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1 lus word, a-lthough eminently significant in itselí; has become about as uncertain in its applicaiion, as acotfcer very expresa! vo term, to wit: church. h $ not to be doubted, that tbere is real pith tnd significance in ihe (hing democracy-tbat there are truc heairtefi demócrata. But then. who are they?- Wberc? Will it or they be fuund exclusively in either of the rival politioal parties. or in an) of the numerous and nameless cliques ofthosoparties? Bynomeans. Scattercd through them all are to be found men whose hearts are truc to humanity- who earnestly respond to the claims of impartía! govermnent and law- who .go for real progresa and reform! How can one of these men for a moment allow himsclf to stand within the ranka of the democratie party, as íbey choose to cali themelvos? They represent the radical principies of true democracy! Look at two or three facts of recent occurrenc3. The democratie () legislaturo of Ohio, at lts last session, passed hot and hasty resolutions of censure upon J. Q. Adam?, for the exercise of a constitutional right, -clearly dofined and well understood- for the faithful discharge of ofhei al duty to his constituehts!- Ihe democratie (!) legislatura of ourown State, cearthe c!osc cf its late sessiun, attempted to repeal the jury-irial bill. in order to throw open oureatiro temiory to the man-and-woman hunters of the South! This measure was dictated to them by the hotspurs of Virginial Unequalled meanness!iiie members of the party by a vast majority in Congress, on all occasions, go headlong for rast arrogant assninptions of the slave power. hat care they for democracu, when the overseers are to be servedl Routed at all pointe m the fierce campaign of 1840, and nidinly fhrough the treachery and desertion of their bouthern allres, u seems to be the present determination of the leaders of the party, to stoop t any paltry and iniquitous device, that wil] secur them the tnll benefi.-s of on alüance with the mos funous tvrants the world ever bcheld! Democ racy in such a 'connection! As wdl Lnieht man talk aboirt puriiy of chnracter in a brothel It matters not who may chance to be ihe pres idential candidatej of this party- they and thei followcrs wil be the mere serf8 of the slave pow er- go and come at its bidding! Corrupt in its constituent elem nts, what son of sound de mocracy can safely trust himself in comact wüh


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