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Rivcr Raisin rriHIS lnslitution is located in the town of JL Raisin, near the north bank of the beautiful rivcr whose name it bears, one mile east of the direct road from Tecumsch to Adrián. Tliis eligiblesite his been selected for iis quiet süclusiün, ihe fertility and elevation of its bqH, iia pure and healthful utmospbere, and pleaaant scenery. Rooms. - There are nowxm the premisos suitble rooms ior the accoinmodation of lorty students; whicli are désigned to bs occupied for private study and lodging. Other necessafy building areprovided for recitations and boarding. EXPENSES. Tuilion per Term of eleven weeks, $4,00 Board " with 4 hours work eacü week, 7,57 Room Rent, gg Incidental, 5Q Totnl, J2.95 Thcre will be an additional charge of one dolJur for those pursuing the higber brinches as Philosopiiv, Algebra. Geonictry, Astronomy, &c.tor Chomisiry, JLatui, or Grcck an addition of twü dollars wil! be made. Scholars are expected tó provide thernselvos with what furniture they vviil ricecl in iheir rooms, also, with lights, fuel, and waalring - none will hereafier board them sel ves. IViWí to bosetüèdin 13 vanee. Tlie school is open to all apphbants' of suitable age and moral characior irreapuctivo oí comjjhxion or eondition. Tlie sumtiier session wil! comtnence Wednesd;iy thé iiist day oi' June and. continue one term and a hal f. H is vory dcsirablc tliat all u-ho design .to at tend the school, shoul'! be on the ground - havo tbeir l)ills settled, and theiv rooms prepabd, be fore the íirst (lny oí" ihe Term. Any furthcrin íormation can bc obtained at the Insiitution, o by addressing, postpaid, J. S. Dixo.v, Pifncipal, Ilnisiii; Lenawee Co. Midi. lluisin, May lOili, lcii'. u5- SmFASHÏÖNABLE JJats, Caps, & if oisiK í A GOÜD assortinent at tlie New York Jr. Ciioap Store by D. D. WATERMAN. Ann Arbor, May lGih, 1842. 4tf NEW GOODSfT CIIEAP FOR CASH: AT the Slorc of the Sulisciilmr. a newand splendid assortment of NEW GOODS at pnces so cheap as to astouiah the purchasers, consisting of DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKJBRY BOOTS, SH OES, AND LADIES' LIP. ' PERS, SHAKER AND LEGUORN HO.XXETS, i-C. iS'C. Muslin Do Lano at two shillings per yard; ealïcoes at six cents per yard, and other poods at pnces to correspond. To be convinced. just cali ana see the goods and prices. 4000 poundsgood buttcr wanted; 99.999 bushels of house ashee wan ted. at 10 cents per bushel. Likewise lield ashes, dchvered at rny ashery, ne;ir Chapín e ïro.n foundry. N. B - All kinds of Furs taken in exehnnge for goods. h, HOJVER. Ann Arbor, (upper town) June 2, 1842. "NËWGDODSll FDENISOIV has just received n complete stock of DllY-GOODS. GROCER1ES AND. VROCKERY, which vriti bc sold ver y chcap for money or most kinds of produce. Descriptions and prices will be given at the Store. Ann Arbor. Junel, 1842. FOR SALE OR RENT.- The Pinckney Tempcrance House and Store, which may bc had on very favorable terms. if applied for soon. Apply to . , Wm. KIRKLAND. Tinckney, May 20, 1842.NEW GOODS JH. LUND is now receiving direct from Boston and New York, a largo and wcll sclected stock of Merchandize. consisting of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, GliOCERIES, CROCKERY, $ GLASSWARE, DRUGS $ MEDICLNES, NAILS, CRADLE AND GRASS SCYTHES, BOOTS AND SHOES, ?C $C. which hc offers íor sale cheop for the rcadu. Dated, Ann Arhor. May 9, 1842. Ïï STATE OF JACOB LAWTON DEÁ CEASED.--Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned have p'roved the last will and testament of Jacob Lawton, deccosed, and have taken letters Testamentary thereon, and have given bonds according to law. All persons mdebted to said estáte are requested to make payment without delay, and all persons having claims against said estáte are requested to 'present the same to the subscribers, ".veil authenticated, for paymSnt. GEORGE E. LAWTON, DAVID T. M'COLLUM, Exécütors of the last will and Testament of Jacob Lawton. Dated,' Ann Arbor, May 7, 1842. 3m A BARGAIN FpR LAND HOLDERsT" THE subscriber ís desirous of exchanging lor good Wild Land, well located. his property, sitúate in the village of Walled Lake, Oakland Gounty, Michigan, (p pleasant and healthy location) consisting o" a Sïeam Saw Mill, which has probably done as good business aa ahy in the State,. a d welling house, a store and four vacant lots, &c. T. DEUEL. Walled Lake, April 21, 1842. tf NEW SPRING AND SUJVIMER GOODS. JUST received and receiving at the New York Cheap Store, purchased at thè present low prices in New York, which will enable him to sell lower than ever before offered in tliis place, a large lot of French, English and American GOODS, consisting of Dry Goods, Crockery, Books and Statiouafy, Boots and Shoes, Looking Glasses. Also, a large lot of Yankee Notiöns. wholesalc and retail. D. D. WATERMAN. Ann Arbor, May 11, 1842. 8vIVO O CJSR&JÍJY&. TJFIE Subscribers are prepared to card Wool ibr customers; having first rate machines,and having employed an experienced workmarij they feel conlident of giving eood eatis.'action to all tv'ho v.-ill favor them withlheir custom. Thuir manufactory i's two and a half miles west of Ann Arbor on the Huron. S. W. FOSTER, fcCo. Scio, Mayilth, 1842. 'Wool Oardin and Cloili Dressing-. THE Subscribers respectíully annoúnce to the citizens Ann Arbor and vicinity, tiiat they are prepared to card wool and dress cloth for customers, in the best stylc, and at the shortest notice. Havjngr good machinery, experienced workmen, and long practice in the business, they have the utinóst conlidence that they sliaü give complete satisfaction. J. BECKLEY & CO. 'Ann Arbor. April, 25, 1842.


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