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Communications: To The People Of Oakland County

Communications: To The People Of Oakland County image
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It will.bc remembered thata county mass meeting was notihed through the public papers to be held at Pontiac, on the first day of June inst.. the object of which was to hear lecturcs on the irreat and absorbing subject of Jiuinan rights,Ameerican slavery. by competent speakers, selected from various parts of the state, and. that a short time before the meeting, a counter noticc ap peaned in the Signa!, alledging as a roason for such notice. that a portion of the gentlemen who were selectctl to speait on the oceaison could not attend. Consequently deleg'itions from several of the towos. who liad prepared to come to the meeting, remained at home. Many, learnmg the disappointment on enrering the village, imrnediately left. But n uffioient number remained to ill the basement of the Baptist meeting house, who, after listening to several oif-lmnd speakers, appointed the undersigned a coinmittee to cali another meeting. The commitiee regret the necessity, which is thrust upon them by circumstanecsbeyond theircoarrol. to cali that meeting at a time, viz: the 24th of August next, at 10 o'clock, A. RI., when it may be inconvement for farmers to altend, but t is beüeved, from the spirit of enquiry and the deep feeling touching thn subject which have been reccntly manifestcd in this county, that the 24th day ol August, wilh if no untoward circumstances oceur, witness a larce eoncourse ofpeople at Pontiac, convened to hear RIessrs. Birxey,Bj;cklky and Stuaut who have been inviied and are expected to address the meeting on that day.Friends of humanity, of republican liberty, of your country - no matter what your creeds, political orreligious - we invite you to look at the chatteüzed millions of liumanbeings bowed down, imbruted, crushed, bloeding under the oppressor's laeh, toiling without reward, ngonizing in despondency under a hopelcss and cruel bondage, bought and sold for purposes of lust and gain, cropped, branded, nailed to the pillory, mnngled with blood-hounds, and murdered with the ax, the pibvol and the rifle, nnd more horrid torture of the consuming elcmen: - fire. Look at the outroged condition of the frec people of color, so called, disfranchiscd, persecuted, impoverislied, degraded banished, sold nto endless bondage, the keyof knowlodgj withheld and he glories of the upper world shut out from their benightod visión, ond ftll in this "asyluui for the oppressed of all nations" - the cry of whose tears and groans nnd blood has come up into your ears imploring your mercy and proteciion. Look at your Temple of Liberly desecrated by the impipus profanations of slavehokling and liberty erndicating doctrines put forth by the high priests of slavery - the men of the bowie knifc and the pistol, soine of whose hands ure. as it were. even now reekingnnd dripping with the blood of thcir murdered fellow citizens- cast your eye on 'he black hiornl waste of the siavocratic po lions of these Siaies, where gaming. licentioasness, amalgamation and the plundering of God's poor are the oubr oí the day - then come home to your own paralized North, and contémplate how darkly and deeply thefeare imbued with thnt anti-repub'ican spirit of mobocratic ''espotism and violence whoge origin is in slavery: whose torpedo shock bas hurled her from the acme of her freepies and healthfal governmcntnl energics, into thc depth of poliiicnl p;trnlysis - where the right of pctition has been cloven down, thc frcedom of speech in Congreas wantonly assaüed, and the right of thfi accused to be heard n defence, denicd; an audncious and detestable espionnge estsblished ip the post-ofilce department; free discussion rnenacedby tumultuary movements, wlfli a view to its suppreasion in fhe country; nnd theblood of the innocent .Lovcjoy poured out as water on the guilty plains of Alton, for hisa'jle advocacy of human riglits - look. at these which are but a portion of the features of the entire picture - remernber that the whole North is noio the legalized hunting ground for the venal and God-cursed prowlers of human prey; that your liberty, which is identical with that of all classes of the population o our common country is endangeredü - look at this and resolve to come to that meeting en massc. Come not merely to be electrified by the eloqnence of B. and B. and S. - an inscrutable Providence may disappoint you of thrtt - but come as friends of humanity, as haters of oppression, as seekers and lovers of truth - cometoit, in short, as S LA HATING FREEMEN to an ANTI-SLAVERY MEET'NG, with tongues all untied, and the very spirt which shall prompt such action, will give the requisito interest to tho meeting.There will be no ballot box thcrc through which freemcn can "give practical effect to thcir irinciples," butthcre, even there, the people may strike a bbw which shall teil upon the destinies of the republic; may touch a chord whose vibration shall ultimately thrill, with regenerating efiïciency, the darkest and tirearestslaveholding region within our borders. Ladies. will you meet with us? Surely, on this subject the pulsations ol your hearts will be in unisón with those of our own. We look to you as helps in tbis great work of benevolence. Come then to the meeting and cheer us on, and nerve our arms in assisling to bring back the country to a jast sense of the necessity of jurifyingit of this Ileaven-doomed curse of slavery. - If you should hear its political aspect and bearings dtscussed, it will not harm you. ;Your tears may rust the captive'e chain" and your silent prnyers accelerate the happy period when "every yoke shall be broken," nnd the moral condition of the oppressors, as well as of the oppressed, ameliorated. Let not the 24th of aucust, 10 o'clock, A. M., be forgotten. Our frienJs of adjoining couniies are invited to attend.


Signal of Liberty
Old News