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The New York Watchman

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Ueyotvd to ihe lutcyests of Potestnnt C'iri-ti.initv, Literaturt, Sat-ncr, Elncntion, the Arts, Aírif.iiltnrp, Mi m".ril pnterpiiaes of the asre, uriil to the di'.Tnsion of rp.;eral in:d'iir(ncp. t'Khovrièage is the lijjht ot'hejivenj frfp, pure, pieajFtint, exhausile.'s. Jt inviips ;ill to po-=s(í5.-io!i: it adrnits of n- preemn'ion, no riijlits gxcliipivg, no monopoly." For six vfius. i Iiïr p-ippr has benn eoining in tlie confi.Jenci.' nf tlie pt'iblic. lts c!nrncter as n indepen ent, l'rornry nnd reliffioua jourmi, i n uv fnlly é is evident frora its eire laiion nmn '■ ( nli classes of the comnr.inity. 'l'li'iso w'ho dosiro A "(JOOD FAMILY NRWSPAPER, Freo Irom thp feit mips of séclnrinnism, which ure pq offei'sive to tlie spirit of Gh rist ia nity-- " n p-iper wliicli adrnits aiiitablfi articles on nll Riilijpcts upon which the comuniiity need to be informei! - .1 pnper oppn, eipeci;illy to the claims of Mifft'riiiir linnvinitv, m iy be assured flra't nn efFrfs wil] he spa red to rentier tbis acnpjjtafilp nnd worthy of their It has a hnre nnm'inr nf able mi-I intellmenr corio-pon lents, who-n noin'utin cations will enrich its Irom tjuï'n to thnn, on natural :u)(! revvilrd theol ",-ƒ rovixals-, nii-sions, hiim:in rirht-, triiippniiicc ediu.-ation'. sabbat h and omiiion srliool-, moral rclo-in, heallli airricultnrp, g'iMiloiry, p( ysnli)ov, animant;il píiilosopliy, rhusié, rewew.of boók", Sec. ht n wonl, it ocenpies a hVkl of usehilnes-, not npproprnred ly any other j,eriodica'. in this or in any otfipr co'intry. 'i'lu spvenh Volume commonced .Tamiary lst 1812 rl'he ir ce is only two dollars n ymir. in advnnt.e: ntïd this is sitilieiently loV to put it witliin tho fêa'ch of all. RpfuW. von havo u personal nforest in the Neiv York Wütrhmnn! For. he who has a tipa't to know hi.s whole lnfy whose soui tliirsN Inr infórnfijüioii on all tliose subjcts most dir ctly cótinp.cted with man's hirrhest ha ..piDcss, will find assis'.ance in the columns of 'liis puifr. The YVatchman is püblished eyefy Satnrclay. l6, Fulion strooi, NeW York, where siib.=ori)!i -ns nro resp ctftilly toliciied. December, 25 fi.; 1841. 36tf.


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