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Polarity Of The Human System

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Thougli wc are not perfectly satisfice! with this term. yei we use t, for ihe w;nii of a beiter. We niply mean by U that there isa m;st remarkale demity in the laws wliich govern Living and 'erresliial Magneiism. My first experiments convinced me tiiat there vas some siinilarity in the poie oi'Terrestial and Jtving Magnetism. And all that I have síftec ïeard or wiuiessed ori this subject, has but served to stiengthen this impression. I found u patiënt of mine mostsingularly afFectcd. iri the maghétic cep, by the approich of a thnndor cloud The chet began to ncave; and ;!ie limbs were convuised. considerably, belore I had any suspic-.on as te wbat the cause could be. Wc have knuwn other patients who were not aflected in auy way. wben in the magnetic sleep. íuriñg a ihuudei shower. Oné oföur patients is sensibly afTccfed in this tate. by the mere tiirning ot an elcct rical maïine in the room. at a iewfeet (iistance. Turnng the machine, she says, gives er "shoiks." nd incienses the nciion of the lungs. By operaúng on the ñervos of sensation. 1 have frequently roduccd shocks. similar to those of a galvanic mtterv. when the iingers would stand om, disendod, as ifgi ving offlbc eléctrica! finid. Atone me l held a largo mngnetized sne ring over ie head of ihe patiënt when awake: she iinmeiately beeaine aflected. and went into a sound lagnctic sleep, and was so much attractéd by lering, that I had to remove it to a iLstnuce. - Oiien when aslwp. the anproach of the ring would draw her in any dircciion. when ?he has exclaimcd, "That thing icuns me!" - -:it inmts me;" and I have frequently drawn her out óf ïer chair by it. And, indeed, it generally affects er s-i much that it has to be removed in a few moments. Tlie appioach of any shnrp metallic instrument to the body of this patiënt, produces íncrwised breatliintr. and nppaieiU distress. Bui she is al tracted (at tiaies) by any kind of metal, .which in not pointed. Önce' she seized-a kni(è. and grapped it with aifcrh furce that I had to request ussistanee in order to iet it frbrn her. Ariumer patiënt et mine is attrnctcd by the approach ol nny kind ot metal, and the banda lo t - luw invari-iM) . When qiicyr.nnl. she did not seein 10 l;now vvtia! she wnö doing. In her vvaking siatesiie h:id uo knowledgL ui Terresirial Aliignotisi'!: lu;t on npplyinir the p.iim of a pen kniie to the organ ofCausolityl over the loft cye. she said ii stuc!: to her, luit on applying it to the sinïe orgnn ever the riuhteye, she said il "push.: c ! i; on'. Precisely the same rcsu'is follovvfd. wiicn I applii'd ihe piiïnt ol t!i kniic to the supposed cofitsiiundüi pules in lic cricbelluii), 'hus showing. that on the óppösitè sities oí the irini and back pari oí the head, the po!t-s weie Dositive and nesjfiiLve; and by oiher experiinents we (hink we have demonstrased. t hi t tnere is a ■re ui-if.-ii.v poie in the C'iitie l thé br.iin kviièrc :ill the fuágnéüo ccuisos. iiom the difler ■.'ii cciriiüil l)igarrs. i-diiccnnate: and by a simi';:r proecss. I havo faurtd evidchce lo sutisfy nry '■' ihiit eyory organ. nïpnia! and pÜ'ysical, has is po! '. ' ;i pöint.whèVe itiete is a maximum ol he nriLiiöi:c orces, which extend to corresponding places in the láóe and neck, and by operating in f bes ■' 'üfs, itioiic uigaus may be e.cited lo üction .ml vii_e veis.i. Houston proinics toi lead the Tcxans into Mexico, as Loon as the crops are gathcred in.


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