Dismantling of Allenel Under Way
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Under Way 3
_ _ _
Radiators are now being re-
lmoved' from the old Afllenel
Hotel as phase one of the razing
of the four-story structure and
adjacent properties to make
way for a 10-story $3,000,000
The properties are between
116 and 126 E. Huron and be-
ltween 106 and 118 S. Fourth
Ave. °
A\.%it Demolition Co 'of
Detroi wolish the struc-_
ltures after n permits from
lthe city and a bar-T
ricade around th ition
site. Workers have ju ovedj
in to remove radiators.
First buildings to be razedj
are at 116 E. Huron and 118;
_S. Fourth. They are to be torm
-down “by hand,” disconnecting
lthem from the Allenel and ad-
l.jacent-structures... --.. = __
Architect Stanley R. Bragg of
Ann Arbor, designer of _the new*
hotel, said the two buildings are
to be razed first to prevent
shock waves from traveling
through structures being to r nl
down to the adjacent perma-j
nent or temporary structures. 1
An Auto City Demolitiom
spokesman said indicated that
it will be at least two weeks.
lbefore outside demolition workj
twill begin. . ~ A
_ Acrane equipped to handle.
steel demolition ball andclam
bucket (jaw type ‘with teeth)
will be used to do the majority
of demolition work.
_ Using the crane, the majorityl
jot. demolition work will be com-
pleted in a seven-day p e rio d,
Bragg indicated. ~
l Also to be razed, but later,
jare properties from the north-
lwest corner of E. -Washington
jand S. Fourth Ave. to the Na-
uional -Bank & Trust Co. Build-
jing. _
l Those properties are to be de-
molished by the city to make
way for a 150-car carport, three
levels high, which is to be com-
pleted at the same time as the
new hotel. Demolition has not
yet been scheduled.