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Florida War.- The following poyments ware made for the Florida SenicaIn 18S6 for seventeen steumboats $344.948 1837 " twenty-three " 344 510 1838 " twelve " 49 400 1839 " four ? H 000 1840 " two " r" 000 Making a total of $744 850 For trannporting 100 curds ofwood from New Orleans to Fort Brooke $2000 00 being just $20 per cord. For a cnogo of oysters $2,800 How oysters would kill Indians, does not appear. For the charter of four brigs $11.000 werepaid, For transporting 68 men from Fort Brooke to Fort Monroe, &1 i22: Forpurchase of 206 oxen 9 170 payment of pent in making purchase 1 930 expenaes of purchasing Total coet of 206 oxen $12 187 For 30 saddles tor sick eoldiera $1 500 12 do do 1050 300 pack saddles 'J 10 rent of a at Picolata for 1 year 3 600 construction of a carria e 2 363 How this carriage was to be empioyed in the sande and ewámps of Florida does not clearlv apncar; and the comminee are inclined to doubt whetherit8lioull pmperlv beclmrired to the fnnd 'for sup"re.sing Indian hoslihties. These are specimens of the lavishnesa with which the funds of the Government hnve been wasted in önly a single pnrtment. 1 he eame extravagance was found to pervnde them all, until, as the report says, "it seems to have becomp a part of the tactics of the A rmv of the United State? to squan-ier the public treasure for the benefit of favontes and con tractors, rather than econom;ze the expendí - tures for the good of the service and the mterests of the people who are taxed to sustam them." Extra ordinry Convention.- A Convention has been called by leading ministers and hiymen of dinère-.t denominations. to meet in New York the lOth inst., to take into consideration ihequestion of giving the gospel to the whole heaihen world dunng the present aeneration. VVe hopt the poor slaves will not be forgottcni in ihis Convention- they are certninly a part of the world- and of the heathen world too:- do give them one hour's consideraiion in that meeting.- Liberty Standard.HoRMBLK.-We clip he Following from the New Orleans American of the 141 b itlt - As the fiicts srated in the article re drawn from the presentmont of the Grand Jury, there can hardly be a mistake in the matter: "By the present ment of the Grand Jury, we eee that there is now i'n confíneme nt in the pólice prison cf the first municipality,a lime mulatto girl,three or tour years old,who was bom in the jail, and who was never out of it. Her mother died some time ago,and the puor thing has never heard the voice of a human briug. save that of her mother's jailor. Incapable of having committed any crime, this little creature is immnred within the wallsofs dunreon, and there is none to release or care for her - Such unnccessary cruelty as this it: a stigmn upon a civilized community; and is but one among the many indications of the necessitv of a tborongh investigaron of the affaire "f onr prisons,and one that. should not pass unheeded. Mormonim is f-preading in the eost os well as in the west. In the vicinity of Boston there are several regukr ordained preachers whose circuit embraces Chel.-ea, Salem, Med field, Medway. Peterhnro, Gibson. &.c. In eome of towns,fifiy of their followers have been baptised in a day, with a view of joining their brethren in the west at some future day. The Branch Mints. - The Committee on Public expenditures have made a report on the business and expenses of the branch Mints e8tabli.hed at Charlotte, N. C. Dahlonego, Ga. and New Orleans, La. These branches commenced opeiations in 1838. The wliole amount of money coined at ihe three brnnch es if $2,884,788, at an expensr to the Uniled States of one dollar tweniy ei echt cents three milis antTa fractionfor every dollar coined. The expense of coining at the Mint at Philadelphia, during the four years that the branches hare been in operation is 64 cents to the 100. dollars worth. These results are so incredible that the reader can hardly be expected to believe thr-m. - A elanceat the items underthe had of contingent expenses wou ld remove the doubts of the most mcredulous. Five mahogany arm :hairs, $10.25 each $51.2" Thirty 5 " 15O.Ü(; Six Grecian chaire, 15,00 Mahogany desk and tables, 400.00 One ro8R wood desk 22.0i Carpeta, Brussels and other 376.00 One pair porcelain spit boxea SM Two ïnkstnds $10 each 20.00 One mahogany bureau SlO.'Ou A bu8t of Mr. Livingston 40.00 One table 40.00 One ream foolscap paper 10,06 One " " 90u Penknives each $3 50 to $4 59 Trees, shrubs, and flowers 235,00 One desk curtain 14J0(. Jee 86,5 fMahogany boards for a counter 92.9 Two bronze paper weights 10.75 One eagle do 7,00 Stuffed mahogany chair 13,0 Large lunip for lobby 73,50 Travelling expenses of one of the officers in the varm season. 275, Of Book case and desk 25rf,00 A supply of water for mint per nnnum from $250 to 317.01 So mueh for branch mints in the Blave flat . And to uatain theie and pimilarI uloiis ex-pen' ii ures, ihe people of ibis counuy must be taxcd in the sbape of a tariff áome ihirty or forty per cent. If the slaveholders r-hould succeed in forcing Cnngress tu esiablish a nntional armory, ora naval depot in the -lave States, i? muy De well to make definite approprintions, for the establishment of balitó, and pleasure gronndp, the purcl.ase of busts," pictiires, ahd ornnmental furniture, and also or the travelling expenses of such of the offi cerg as may wifh to go abrond on pnrposen ol pleasure, or eletlioneering.- Philainhropist. The c mmittee have bioughi in a bilí to discontinue the branches. Habits of the Great.- Extract from thr Washington Correspondence of the N . York EApross, a Whig paper. - " The venerable Ex -president, J. Q. Adams, gave a large and nteresting pariy at his re-idence last evening. Many of the most distinenished public men in tlie city were present, and nmong them Lord Ashburton, the Ambagsadors of the several Foreign Govemmenti: rfiprepented in Ihe city, Mr. Cly, nnd severa) di.-tinruis!ied memherp of thé twó Hmises of Congress. A Inrge party oí ladies w?re also present, and the evening passed offplensantly, with music, dancing, and a socal gam' f cards. At om of the can tables were Lord Ashbnrton. Mr. Clav, M. Bodisco, 'he Russiar Minister, nnd Mr. Critfnden, (our very djstingriiished men, wbilmg away tlieir uu e very pleasantly, but not very profitaWly, perhaps some willsay. It was, however. but social gnme of cards, with nothing wonh naming at stake." C vrious Pitgnmage.-MdiT Yohanna, the Nestorian Bishop (rom Pprsia, a week or two since paúl a visit to Monnt Vernmi - a pilgnm from the distance of six thonsnnd miles, who had come to stand near the dust and admire hefameof our WashinLrton. That fumo has spread its light to the farthei Persia. - The Bishop was accompanieri hy the Rpv. Justin Pnrkins, a missionary in Per-ia. Mr. P. rem.irked, says a letter in the Philarielphia North American, he had stood on Motint Ararat, where the ark of the ancient and venerable Noah - the fecond progenitor of the human mee - had rested sfter the fierce waters of the deluge, but not such eniotions possessed hs t-oul as when his feet srood on Monnt Vernon, where rpposes ihe dust of him, who, aftei a great morul conflict, in which military force and martiftl merit videre but constituent elemente, retired to clope a heroic lite wjth a tranquil death.-- Phil. JYorlh American. Birney on the Chvrches. - ''The Jlmeican Ckunhes the Buhcark of ïmerican Slavery, by James G. Bijunky." We to lea ín from the Emar.cipator, that Charles Whipple, of Newburypnrt, is abont to a revisad edition of Jamks G. Birney's work on the connection be.ween the Aaierican churches and slavery. We hope it will obtnin au ex tensive circulation. - Friend of Man. Slave Catihing. - The Rnleigh Star contains t ie advertiscinent ofamm, sÍLr"in2 him self 'P. H. PeUis, Counsell.-r at "Law, 406 Broadway, New York," ofTering his seivices as general agent for capturnig 6laves ho may run away from their miisters at the South : he sayshe"has agenrs in all the principal places of negro resort iti the free St-ites." - Boston Daili Mail. Go aiiead, Mr. Pettis, vith your agencies - this is a free country - but reme.-nber, the Slave has more agencies established in the free sta les than the slaveholder. You'll find poor picking in your most honorable employment.- Tocsin. The Jlffghan fFdr.-JJ to 1839, this war had cost the British Government. $60.000,000. Since tben, it has cost $15,000,000 every year. {UPort Wine nnd Oysters are items of expenses charged to Government by the Engiueer Department '(for removing obstructions from the mouth of the Mi.-sissippi." OJThe Albany Journal states that vast numbers of foreign emigrants are now pouring through that city, on their way to the West. Some few stop at Albany, to remain.Coin OiL - We observe by a western paper, that a nutnber of barrels of Corn Oil have been sent on froni Ohio to thiscity. It issjid to be an excellent commodity - burning as brillian ly is the purest sperm, without emittingany of the offensive odor of ordinarv oil. Benefit of Afati.vnuny. - It has been satisfactorily establishcd, that two-thirds of the men who destroy themselves are bachelors. The way it tcorks. - "Reformed Drunknrds" are doing good in more ways ihan one by their lectures. examples. and confessions. A "couverted thief'has commenccd public exhorlaiions in Philarielphia, agaiust hisancient ;besetüng sin." And we hope to see the time when the eame will bc siid of (iconverted man-thieves." No Joke. - A whig paper off south runs up the Clnv flag for the Presidency, ''subject to therfen"s'cn of the people." [HFThe Albany Advertiaer commenced its 32d volume on Mondav last and unfurled the fhg ol Henry Clay is the whig candidate for the Presidency Mr. Cluy cannot gat the electoral vot of .New York, Foreign Ministers.- The Hon. Chas. J. Tngersoll in a speech in Congress the other day said: Unlike the habits of intorcouri1? which obiain n Europe, foreign ministers here are On the niog familiar looting in he President's femity, where ihey maybe scen.if lam not mistaken, likc family erna, purring in evory corner. Now tliisisail wrong. The ear oía President may be gained. and hi6inclinations turned. by the whispers ot foreign ministers, so as to frústrale all the arguments which may belong to any pending ncoiiation. Governor Seward haa again refused to exercise the pardoning power in favor of Binjami Rathiurn. Important to Office Sedcers.-Since the com menoementofthe new year. no person in theemplov of Executive departments has received a picay une in the way of salary. Members of Congress provide for themselves. and leave theclerks. who can least afibrd it to sufier.- Ledger. Defeatoftt Whigs in Virginia.- According to the last accounts, the locofocos have carriec Virginia by a majority of 24 to 30 in joint ballot N. Y Herald. Florida a State.- -We stop the press to anno nee the intcrestinor inteHigence that we are assured that the Comniittee appointed b' the State Convention have decided to issue immedialely, writs of Election for Stntn Officers! Thus orjranizing at once a S ate Gov ernment for Florida, under the St. Juseph Const'tution.- Florida Star. nTf?der Mercies J Slprery.- The Ashville (iN. L.) Messenger Says that a free negro was latfly condpmned to be hun?, at Turboro,' in 'nat Stntp, for forcibly entering a house and steahng a decanter of whiskey. Rhndc Mand - The difficuliies in this State bid fair to be soon amicably adjusted. Both parties have had a hearing befbre the President, and he har iimitutpd a oopiooliwpn tosetlle ihe question. h is said that two mem bersofthe Cabinet- -probably Websier and Upshur- are to go to Rhode Island. Thcy areto be met there by ihree commissiuners of eacb party, and in case they cannot agree, the two memhers of :he Cabinet, represtnting the Federnl government, are to be umpires. It is reported that this proposition has been acceded to by o]] the parties. OC?" Durinor a recent visit into Macomb county, we passed twenty-two taverns tlint 'ppt a liquor bar lnst year, but the "critter" ■a to be found n only three of them this spring-. Jldvertiser. Mar na ge and Murder. - An affray recentiv occurrpd at a wedding p rty in La G range Tenn., a few dnye aero which ended in the death of David Jarnpgnn, Esq. A Mr. Morgan, it appears, had eloped with the dangliter of 'hp deoeased. and Janegini on learnincr 'he act bpcame very indipnant. Taking n few fripnds he reacl.ed the house whrre the mar ringp parfy was asspmbled. f Ie forced the loor and en?pred, hen an attark was commencpd. and the brdal fesiivities were ton clianged into a PCene of blond. Sevp.ral were voimdd in the affray beside Jarnegan. - Phila. Lrdger. Ji slrepless fVoman. - The Salom Observer stntes that there is a témale in that city snf'prMír from a general muscular cppfracjioii and litortion, re.-'pmhlmfr a um'vereal tetanus, wliich haslasted from twelve to fil'tcen years. The patiënt who suffers it, has not slept a wink tbr ten years past, and is subject to occa lonal of extreme aconv. Her eyesnre iright nnd olear, end she is patiënt and res"gned to iier hojieless s'tua:i"n.


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