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The Single District Plan

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Should the bilí passcd by the Home of Rcpresentatives bccome a law, requiring each member to be elected froni a emgle district of coniiguous terntory, it is likely to produce a great breaking up ofpohtical cnlculations. The contrivancc oV doublé dietrictè nas been fine game for politicians, wlnch will now be broken up. It will also have the effect of making the reprcsentation more popular by breaking up all large combinations. The greatest operation of this kind will be the ciiy oi'New ïork, which Will have to be divkled intó six distncts, wltn aeun.lus oflO or 11,000 eqnal o the lst or llih Witrd, to a coniiguous district.- Long Island will make two distriets, with a surplus oí 10,000, Richmond has 10,905. Ilere are thrce portions, on as many islands; lo whai are they ''contiguous," to Weatcheater, or Rockend, or Albany, or St. Lawrencei Tlicse :]0.000 disposed of, however. and the work will bc conoparatiyely simple, íñvolying only two importtam perplexities, the desire of the counties to preserve their entlrety, and the anxiety of political managers to pack and arrange townships in the way most likely to favor their party objecta. The disaicting of New Hampshire will go far to break up the ey6tem by which that State has been so long kept under the control of a politica] cabal, bent on the emolumenta of office in the nume ot democracy. Jn Ohio, Giddinc's district -will consietofthe three counties of Ashtabnla, Granger and Lake, 49,759, with perhaps a single small township from rrumbull. In the other extreme, Hamilton and Butler will together make two districts. In Pennsylvania, Philadelphia city and county will make five distriets, with a fraction to spare lor the deficiencj of Bucks. However, the arranging of all the distriets by the several State Legialaturee, will be a work of mach lrJar. ee pecially in the large States. Scveral of the State legislatures have appointcd extra ssssions for this purposf?. so as to hold tke Congressional election as usual next fall. Should the Senate act with promptness on the bilí as now passed by the House, of which I understand there is a fair prospect, the way will be open for a settlement of this great question for the coming ten years. The operation of the single district system will be favorable to the Liberty party while it is in its adolescent state, enabling us to carry a district at 1 time, one in one State and another in anpther: But when we begin to advance by States, it will 6t3 against ue, because we shall carry the majority of a whole State sooner than we can carry majority in cvery district. Still. the district sys tem is the most fair, the most republican, and bes calculatcd to secure the rights of the minorit, whichever it may be, and therefore it ought to


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