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Taking Time By The Foretop

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i ne UDerty arty, most preposierously eö cnlled, serms dpfermined to remove all induce ment thut the Whips mierht have to nomínate anislavery candidatos. In TnimbnH countv a convention s called for the 2Oth of Mav inst to nominnie an abolition ticket. In this' county tliere are a goodly number of abolitionists" besi.W, the whigs of l-bis región are nearlv all .-pposod to elavery. It is not reafonable t'd supposethat they wouJd nominate any oiher than an Antislnvery man for anv office of im port nee. It is wonhy of observation thnt iü hiscoun:y thewhiff and democratie par(is are nearly equally divided, so thata few votes laken from the whig party may enable thé Democrats to oloct their ticket. Tf the Liber tv parly throuphout the efafe pursue he same policy there can be but little doubt hoi }1OV wil! enable their nllies ío obtain a tnojoritv in the lei.-latnro of the state. Tbev will nso jrfvé them severa I members of Corf-ss more finn tliey coultl otherwise obtaiii. These wijf be of great service to the sfavocracv of fhe next Coiifrress. The project of annex'ing Texns to the Union ís said to be abnndonerf for Ihe present. With a whig majorify in Congress tbat project could nevpr be accomplifher. The movements of the liberty pnrty jnsijfy (he expeclafion, if they do not render it certain ihat the dernocrafs will have a mnjoritv in the next Congiwa. In fhis expectation it'is an exc-I-: leni stroke .if policy on the part of the slaveholders to wilhdraw their application fo the annexution of Texas until, by the help of iheir alhes, they obtain sufBcient power to ewcute heir purposes. vuluA western Reserve Liberty Convention vas to be held at Chnrdon, Gonug conS nel7'hmst., byadjoiirnment from Warren wliere was rfcently heJd a larre convention, jhiëh WO addnwcd hy JüripeKintheircaí! Hidate tor Governor, Gm. Paine, Rev. Keep, Rev E. Sn.ith and ofhert. The last nan)eií ííentlemnn ís from Pittsbnrb. Tlius the work prosrresses i the north prt „f ,he state. In the Hon. T. Morris, S. P. ( 'hasEsq. and others have taken the These arö nen of talen-s and (rnerey. Tlieir J(.rs


Signal of Liberty
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