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The new npportionment of the House of Rep resentatives, will give the Free States a majority of 68 mernbers. ihe preeent majority being onl 42. White of Indiana, a dough:faco. remindet the Southerners that a large House would opérate mot ynfavor&bly for the peculitr in_ftitution,tlninIA smnll one. They were aware of this. But h uld the nurnber be diminished, the representaion írom Vjjginia, ihe Carolinas, Stc. would he cut down, whiJe that of other etates M'ould be ncreO8cd-a result too mortifyiug to their prida o be endured. The following delghtful account of one dayg proceedings we cut from an exchange paper.-. It will serve as a sample for many days. Congress.- The proceedings on the 4th nf iccount. Half the members absent to the nL" and rhe other hnlfwitnesbing the wnr of word! beween Mr. Wiseand Stnnley. St.mley caïeJ V 1Se a bvll dog, and Wise retorted with the et. (het of coicardl Dignified. chivalrous South erners! rery.- Cleveland Herall. The time of both houses is consumed daily b " Iearned and eloquenl speeches," and "learned and eloquent replies." For instance: " Mr. Proffit distinguished himself by an nssault upon the administration of the cuBtorn. house in New Ycrk. He arraigned with great severity the conduct of the late and present collectors: and more than insinuated a charge of malversation ngainst them. Mr. Morgan, wtthout attempting to justify the unwarrantable prodigality of expenditure, manfully undertook the task of vindicating Mr! Curtis from the aspersions cast upon him by Mr. P. and rcpelled the allegaüons of that gentleman ns unfoundedslanders. Fora time, there wag some comniotion in the House, and sundry uncDurteous phrases passed between the partios. Sothe committee rose, an 1 as!ced leavo to 6t again, the Iclancc of the week, ad I verily believe." Let not the public blame the membersforspending iheir time in this manner. It ie the most harmless method of employment they can devise. Tt is far better for the nation to pay them for ma king speeches than for legislating six or eight montliR in the year. ■ Correspondence of the N. Y. Express. Washington, May 9. I omitted to mention in my letter of Saturday pveninir, ihnt Mr. Stanley and Wise had n rehcountra nr-ar the race courfe on Saturday, There were blows as wll as words. The affair occurred itnmedinlnly afterthe race was over. Bo'h of the genlunen were upon horseback, iind their horses wpre hitched nenr each other. Bo'Ji pentlpmen unforfunately left the racecourse together, and in a momenf - accidentnllv as Mr. Stsnley Bays, desírnftdly as Mr. VVi.=e thinks - the horsescame in contact. Mr. Stanley's approaching1 the horse of Mr. Wïse and throwins1 him out of tho stirrups. The norse which Mr. Ston'ey rode ran ahead, but in a moment Mr, Wif.e was alongside. and deilt a Heavy, blow pon Mr. Stanley accompanvinar it with 1' ngruage which it is liardly wor'h whjle to repeat, and which of coursO was recipiocated. For rhe time beingr, tbis .vas the end of ihe affray,but the end, Ibelieve all is not yot. We rarn since that the honorable gentlemen concluded to settle the afFair in an honorable way, and Mr. Stanley actually proceedpd to Baltimore for that purpose with his friendo, but the pólice seized Mr. Wise in Washington, ond prevented him from fulfil. lin? his enofiírpmpnts.


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