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TEMPERANCE HOTEL, BY 1IO2SË11T& TEKÊStaM-]. (CORNER OF MICHIGAN AND WASHINGTON AVENUES DETROIT.) THE ahove is pleasantly situated near the Central Railrond Depot, and is now undergoing thoroügh repairs. The rooms are pleas ant, th ■'■ B ds nnd Bedding all new. and the Tab Ie will hesunplied with the choicest of iho niarket. and the proprietors assure those who will favor thém wiih thfiir custom. that a"l pains shall be taken to make their stay witli them ngreeable. Fake. very lotb. and accomrnodation good. - Carriasres to convey passengera to and from the Hotel free of rxpense. Detroi', April 57. 1842. A DMINÍSTRATOR'S SALE- Pur.uant to jCX an order ot the Hon. Geo. Sedgwick. Judge ofProbate. in and for the county ot Waehtenaw, braringdate the Wth day of March. A. D. 1812. authorising the snlc of a part of the rsal estáte ol John Eaman.deceased. I shall scll at public auotionatthe Court House, (or where the last oircui: was held) in the village of H vel. and county of Livingston, on the íth day ol June. A. D. 1842. al one o'clock. P. M . the tollowing described land. to wit, the west half of the southenst quarter of section thirty-six in tnwnship three north of rarme four cast, containing eichty acres DANIEL COOK. Adminislrator. Howell. April 12rh. 1S42. 3w PORK AND WHEAT wanted by F. Deni son, frr which goods or money will be paid at fair rates. Ann A.bjr, Ap il 22, 1842. tf CASH FOR WHEAT. FDEN1SON will pay cash for Wheát on delivery at his store. Ann Arbor, April 27, J842. Wool Carding and Cloth Dressing. THE Subscribers respecttully announce to the citizens Ann Arbor and vicinity, thai they are prepared to card wool and dress cloth fo.' customers, in the beat style, and at the shortest notice. Having good machinery, experienced work■nen, and longpractice in the business, they have the utmost contidence that they shall give complete satisfaction. J. BECKLEY & CO. Ann Arborj April, 25, Ife42.THE M A ti N 1 - T . THE Subscrioer propoaes to publish a neriodcal wiih the abuv o liiKj .oi '■ P uvesiiiiaiion of Human FHTSiotöci, I BBtV GV PUTSK ONOMV. PaTHOCNUMY, Olld AsiWOKOmca and Human Magn.t:sm Having made these subkcts nmtteisof eenous and patiënt inveauuaion for tome time past. and considerin the ïncreaeihgaitention which haslately been gtven to them by the learned, both in this country and in Europe, it is belieVed thnt such a penodical if called for, and that it will meet with hheral en couragement froni the lovers of science, in tni md other countries. One object of thís work will be to excite oiy entíournge a spirit of inquiry, and to assist i 8ich investigations as may tend to settle the ta iowing, among oiher similar questions. 1. That every living btingpossesses a Mngnti cal Nature, which is govcrned by laws peculiar t Magneiicaí forcea. 2. That the two Magheticforcesare thetnear: of sensation, and also, of volumary and involun tary motion. . 3. That every Mental and Physical orgnn, anf every muecle, has it3 corresponding Magnetie pol es. „ 4 That the Magnetie forces from the difterem orgiins terminale in the face and neck. and by means of them the various expressions of Funr. Hope, Love, Anper, etc. are expressed in the couniennnce. and the muscles and linibsare mnde o obey the human will. thus laying the only true & rational foundation for the ecience of Physiognomy. and showing how it is, that thé p:iesions and leelings are expressed in the features of the face. 5. That these organs and their consecutivo poles may be excited, separately, and their action modih'ed as the condition of the patiënt may require. 6. That the Phrenological organs are not only located in groups, corresponding with the nature of their action, but most. rf not all of them exist in dcuble pnirs, and, one or more in triple orquadruple pairs! ; .,,.., For instance, there are two pairs of Individi'ality, one taking cognizance of things and the other of persons: - two of Eventuality, one pair laking cognizance of recent and the other of ancient evenis; two of Companson, one pnir for ideas, and the other for things; two of Benevolence. one forgiving, and the other for pity; two of Veneration. one for the Deity, and the other for man; two of Firmness. one relating to conscientiousness, and the oiher for perseverance, etc. two of Self Esteem, one for the Human Wii.l and self-government, and the other for the government of two pairs for Fear, two lor Music. two for Place; and so of the orgafta of Conscientioii8ness. Belief, Amativaness, Love of Appror bation, Secretiveneea, Acquisitiveness, etc. etc. And I believe there are, at least, three pairs for language, one for mere words, connected by the Magnetic poles with Marvelousness, and giving a person the disposition to talk; one for proper names; and the other connected by the Magnetic poles with Ideality. and Weight, for the commu■ icatton of ideas and intelligence, and giviug weight and expression to the sentences. I am fully satisfieJ of the existenree and location of the following organs, among others: viz: Joy, Gratitude, Patriotism, Jealousy. Modesty. Aversión, Discontentment, Smell, Taste. Pity. Rgularity. Cheerfulness. Weeping. Comentment, Method. Retrihution. Wit. as distinguished from Mirthfulness; Melody as distinguished fromHarmony. etc. etc.7. That the Magnetic forces. trom the different oronns, have a peculiar connecfion with each other. by means of which tliey influence and excite each other to united action. 8 That the poles in the face are loeated inrorresponce with the different groups of Phrenological orjrans 9. That the Junctions of some of the orgnns are in opposition to each other. As, for instance. one organ is for Joy, another fot Sadness: one for Love. another for Aversión; one for Self-Government, another for Submission; one for Forgiveness, another for Retribution; one for Paience, another for Comphining; one for Cournge, another forphysical Fear; onefor Confidence n man. another for suspicion or Jealousy. This liscovery gives the true solulion ofvariousshades n the characters of different individuals wh'ch iave never been explained. either by Phrenolnïists or in any systein of Menta] science. beretoibre offercd to the world. And mysteries of a simihr kind are further explained by úiher organs hich I have iound, in connection with the above. making the numher upwards of one hundred in all besides the poles of the nerves of motion nnd sensation, : nd the poles of the different muscles, and physical organs. 10 And it is a remarkable fact. that one pair of the orsrans, (the Intellectual and Devotioml ones, especially,) are more elevated and refined in their exercises than the others. Thus. I find. that the Inwer oreans of Comparison take cognizance of things, the upper ones compare Meas: the lowcr orgnns ot Causalty are excrcised on things, the up'per on Metnphysicni subjects. etc. The subscriber has been engnced for some time. in n course of macnetic cerebral experimenta, the resul ts of which go very far, as he believes, towards demonstratin? these assumptions. nnd il they shonld prove to b3 true. 11 must admit ihat they are immensely important, as much so as any discoveries ever made illustrating the Physical or Mental nntures ofitfAN. The matter will be illnsfiated with numerous ener'vings. some of which are now rendy for use. the whole rendering the work one of su-passinc interest, and every way worthy of patronage from ihe curious and pcientific, who wish to undorstand the mysteries of hnman nature. The pintes will be of special interes', inaamuch ng they wil] not onlyexplain many magnetic phononena hiihertoo unknown, or not understood but one or more, will bc given dtsignaline tJi ose features in the hnman fare. wrere the maane'ic conrses terminale from the different plnsical. and mental organs: a thing never before known; ard thus wil be peen. the only true cxplanation of P!nrs:ogvnrrnj ever iven to the world. In a word. the work shall be filled wiih new and valunhle matter, on every ques'ion rèlnfróg to the Physical, Mental, ani Magnetic N'twres of Man; crptainivg the phenomena of SltepwaJdns. Sr7nnambnlism. Monominia. Insanity., Dreaminr and Fon-ttithm. th whole designed to exhibit the claims of these subjects on the nttention of the candid. and to assist ihem in ascertainr0 how fnr magnetistn has been, or may be used, as a medicinal agent. In funishing articles for its pases, the subscriber expects the assistnnce of medical and smentific gentlemen, of the higheBt rospectability in their profession The Mngnet will be published once a month: each numbercontaing iwenty-foursuper-royal8vo. paces, with n printed cover. Terms. $2.00 per yenr, invariahly in advance. ft will. in no case, be forwirded till the pny forit hns b'en received. The first numliT will be is. pned as soon as five hundred subscribers shal! have been obtained. EFAny person procuring subscribers. will be allowed to retain the pay for the fou-th. provided the balance be forwarded to the publisher, free of expense # Fvery rditor who shnll give this Prospectus (includins this paragraph) six insertions. shnll receive the Mncnet, without an exchange, for one yenr, provided the papers containing this notico be forwarded. marked. to "The Magnet. 13S Fulton sireet, New York City." LA ROY RTTNDERLAND. TÍMOTHY SEED AND H1DES - Cus'i will be paid at all times for Timothy Sekd. Hides and Wheat, when delivered at my store in Ann Arbor, (Upper Town.) F. DKNISON. !l. J. B. BARNES, PHYHC1AN AND SURGF.O.V- House and Office, few doorssouth of the Lafnyotte House, whcre hecan be found night and day. Ann Arbor April SOtb, Ï3-1S.


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