee of the fushionp,will also bcgiven every fnonth, containing at least four female, figures, and Qinbodyin in cvery instance Ihe latest costums, receiv ed dinectly froin a correspondent at Pnris. Address L. A. GODEY, 10 1 Chesnut street, Phüadelphia.
Godey's Lady's Book
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Sarah J. Hale
Mrs. L. H. Sigourney
Morton McMichael
L. A. Godey
Miss C. M. Sedgwick
N. P. Willis
E. Leslie
C. Lee Henez
Mrs. E. C. Embury
T. S. Arthur
Theodore S. Fay
Mrs. E. F. Ellet
101 Chestnut St Philadelphia PA