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We ought to have mentioned sotne time since, thatünmotion of Mr. Adams, all petitions, duririg'the rest of the Session, are to be handed quietly to the speaker, who will decide on their reception and reference. So that we shall hear no more on that topic at present. Lnrgo numbers of Turiffand Abolition petitions are thus prescnted and disposed of. Quite a number against the annexation of Texas have been presented. The House of Repre3entatives have adopte d an amendtnentto the General Appropriation bill by which all the printing of the Executive Departments k hereafter-to be advertised and given by contract to the lowest responsible hitïJor. This s a good move. and ought to be followed by every state legialature. The apporUonment bill was discussen in the House, and all manner of opini ons were presented and supported. Mr. R. D. Davis proposed one Represcntative for 25000 people, so that the mechanics, farmers and business iiicn could obtain seats in the House; and he would obvíate the expense by reducing th e pay of the membors fromeightto four dollars per day, and taking away the franking privilege.was argueii thut a iurge nuinber of meii were les. liable to be corrupted or infiuenced by the Exccu live thaii a smaller number. The opinions o Washington and the eider Adamo wcre quoted in support oi' large legislative bodies. On tho other hand, some proposed thatfhe rate je 150,000, and thence downward beiwecn the 2Xtremes. It was urged tliat by reducing the numer the character of the House would be increas;d, business depatched, and the expense reduced. Vlr. Wise and Mr. Underwood advocated 141,000 is the ratio. The vote was taken in committee of thfc wholc, icginning with the last nientioned number, and fter trying thirty different numbeis, the blank vas filled by 60,500, by a vote of 84 against 06. ['his number will make the House contain 50 nembers. On motion of Mr. Wise. the House resolved liat on Suturday, April 23 at 12o'clock, in comliance with a polite invitation from the Secretairy of the Nazy, they vvould visit certain steam, hips of war, then lying in the Potomac. The follovving resolutions werc adopted, the ïrst by the Cuyahoga A. S. Society of Ohlo; the econd by the Marlborough society of tho eame ! tate. They show a rapid change in the public eeling. Resolved, That wc believe in the doctrine of Fhoinas Jefferson, that if ever the slaves should itrike lor freedom, "there is no attribute of the Jeity that can take part with us in such a conest;" and ií such a war shall ever take place we vill not be found contending with the God of the he oppressed. Resolved, That we declare distinctly and emihatically, that we will in no case aid the oppiressorofour colored brothren at the South, in igain reducing to bondage, him who hasasserted ns inalienable right to liberty, or by taking up irnis in defence of his right.


Signal of Liberty
Old News