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Foreign News: West Indies: Ten Thousand Lives Lost: Tremendo...

Foreign News: West Indies: Ten Thousand Lives Lost: Tremendo... image
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By the politeness of Gapt. Morris, of the brig VVtn. Neilson, fróin Port Princc. we luivc a lihc Patrióte" of ihollth May, published at tliat place, which givcs an account oí' a shockinnearthquake on the fcth ofMay, at 5 o'clock in ihü cvuaing. Tho principal destruction of lift, of which we have in account, was at Oipc Hayi.inn, uliich lown wa.s cmiit'ly destroyod. Ir containcd about 15,000 ifthalittnntSj iwo íhiídis of wlioni are ihoüghl tó bié dend. The nppróacli pf the onniiqunke was indjeatctd in Port nu Prince by greut hem, and heavy clouds [hat covci'cd the neighboring lulls, and folio wed the direction of the SouiU-West of ÜicríJÍVeS8eIs at,anchor' SO1I1 of he sailöra report, experieneed the shock before they saw the hcZrTatCWhlC!1 Smd tü "Alicate that the shock canie fro:n the weef 1 here were two shocks at Port au Prince vcrv wind last endured about three minutes. EVerV persun-strovoto got out of the houscs, and the .tn , s were hUcd with the alinghted population. wo 1 h f r SaiS ''f Pütrif' and Iort Prince to th, t of 1770, of which disnsirous year the rencnbrance was rtiehing into all minds. liie 1 atnot. also says that there ia hanlly a house or a wall that has not suflêred a little.- bonie have becomc al most uninhnbitable. The front, ,f the Senate Houw, whcrc the arms of he Kepublic are eculpturcil. is delacKodnnd broden. 1 he interior was injurcd. On the Saturdaynightsucccodingandon Sunday, there were other fihocks. Mass was interrupted, nnd the persons present rau hithcr and thitlier. while many womcn fainted. Ou Monday morning at 12 o'clock there was anoih er shock. The weather all the day was cimngeable, now extreme heat, ntnv rain, now tair, arid now aigns as if of a storm. On Tuesday again there was nnother shock.- and smee then. says the Patriot. -it secms to' us that we walk upon quaking carth. . .,.,.,, mu - lener irom tuis town says, th.-it the carthquake was feit (hcrc wilh violcnce. Many houscs wcro seriously damaged, and sodio destroyed- but no lo&soflife is mcntirncd. At Goanives the shocks were yet more eenons. The grealer part of the houses werc over-, thrown. A fire broke out at the same time, and ihcre was not a drop of water in town. All the houscs that were not humt suflbrcd irom the carthquikc. It was in the strecta that the writer of the letter giving this account was inditing it. The Church. ilie Frison. the Palnis National, thd Tnasury and the Arsenal were all destroyed. The letter coneludes at 8 A. JVI. by'soying: ' 'It is only half an hour since that we feit a verygreat commotion. At present, we are iinormt of the number of persons killed or wounded. All the persons who are not burncd in the ruins, escaped. God prnnt that Port au Princc may not have experienced sucli a disaster." Copu Haytuin.-Tlio toion of Cape Haijt'ian has tnlircl'j disuppcarcd, andioithit tioo-thirds of the populatwn. The families that could escape are fled to Fossette, where they wero without an asylum, clothing or provisions. The President ofHayti hnsfjiven orders to the physicions and oñicers of the hospitals to leave the city immediaicly in order to givc succor to the distressed. LATER. In adclition to the abovediaastrous intelligenco from the Cape, a courier arrived from ihc city a few hours previous to the departure of Capt Morris, who stated that fire brokcout aftcr the earthquakc on Monday the 9th, dostroyed the powder Magazine, and with it the miserable remnant of the inhabitants who have escaped the earthquake. The town of St. Nicholas and Port Paix are ulsfi said to be destroyed. Oiher partB of the Island bad not been heard from when Capt. Morris left; bqt it is conjectured Uiat all the northarc a mass of ruins.


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