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ATAILORING BUSINESS ! M. NOBLE, would respectfully inform tW . citizens of Am. Arborand its vicinity" he has opened a shop n theLower Town. in diatelyover the late mercantile stand % hS% txibson, and opposite the store of J. Becklev t Co., whare he is prepared at ail tin,cS ,odo ( in his line, with promptnesc, aml in a neat and durable manacr. a Particular aucntion will be pair] to cuttinc 2?ar mente. Produce will be taken at the usuai nr ' ees. for work done at his shop. These who hava cash to pny for .services of ,h,s kind, are particu larly invited to cali. ' w Ann Aibor. April 27. 1842. tf TO PHYSICIAÑSAÑD COUÑTRY MERCHANTS. THE snbscriber invites theattention of Phy picians and Country Merchants, to ba present stock of Drugs, Medicines, PainU, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Vnrnish, Brnshes, &cc. &c. comprising one of the largest and f ullest assortments bmuffht 'o the country. L, his present stock wiJl be found: 100 oz Snlph. Quinine, superior French and English, 20 oz. Sulph. Morphia, 10 oz. Acct. do 50 oz. Carpenter's Witherill's Extract ef Bark, 1 bbl. Powdered Rhubarb, l Chest Rhubarb Root, 1 bbl. Powdered Jalap, 50 lbs. Calomel, S casks Epeom Salts, 15casksFall and Winter strained Sperm 40 boxes Sperm Candles, 2000 Jbs. White Lead, dry and ground, 4 casks Linseed Oil, Denttsts Instruments and Stock Gold, Silver and Tin Foil Platina Ware, Porcelain Teeth. A general a?sortmeiK of Patent Medicines, all of which will be sold on the most reasonable terms. PIERRE TELLER. 139 Jefferson Avenue, sign of the Gilt March Mortar, Detroit. HOLMAN'S TUIS Ointment stands at the head of all remcdieB for the following diseases which nature is heir too, viz:- RHEUMATISM both Chronic and inflamitory- Gout- Sprains- Bruises and contracted TENDONS of long standing. It discusses all tumours - renders stiff joints hniber by producing a healthy muscular action. It assuages pains in Boijls and Abcesses.- Nothing equals it in svvclled and inflamed Breasts in Females, if applied in early stage, prevents 8iipperalion or matter formfng, and gives in all cases immediafe ease from pain. Certificates of this fact could be given if necessary. This remedy is offered to the Public with the full assurance that it far excels the Opodeldoc's and Liniments of the piesent day, for the abore diseases. A trial is onl wanted. to give it the decided preference to every thin'g else. Many Physcians ot eminence have used this ointment and extols its merits. ng The above ointment is for sale wliolesalc and retaii by L. BECKLEY. Ann Arbor, (lower town) June I5th, 1842 9DR. BANISTEB'S CATHARTXC PXX.X.S. THIS piJ] has not only been used by myself, but by a number of Physicians of ngh stauding. both in this and other States, to jreat advantage. By tbe frequent and repeated solicitntions of my rienda, I have consented to offer them to the )ublic as a most efficacious remedy for all those )illious dieensees originating in a new coun:ry. The above pill is for sale wholesale and retail y L. BECKLEY. Ann Arbor, (lower town) June 15th 1842. 9 DR. BANISTER'S CELEHRATED FE VER AGÜE P1LLS. -Purdy Vegetable . safe, speedy, and sure remedy lor fever an( gue. dum ague, chili fever, and the bilious die ases peculiar to new countries. These pilis nre designed for the uffections of th( iver and oiher internal organs which attend the iseases of the new and miasmatic portions of oui ountry. The proprietor havng iried them in n grea' nriely pi cases uontidently believes thai they ar uperior to any remi'dy that has ever been offer d to the public for the. above diseases. It is purely Vegetable and pe.fectly harmless nd can be taken by any person, male or femalt 'iih perfect safety. The pille are prepared'in two separate boxe larked No. 1 and No. 2 and acecompaniedwit ïll directions. A great number of certifica tes might be procu ,d in lavm o! this medicine, hut the proprietei ;is thbughj Ca not t insert them, in as ifiüch ál e depemis upon the meiits of the same for tl :pi;taiii;n, The above pill is kept constantly on hand bj ie piop'iet, r md can bc had at wholesale nnd ro il at the .tore o! Beckley & Co Orders fron ie country promptly attended to. Ann Arbor, (lower town) May29th 1842. 8 L. BECKLEY. i


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