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ANN ARBOR BOOK. STORE. ONE door west. of the Lafayette House, to b sold on commission, it Detroit cash prices, in addition to the Classic: 1 and school Books, advertised by others in this village. copies of clnssicul and coUo.l lo„lt.. wU;.,U „....noi Oc iounü cUowhere in the villnge, together with a good obsortment of interesting books, and Staüonery, &c. Any book wonted which I have not on hand, i( to be i'ound in 'he city of Detroit, wiil, on short noties, be procurcd without charsre-s. CHAS.'MOSELEY. Ann Arbor, April, 27, 1Ö42. TAILORING BUSINESS ! AM. NOBLE, would respectfully inform the citizens of Ann Arbor and itsvicinity, thnt he has opened a shop in theLower Town, imme diately over the late mercantile stand of Lund & Gibsori. and oppositc the s:o.e of J. Beckley & Co., whare he is prepared at all times todo worlt in his line. with promptness, and inaneatand durable manner. Particular auention willbe paid to cuttini garments. Produce will be taken at the usuai pri ees, íbr work done at his shop. T,hese who hav cash to pay for services of thts kind, are particularly invited to cali. Ann Arbor, April 27. 1842. vvooni woodü wooóü!' WANTED IMMEDIATELY, a fowcordf of good dry wood in exchange for tho "SlO.VAL OF LlBRRTY." Ann Arbor, Apr. 22. 1842. _ PORK AND VVHEAT wanted by F. Desison, for which goods or money will be paid at fair rates. , Ann A'bDr, April 28, 1842. tf HUJLLOW WARE, S TOVES. &c. nniTE Subs;ribers have just received from th X Geauga Company's Furnace a large consign ment 3f Hollow Ware, consisting of SUGAR KETTLES; from 22 to 60 gallons; CAULDRONS, several sizes; KETTLES; BAKE-OVENS wilhhd TEA KETTLES; GR1DDLES; . SPIDERS; and Fire Dogsof all Borta and mzeê They will also shortly be in receipt of a largt PARLOR, COOKING, AND BOX embracing all the voties of the most mproYJh patterns-all of v'ch thcy will sel at furnaet prices; adding ansportation; at wholesale or if They VdeP constantly on hand to sell at lowrt vÁLT, fresh from the works. FLOUR AND TAR. PARRISH&CO. Near the Rail Road Depot, Ann Arbor. 5U DR. J. B. BARNES, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEOÑ.- House and Office, ■% k Joora south of the Lafayette Houïö, where ht M be found night and day. Ann Arbor. April 20th, 184?,


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