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Albany Convention

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l'lic A. tí. Conventioniiir Eastí-iii Xew York nssemblcil ;it Albany. Apri! U. i 00 nnmcs were reported as delégate? representing 12 qpunifes. The meeting continuo!' ivo days T!io evening meetinirs were fully at tended, nnd were nddrcssed hy Gerrit Smith nn j H.B Stnnton. Tlie Jrish Address wns unrollcd and hundreds came forward to examine the signatures of Father Mathew. Daniel O'Conml. and i Dr. Madden. A Society ws förmed for E.-istern New York, ml a conslitution adopted, the objet of which is to effect the entire abolition of slavery in the United States by all righteousnieans.' Article 3 reads thus: No meniber uf this society símil voto for any cnndidnte. ior President or Vice Presilent of the United Statns, or for Governor or Lt. Governer of the S:ate of New York; or fnr a seat in the National or S'ate Legislature, or any "ther civil office who is reasonnbly suspecied of bein opposed to the immediate repenl of any hw, which snnctions slavery. or which in any wise, siigmatizes j the people of color.Dr. Chaniimg's ne%v pamphlet. reviewing Mr. Webster' s 1 'tter of instructions to. Mr, Everect in :he Creoie case, is pijbüshed. and extracta appenr many pnpere. lt examines every posit ion in that document with much ability. In the Pennsylvania Freeman il is published "entire. Mr. Webster was rather fnst in laying down his positions. They will be f:ir fromadding any thing 10 his reputation at the North. The Toronto Herald, U. C. contains a communication signed by Samuel Jackson, George Johnson and Bartlet Holmes, persons of color, who formerly residcd in Richmond, Va., setting forth the character and habits of Messrs. Wise and Botts, by way of answer to the sneers of those gentlemen in their speeches in Congress respecting Monsieur Quashipompo, with his wooly head, black skin, splay feet and negro splendor. They state that Mr. Botts notwithstanding his abhorrence of the noxious smell of the negro race, in 1832, was the father of three children by his slave, named Sally He had children. by a white woman anda slave, living within sight ofeach other at the same time in the city of Richmond. They declare that they. have known Mr. Wise when a member of the Legislature, indulge from night to night in the most licentious profiigacy with the colored témales of that place. And notwiths'anding the sneers of these gentlemen a: the colored race, they owe to their unrequited toil, iheir wealth, and education, and their standing as members of Congress. We know nothing of the truth of these assertions except from the testimony of these men. But all who are acquainted with Southern institutions, are well aware of the almost univevsal profligacy that prevails there in the intercourse with the colored race; and the statements, in the case of Mr Wise. will receive additional credit fiom hi known want of moral principie and utter reckless' ness ot character.


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