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104 Men Depart For Army Duty: 35 From City, 69 From County Go To Detroit

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Walter Hanselman, William E. Wall, Kenneth R. Yager, Francis W. Ceriani, Wendell J. Wise, Eddie W. Langowski, Benedict Joe Storemski, James B. Birch, Harold Girbach, Melvin C. Middleton, Lawrence R. Husse, Erwin W. Herbst, Alexander Sabo, Russell E. Kwiecinski, Roy C. Spencer, Chester G. Burtch, Robert E. Leeson, Leonard L. Marken, Edward W. Knox, Harold M. Caroen, John F. Tyler, Austin L. Marsh, Gordon D. Burgar, Robert E. W. Bailey, Emil E. Hill, Clarence J. Goodman, Alfred C. Roth, Henry P. Basler, Kenneth E. Darley, Joseph A. Juergens, Jr., Harry H. Woodruff, Edwin C. Goltz, Elgen E. Motluck, Walter J. Burris, Charles P. Wagner Michael J. Neckel, Glendon T. Lunt, Reinhold E. Weber, James B. Lau, Paul A. Kemner, Robert H. Borusch, James R. Wier, Eldon C. Jones, Robert N. Woods, Walter M. Suter, Harold F. Barth, Rudolph H. Ottoman, Clarence S. Niethammer, Raymond A. Wiedmayer, Clarence E. Applegate,