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Liberty Party In Scio

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Mr. Signal of Lieerty: - Sir, I observe in fonr nolicing the ïapid inciense of abolition votes in the dirlerent towns in üiiscounty at the recent ;own elections, you omitted notictng Scio. As [hat was the first town in the State (1 believe) nrhich politically ofganized under the abolition janner, it may be intercstmg to your patrons to inow how fast the wheels ot' Liberty are accumulating atrength in thal quarter. Yours iruiy, BURXETT. Scio, April J5Ü11842. We have received the above note through the Post Office, bearing the signature of a prominent whig gentleman of thia county, and a Juslice of the Peace of the town of Scio. Were the article anonymous, we should pay no attention to it; but as the request has been formally made by a respectable gentleman, we cheerlully comply wiih t. We are not ashamcd of our friends or our cause, in any part ot the country. They are not men who put thcir hands to ihe plough, and louk back. The liberty vote in Scio in 1840 was 8 - last spring, 11 - last fall, for Senators 17 - for Governor, 19 - lh3 spring we are informeel it was 15. Two liberty voters arrived at the polls too late to vote - two more were sick and couid not sttend - two who votedlast fall, had removed from the town. If these tacts are "intereoting," in 'any degree, to Mr. Burneu,or the Whigs ot" Washtenaw generally, they are welcome to the knowledge of thüm. That they feel a deep interest in them, Í6 evident frora the circumptnnce that adeiicienc} of four liberty votos in one town, is, with thom,a matter of congratulation and rejoicing sutricient to induce them to ask lor a public notice of snch a phenoinena in the papers. Truly, small favors are thankfülly recoicd. Wa wouid euggest to Mr. Burnett that the result in t'ue olhcr towns in this county might not be devoid of interest to him or Lis political friends. Will he examine them?


Signal of Liberty
Old News