No More Tears, No More Tears
'No more tears, no more tears'
First of all, I would like to thank God, my Protector and my Friend. Without Him, I know I would not be a free man today.
For myself, my family, my friends and supporters, we all send our condolences to the Welka family. We know that you have had a great loss. I am sure that the “real killer” will pay for this senseless act of violence.
I would also like to say to the Welka family: Just hang in there. Everything happens for a reason, and none of us are in a position to question God. Remember that if this person is never caught, he will eventually have to answer to God.
I want to thank everyone who believed in me and supported me from the moment that they heard the news about my situation. You really find out who your friends are in times like these. Although I can’t say any names, I love you all and thanks again. This goes out to the people who are inside the Washtenaw County Jail, my friends who came to court and the people who sent their support from wherever they were.
To my family: Thanks for being there for me, especially Mom and Dad. You did everything you could and more to get me out of there. All I can say is I love you and thanks. Good things come to those who are good to others. No more tears, no more tears.
Clarence D. Powell II
Pittsfield Township
Washtenaw County Sheriff's Department
Pittsfield Township Police Department
Murder Victim
Huron High School - Students
Glencoe Hills Apartments
Eastern Michigan University - Students
Crime & Criminals
Courts - Washtenaw County
Clark Atlanta University
Has Photo
Old News
Ann Arbor News
Thomas Welka
Renee Welka
Nancy Welka
Clarence Powell Sr.
Clarence Powell II
Bobbie Powell