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A Lesson From Barbary

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We hnve several times noticori the total abolition of the ''traifiic inslaves" by the rei?njr Dey of Tumís. It is absolute, ánd prohibits enrirely the sale or purchase of human beings inder nny circumstances, leaving those who actually held slaves the -power to retain them n thcirovvn service. In honor of this noliJe [eed, an acldrcds of congratulation Lo fhe no!e Bey was circulated amongthe Brilish resients round the Medicterranean, and after obtaining signatures at Gibraltar, Cadiz,pnce, Naples, Leghorn, Smyrna, Tripoli, Malta, and Gozo, was forwarded by the Iinnds of Mr. Richardson, and presented to the Bey. - The followin? is his reply, and its tone towards the Engliah abolitionists contrasts with thatofour American sluvocracy, os does the feeling of a drunkard toward the temperance neople before and afterhis ovvn reforrnation The expression in italics is beautiful - the Bey forbids the sale of persons "for the glory of mankind, to distinguís!) fhem from the brute creation.'1 Here, at Washington, under the exclusive jurisdiction of Ropublican Oongress, human beings have no such distintion secured to them, but are bought and sold just like cattle. Is there any shame in the breast of the American peoplé? Lettkr of Musheer Ahmed Bas&aw. [Translotion.] "Praise be to God! from theservant ofGod, Musheer Ahmed Bashaw Bev, sovereign prince ofihe dominions of Tunis,' to the perfect ly honored Englishmen uniced together for the ameliorntion of the human race" in the city or country of - May God honor them! "We have received the letter which you have forwarded to na by the honorcd and rev ered Richardson, congratulnting us upon the measures that we have adopted for the glory of mankind, to distinguish them from the bmie creation. "Your letter has filled us with joy and satisfaction. "May God aid us in our efforts - may he enable us to accomplish the object of our hope - anrl may he accept Ihis our work! "May you live conlinually under the protection of God Almighty. Give at Tunis, 26th day Elhojah, 1257, (7th Feb., 1842.")- People's Adv. CGr"Ppers pnblished in thé slave-holdmg States - an odd combination of evcnts; verifyinjr, to the letter, an old expre$sion: there ?s but one step between the svllime and the ridicvlous. Witnoss the following in the "Commercial, Chronicle," a newspaper pul)lished at Portsmouth, Va., which a friend has just put into our hands. Stephen James ar vertises, in one column, PURE LIQUORS.JKiLht opposite, in another column, S. B. Tatem, advertises a RUNAWAY 'ÖLAVE, and ofFer8a revvard of $100. Tmmedintely under the first, Wit. H. H. Hodges ndvertises RIPLEYS' NOTES O THE FOUR GOSPELS. And, to crown the whole, the editor, in referrin? to a "Sketch of College Lile, which appears in the same pnper, wonderS how RELÍGIOUS PEOPLE cah support the present system of' cnllegiate education. A wonder, truly; and it is a wonder to some of us nt the Ñorth, also, how relipious people can support the present system of sUivery - wliich, let us in all kindn-ss teil the Editor, will most seriouely affect any system of education which the peop'e of the South may be pleased to adoptk- -Bangor Gazeltt.


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