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WUOJL - l'. üenison will buy any qiiantity of VVool, at fair prices. if delivered at his Sore. June 10. 1842 tl' LI MBLR constamly on hand nnd for sale ')y F. DENÍSON. .lune 10. 1848. tf FASHIONABLÊ Hats. Caps, & Bonnefs, 4 GOOD nsaurrment at the New York Cheap Store by D. D. WATERMAN. Ani! Lc i .Ia ï . ■ -i t i 4([ Hivcr Haisin INSTITU TE .TUIS hisiiiution s located in the town of Ráisrn, near the nonl: bank of the beauriful river whose name it bears, one inile ea8t of the lireci roiid fioni Tccimiseh to Adrián. This eligible site has been selected for iis quiet sedusion. ilie ièrtility and elevación of its soi!. iis pure and healtliful atmosphere, and pleasant sceiifiy. Rooms. - There arö now on the premises suit)le rooms lor the accommodation of lortv stuJcnis; which are dcsigned to b'a occupied for private siudy and lodging Other necessary buildng arcprovided for recitations and boardin. EXPENSES. Tuition per Term oí eleven weeks, $4,00 Soard " wiih 4 hours work each week, 7,57 loom Rent, yg ncidontul, 5Q Total, 12.95 There will be an additional charge of one dolar for thosy pursuing the higher branches as Phiosophy, Algebra, Geomelry, Astronomy, &c. or Cliemistry, Latin, or Grcck an nddition of vo doll;irs will be made. Scholars are expected o provide tliemselves wilh whnt furniture they Wil need in their rooms, nlso, with lights, fuel, ml Washiög - none will hereafter board them clves. Bills to be scítledin advnnce. The school is open to all appjtcants of suitnble se and moral character irwspective of comjil:xon or condition. The surnmer session wil! commence Wednestèy the ñ st day of June and continue one term nd a half. Il is vcry di-sirable thnt all who design to at end the school, should be on the ground' have herr bilis setiled, ind their rooms prepared, beoré thé first day of iho Term. Any luriher inbrmation enn 6V obtained at the Instimiion, or by ndJiessing. post paid. J. S. Dixo.v, Pirncipal, luiein. Lennwee Co Mich. Ilaisin, May 19;h, 1642. n5- 3m" 23c fcaga of íjrfnfefnfl LLíne fovfiot." JACKSOW TEMPERANCE HOUSE, BOTANIC MEDICAL STORE, With Hot and Gold Baths. Br. J, T WILSOl, EflSt end of Mam Street. Juckson, M A. NEW GOODSÜ CHEAP FOR CASH. AT the Store of the Subscibcr. a new and aplendid assortmont of NEW GOODS at prices so cheap as to astonish the purchasers, consisting of DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, BOOTS, SHOES, AND LADIES' SLIPPERS, SHAKER AND LEGHORN BONNETS, SfC. #C. Muslin Dü Lane at two shillings per yard; calicóes at six cents per yard, and other goods at prices to corrcspond. To be convinced. just cali and see the g jodsand priccs. 4000 pounda good butler wanted: 99399 bushels of house ashes wanted. at 20 cents per bushel. Likewiec field oshes, dehvercd at niy ashery, nearChapin's iron foundry. N. B. - All kinds of Furs taken in exchange for goods. H. BOWER. Anu Arbor. (upper town) June 2, 1843. " NËWGOODSTi FDENISON has just received a complete . stock ot DRY-GOODS. GROCERIES AND CROCKERY, which will be sold very cheap tbr money or most kinds of produce. Descriptions and prices will be given at tlie Store. Ann Arbor. June), 1842. NEWGOODS. JH. LUND a now recciving direct from Boston and New York, a largo and wel] selected stock of Merchandize. coneisting of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, $ GLASSWARE, DRUGS Sf MEDICINES, NAILS, CRADLEAND GRASS SCYTHES, BOOTS ANÖ SHOES. SfC SfC. which hc offers for sale cheap for the ready. Dated, Ann Arbor, May 9. 1842.E 3TATE OF JACOB LAWTUN DECEASED. - Noiice is hereby given, that the undersigned have proved the last will and testament oí' Jacob Lawton, deceased, and have taken letters Testamentary thereon, and have given bonds according to law. All persons indebted to 8aid estáte are requested to make pay. ment without delay. and all persons having claims ngainst said estaie are requested to present the same to the eubscribers, well authenticated, for pavment. GEORGE E. LAWTON, DAVID T. M'COLLUM, Executors of the last will and Testament of Jacob Lawton. Dated, Ann Arbor, May 7, 1842. 3m A BARGAIN FOR LAND HOLDKRsT" THE subscriber is desirous of exchanging lor good Wild Land, well located. his property, sitúate in the village of Walled, Oaklant County, Michigan, (a pleasant and hcahhy loca tion) consisting oa Steam Saw Mill, which hn probably done as good business as any in th State, a dwelling house, a store and four vacan lots, &c. T. DEUEL. Walled Lakc. April 21, 1842. tf_ NEW SPRING AND SUMMER G O O D S. JUST received and tecefving at the New Yor Cheap Store, purchased at the present lo prices in New York, which will enable liim t sell lower than ever before ofiered in this place, large Int of Frenen, English and America GOODS, consisting of Dry Goods, Crockery Books and Stationary, Boots and Shoes. Lookin Glasses. Also. a large lot of Yankee Notions. whole sale and retail D. D. WATERMAN. Ann Arbor, May 11, 1342. 8 THE Subscribers are prepared to card Woo for customen; having first rate having employed an experienced worknian, they teel confident of giving good satisfaction to all vho will favor ihem with thcir custom. Thcir manufnetory is two and a halt" miles west of Anii Arbor on the Huron. S. W. FOSTER, t Co. Scio. Mayllth. 1S42 Vool and Cloth Oressicftg". THE Subscribers respectmlly announce to the citizens Ann Arbor and vicinity, that they are prepared to card wool and dress cloth fo.' customers, in the best style, and at the shortest notice. Having good machinery. experienced work men, and long practice in the öusinoss. they hav ihe utmost contidence that they shall give complete satisfaction. J. BECKLEY & CO. Ann Arbor. April, 25, 142.


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