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"ECONOMY IS WEALTH." THE Suoscribers wifl'pay pay two cents per pound in GoorU or Paper for an quantity of good clean SW1NGLE TOVV, delivcred at the Ann Arbor Paper Mili. JONES & ORMSBY. Ann Arbor, April 27, IS4&1 tf COPARTNERSHÍP, THE undersigned James Jones & Caleb N. Ohjhby. under the name and lirtn of JONES & ORMSBY, have this day íbrmcd a co-partnnrship for the nianufiiciure and sale of PAPER, of vario u a descripiiotís and quality. They have connected with their Mili, a B O O K-B l'„ND E R Y, where all orders in ihat line may be niet wi:h ïeatness and despntch. They are novv increasing heir machinery, by which they will be enabled nore promptly to answer orders ror paper, &c. JAMES JONES, C. N. ORMSBY. Ann Arbor, March, 8,1842. tfThreshing JHachines. jHHE understgaed wo;i!d iriforjn ilïcTpuMic thnt aL fhey c.)ii:i(iiie : rnufiufncture Iïon3u i'.rKR9 niid THRKSHïfca MaCHISEs; IWü illJ ,1 liall : . cm ihc rriil'i Hvres l'ower luie invjuüoii by S. Vv. Foiner, and is decidedly superior qiiy o.thei over oftèreiil tó the public, as wi!i oppear by the statements of those who have used thcin during the last year. Il is light in weiglft ind small in ciüiipnss. bcing carried togother with the Thresh(T, in a comiuon waggyn box. ;md drawn witï ense by two horses. h isas lntlc liallo tv bfoaW, or iet out of repuir, is iny oüier Horse Power, and will work as easy and thrnsh na mucli wjili four horses n itadu-d to it as nny other power with fv: liorse.-, as will nppcar from the reoommendntioüs below. New patterns have been made for the cast Iron, anti üdditional weigut and sirengtii npplied wlierever it had appearod to bo necessary trom oro ycai's use of the machine. The subfcribeis deeni it proper to state, ihat a nutnber ot horse powers weie so'd last year in the vülatreof Ann Arbor wliich were helioved ly the parcliasCrs to be tliose inven ted by S. VV. Foster, and or all of ihem were eiiher made mateiinlly different, or altered belbre sold. bo o.tó bo iiiutciially different from those made umi sold hy the subseribers. 'Sueh altérotións beiñg decidcdly detrimenta to the tuiliiy of the machine Tlicy have good reason to helicve that every one of those reïumed by the purchasers a3 unsatisfactorj wern of t'jia class. Thcy are nol a ware thp any Power that went from their shop, and was pu in se, as thuy made it, has been condemned or laid asideas b bad machine. All who wish Mbuy are invited to examine them and to errqtfiré of those who have used them - Thcre wül be onfor nxamination at N. H.Wiso's, Dexier tiUasé,' aml one at Mauti.n Wii.leon's storehonao in oh - both these gentlemen being ayenta for the sale of them. The pn'ce will be $120 for a four horse power, with a threshing machine, with a stave or wooden bar cylinde.r; and $130 fura horse power with a threshing machine with an iron bar cylinder. The attention of the reader is invited to thefollowing recommendations. S. W. FOSTMR&CO. Scio. April 20. 1842. RECOMMENDA Tl ONS. This is to certify that va have used one of S W. Foster's newly invented Horse Powers for about live months, and thresiied v.-ith it about 8J00 bushels, and believe it is constructed on bcttcr pi indples thnn any other Horse Power. One oí the undersigned has cwned and usedeight different kinds of Horse Powers. and we believe that four horses will thrash as much with ihis Power as jivc will with any other power with which we areacquainted. H. CASE, S. G. ÍVES. Scio, January. 12, 1S42. Tais is to inform the public that I have purchased, and have now m use. one of the Horse Powers reeen tly invented by S W. Foster, made by S. W. Foster, te Co., and believe it be construct ed upon better principies, and requires ltsfi sirengtk of horses than any other power with which I nm acquainted. A. WEEKS. Mount Ciemen3. Sept. 8, 1S41. This is to inform the pnblic that I have purchased one of the Horse Powers, rccently invented by S. W. Foster. and us 'dit fora number of months. and believe it is the best power in use, working with less strength of borses than any other power with which I am acquainted, and being small in compass. is easily moved from one place to another. 1 believe 4 horses will thresh as much with this power as 5 will with any other power. The plan and the working of this power have been univemlly approvod of by farmers for whom I have thrashed. E. S. SMITH. Scio. April 11, 1842.SHEUT MACHINES. The subscribers inake very good SMUT MACH J NES which they wil] sell for $60. This machine was invented by one of the subscribers. who has had many yeur's experience in the niillint' business. We invite those who wish to buy a good machine for a fair price to buy of ná. It is worth as muah as most of tha machines that cost from 150 to $300. S. W. FOSTER & CO. Scio, April, 18, 1842. Woolen Manufactory. The subscribers have rccenily put in operation a woollen mannfactory for mnnufacturing woollen cloth ly power looms, two and a half miles west from Ann Arbor village. on the rai'.road, wheie thcy wish to manufacture wool into cloth on sbnresj or for pay by the yard, on reasonaïile terms. They have employed experienced woi Ismen and feel coniident that work will be wcll done. They therefore respectfully ask a sharc ol public paironagc, espccially from those who are in favor of home inüustry. Wool may be left at Scio village. S. W. FOSTER & Co. Scio, April 13. 1842.THE AEMERICAN JOüKiNAL OF SCIENCE AND AR.TS. CONDUCTED BY IMIOF. B. SILLIMAN ANDB. SILLIMAJN, Jr, OF YALE COLLEGE. Thé Ediiors of this Journal, wish to cali puDIic aitention to the fact thot they will liereaiïer, onthe cundition stated below, frank the nos. to all oftheir subseribers who receive the work mI rkctly fuom thkm BY mail. Their object in making this offer, ís to place those persons who nre so sitnated that they cannot take the work through n agent, a nd thercfore free of charge oí transportation, on the sarne footing in thie respect with city subseribers. Subscibers by mail have heretofore paid from $1 to $1,3? per annum for post age. which has been a suffioen consideration to induce inany to decline taking the wot-k. Now that tliis objectiun is removed, upon the simple eondition of punctunl remittance. ihe Editors confidently hope that the nuniber óf their mail subseribers will be niuch increased; and they malie no apology to their .present supporter and contributors, or asking their assistance in aidinu iherii to sitstuiji shi. experiment, by making this notice more public, and by inducnj their Jricnds to subscribe. Experience has proved that the mail is by rar the best means ofconveyance to distant subseribers, the most sure and nio?t speedy; and all uttempta to establish agencies at a distance and a way f om the great linea ol transportation have uiterly failed - delay and dissatisünction and oiten abandonment of the work beinu the resul t. The American Journal of Science and Arts 's published at New flaven, Connecticut. Each nuinber contains at least 200 pages, closely and handsorpely printed on good puper, and f'uïly illustraied by engravings. The subsciption is $G ih advanct, by mnil The extra dollar beyond the usual price of the Iiterary quarterlies is inispensnble, on account of a more limited pat ronagr and the great expense of engravings. Remittances should be made if possible in eastern money. but if that cannot be obtaiued, the best bilis which can be had may be s'.ibstitutcd. and no discounr will be chargèd upon thum. Subseribers will remember the regulation of tbe Post Office department, by which postmrsters are authorizcd to remit, paimcnts for pcnodicaláfrce. of jtostage, if the letter containiag tlic, remittances is Kritten by liemselccs All letters and remitt nces direcled to the Editors of the American Journal of Sczence and Arts, New Haven, Ct., will reeeive prompt attention. N. B Subscriberswho wish to avail them selvcs of the free postage. must sec that their accounts are not in arrears when such is the fact. the Editors cannot pay the postage. ET Advertisements are inserted at the custom ary rates, and the European circulation of the work ronders it a desír ble v i u cíe for the advertisements of American publishers; the usual publication day is the last of every quarter New Haven, Conn. Jan. 1841. Iw53


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