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Coffins, &c.

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" A man who dops not see thnt evpry ímu pulpe which may be given in Ohio to the " cause of fanaticism drives a nail in the Cof "fin ofChv's hopes must be blind! Wil " yon drive the last nail into the Coffin ol u the whigr party? - If yon will, and yon can in u no way do it more effectually, arm Giddings " and send him back to resume the torch ol " discord and wave it in triumph in the halls " of Cpiiírress." So 'warbled' a douffh-face in the Cleveland Gatíicrer, after Mr. Giddinpr's rpsiornation, and bcfore it was known in what spirit he would bc received bv his consfiluents. Two cqfjins were to be nnileH by Ihe selection of Mr. Giddings. Th& coffin of Clay's h,pes; and the coffin of the tchig party.' It was to se a very gravk busincsp, imfeed. Well the flcclion is over. the coffins are vailed to thetuno of 3526 majority fbr 'Giddinpra and hie r.rew.' Poor dovghace, he should be master of ceremonies at the burial of 'Clny's hopos,' but as to the whipr party, wel! he may say, 'let the dead bnry the dead.' There have been ccrtain eccentric gentlemen in he world who have'in lhe;r iife time, nade their own cqffins and hewed out their mn pcpulchrps. And this Mr. Clay was onnd in tho Sonate chamber, in the session of 1033-9 btisilv engnrred drivinor nnils in the qff'tn of his polilicnl hopee, and one Thomas Viorris was likewise at the pame time enag1d in cïinching them. The sound of Mr. Ülny's hammer isfstill rinffing in the ears of lis nation, and the echo comes up as distincly s when the blows were first laid npon thaf cofín).' Hear il,friends ofhumanity. Sons f freedom. children of therevolution. hear it! 'atriotss of the earth, hark! 'That is propcrty whicli the law declares to be property.Two hundred yenrs or legislation have sanetioned and sunctified Negro skves os property',- , iBW08 not merelv drivinff naila n politica', cojjins but it wa digging the grave of his rDputation as a moral and a righteoud man: nay it was wore fclhan a coffin and a grave, for it will'save his memory from oblivion, and hold him up to the contempt and abhorrence of civilized man in all coming time Here it is, and when he dies. let if befhe ep itaph tipon his tomb stone; 'That isproperty wliich the law declares to be property,' whethent beHenry Clay of Kentucky, his wife and children, or an ass, and a colr, the foal of an ass. This is ths title by which this whig candidate for the Presidency holds some sixly men, women and childrpn, as free by the laws of God and nature aa bimself, in eternal bondage. Tni3 is tho Utle with which tbis good Whicr, the groatesl of the great, expects to go before thj E i-ísrnal Judgk, who is no respecter of persous,1 ond justify hia rnbbory of the p ,or becnase he is poor,'- to jiistify his rolling in vuM and luxtiry and feusting liis nimortal miud on knowlcdge, at the expense of the utter poverty, ignorance and degradution of so many of his fellow men.


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