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An Anti-slavery Society Organized South Of Mason And Dixon's...

An Anti-slavery Society Organized South Of Mason And Dixon's... image
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J he íollowing letier from our Tcnnessee correspondent is of thrilling in'.erest. TJie Rubicon is passed! Anti-Slavery has obiained a fnut hold on tlie other - the slaveholding side of the Une! For a long ihr.e we have known that thé Spirit ofFieedom was there - struggltng amid the monutncnls oí"Opprcs6Íon. to gain í'or iisell a íbrni and name. Here we have it - a precióos írerm- the Gcrard Valteij Anti-Slavery Society. '1 bis feeble band, gathered amid ihe husis 01 üfjpression, ehall yet prove victorious, thruugh ilie might ol Iioly Principie. ín tli6 íirpt modern Anti-Ölavery ojgiinizaiion in a slave State, willbe found a living germ that sliull propágate iiseli throughout the South. Will ye despise the acorn, Juet thrusting outite shoot, Ye gianta of'thc forest, That s:rike the deepeat root? Of what is small, but living, God makes himself the uurse; Whi'e i;Onward," cry the voices Gï all Hisuniverse." Jonzsboro, Tenn., April 37, 7842. Br. Hougt: - I am happy to inlorm you that Í haveso i'ar recovered my healtb, na to be ab!e to write you again. J did not naend our late meeting at Ramsboro; butl have been fuinislicd with tlie procecdings of the 'meeting by our worthy friend AJr. . They are as lollows: - ANTI-SLAVERY MEETING AT RAMSBORO, TENÍÍESSEE.According to previous appointmet, a Jjrge number of our cilizens niet at Ramsboro, on Fnday the lst instant, for the purpose of taking into consideraiion the ropriety ol aboliehing slavcry in East Tennessee. The meeting was callcd to order by the appointnien' of Richard Chester to preside, and Jeièrson Kinney, Secretnry. The Cbainnan addresscd the meeting for sonie 35 minutes on the all-absorbing subject of AntiSlavery in the United States, and pariieubirly in East Tennessee. He then submitted the following resoltuions which had been drawn up by soine friends previous to the meeting, allufwhtch were WWMKJUSLY ADOPTKD. Resolved. Tliat this Society shall be called the Ccrard ValUy Ant'-8laccry Society. Resolved, Tbntin no instance will wc encourage siavery, nor will we encourage any man in )usincs9who is himselfa slaveholder. Resolved. Thnt we bclieve it to be tlie duty ot every Christian to use nll proper eflbrts to renovo the sin of slaveholding irom our beloved auntry, and to extend the hand of feüowship to de alaveholder is 10 juetify manstcaling and othr abominiifdt crimes. Jtosulvcid, Thai tiiia -Society clect a Secrernry nnually fvr the purpogj of regietering thcc.dmgs oi euch and every meoting; aleo, that book hall bo fiftaistied the Scc.ctary fbr that pui pose. Kcsolvcd, That the procecdings of this meetmg besignedby the Chnirman and Seeretary, and förwarded to ihe popera pöblisüed n Eaat i emiessee, (anJ all others friendly the cause) for ptiulication. ' After the ndoption of the (ofcégbing resólotron. ;Jr. Jettrey arose and addressed the mcetiiiir i'or some time, producirtg a wonderful efiTeet on the nssembly. Scveral persons who bad conic to tbo a meftniif for the solepurpoje of raising a diei anee, and iï possible picyeming outJaüáM attepdíDg to the duties ui.iic .: cicty. I can aesure our f-iends qjfl i'dBl that our canse isoi friends of the slave at igjM iö aro "sing all honorable iii.j.-nafl je interest of the tmfortunate Aul Our next meeting wM iX Ruckcrsvillc, o miles west of thigKc ,o) on tho' ■Ut!; of. May r, ii,di time wo amicipate a general mesg oí" „(s n Ea8t U-nnesseo, and l hop! o bc nble to altend at that unie in persoH Your friend, &c.


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