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-The Stnte Anniversary waslieldat New Haven, May 10. Arrangements were made for ssuing the Chnrter Oak semi-monthi y or weekly, and also for paying ihe debts of the society. The Liberty Convention wns tended by üeriah Green, and Alv.m Stuart. of New York, and was highly irrteréstingr. Francis Gillette was again put in nomination for Governor, md Levi Yaie 2d for Lieutennnt Gover nor.- Tlie liberty vote at the last election was 1319.ET We hear of the ravages of the Army Worm in 8everal towns n tlns county, and various pan8 of tlic State. In some places they have made inroad8 on the fields of wheat, but as they gonerally prefer grass to whcat, the latter erop will not bc niaterially diminished.EFThe Detroit Advcrtiser has a notice of a letter of John Norvell to certain friends in Marshall, in which he e.tpresses a hope that should the bilí before Congress for el ;cting representatives by single distriets bccomealaw, "the States will trcat it as a nullity, and trampíe it under their feet." Should thc legislatare not be convened, Mr. Norvell recommends an election by general ticket in open violation of íaw. So saya the Advertiser. We cannot believe, however that such a mad scheme of nullification is seri-ously contemplated by any demagogue in thi State. ETThe New Orleans papers state that tfce owners of the slavcs on board the Creóle have commenced suit against one of the Insurance Companies in that city for the amount insured at that o dice. ttTMr. Van Buren is expected to visit Detroit about the tenth of July,CrOur readers are well awareoffhe bitternfiss with which abofitionists have been assailed by grcat number8 in the Democratie party. The presses of that party from the Globe downwards, have teemed with obloquy and abuse. Much of this abuse has doubtless been owing to their ig. norance of our principies. Their zeal has not been according to knowledge. A more intímate acquaintance will greatly modify their views. An instance of this occurred at the Anti-Slavery Anniversary in Ohio. The editor of the Banner, of Mount Vernon, a Democratie paper, says of a speech of Dr. Bailey,that i(rt advanced and defended principies that every demoerat in the country professes to be govenied by." Of the resohuions of the Liberty Convention be says, "they will be found to contain most of the doetrincB and principias advanced and maintaincd Inj devwerats of old and modern schools. Strip them of their abolition taint and they arr the very essence of democracy. We dont wonder at federalisis opposing the political organization of ihe abolitionists, for iflhe abolilionistsshould remain true to their principies the days of whiggery are numbered."A friend in this State writes usf "We had yesterday, at our church and Sabbath school, eleven refugees front contentment and happinese." EPThe Legislatura of Rhodé ís!añd have par. sed an act calling a Convention to form cnother State Constitntion, to meet in September. Th right of votingfordelegates to the convention is extended to all American bom citizens resident three years in the State and one year in the ttwn in which tliey ofier to vote. (ETA Soathernpaperadverfises for sale at auction at the Court House in Milledgville, among others, Rohert, about EFthuke months old and Washington, nbout two years old, or 80 much thereof as will satisfy the JYIortgage fi. fa. in favor of Thomas B. Sïtfbb3 vs. Emmor Bailo. (E?=A World's Anti-Slavery Convention ia to be held in London, in June, 1843. nThe Daily American Citiz en of Albany, is forHenry Clay for President: and- Luthur Bradish for Governor! It is too Jate in the day to practice that game on abolitionista . Cabinism - new version. - The following from the Ohio State Journal, will reraind our readers of 'auld lang syne,' as newly vamped over for modern U6e. "Keep the ball a rolling on To clear the way for He.vrt Clay, To clear the way for PIenry Clat- For with him we can beat any man, man, Man of the Van Buren clan; Por, with him we can beat any man!"


Signal of Liberty
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