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CLINTON SEMÍNARY npiIE fall term oí this institution will comJL menee on Mondny. Aug. 15. and continue 12 weeks. Tuilion, for studies pursued by small children, $2.51 - for cornmon English branches $3,úQ - for Latín, Greek. Frenen, Hebrew, Chcmistry, Astronomy. Algebra, Geometry. Book-Keeping, Morul and IniellectuaJ Philosophy, L4,00. ít is very much" for the suidents advantage to enter at the beginning of the term, and yet those who enter afterwards will be chnrgcd cuition only from the time r.hey come in to the close of" the term. Tvition to be paid in adeanec. A ciMivenient nnd commodious building in a pieos ant and retired location h;is been procured. Board, including room : nd washing, may be had in good families at 1,25 to 1,50, or rooms inay be hircd and students board themselves at much less expense. Pnt-rons aad friends are respectfully invited to visit the school at Rhetorical exereises, which occur on every Wednesday, P. M. A pho-rt in vocal niusic forms a part of the daily exereises, "Juveñile Songs, by Thomas Hnstings," has been lecently intro duced. We are hnppy to be able to inform our iriends, that we trust the school will ne rendcred more valuabie than lieretofore by the addition of' the services of Mr. James S. Smedley, A. B., who will commence his lnbors as teacher of Hebrew and French at the opening of the next term. From Mr. Sm-edley's experience .ind success ns a teacher, together wilh his known choracter for protnptness. e-;eigy, and indusiry os a scholar, we feel confident he will do nuch towards rendéring the sc!io?l what wo wisli it to be, a piace whpre the physical, intcllectual and moral powers ef the youd of both sexes shall be trained for future usel'ulness and respectability, and happiness and heavcu. GEO. W. BANCROFT. Principal, Mns. BANCROFT. Assistant. Clinton, July 5, 1842. 12-5w" T)ARSOiVS SHEARIXG MACHINES." JL - Theo. fi. Catón &. Co, 13tí. Jefferson avenue, aretlic solé avenís oí' ihese very celcbraicJ machí neg. 12-dw SATTIÑETT WAltt'S ON BKAMS.- Theo. H. Eaton & Co., 138, Jeflerson Avenue, ofTer ibr sale a large slock oí Sültincti, íro m the New York milis. These Warps are conbideied superior to any oiher in the courury, and vvül be sold, for cash, at a small ndvanco. I23wXpsTA'lE OF ELLEN WILMOT DECEA-Li SED. Notice is hereby givcn ihat he undersigned bas been appointed by the Hon. Gcorge Scdgwick, Juclge ofl'robate in and for tho County of Washtcnaw, adrninistrator on the eslate of Ellen Witmor. Inte of Saline in said County, and has iven bonds accordingto luw. AH persons having demanda against said cstntc are rtquested to present them for adjustment, and all persons indebtcd tosaid estáte are reques ted to make payment without dolay. ISRAEL WILLIAMS. Ann Arbor, Juno 3), 1842. 12 Gw íírEWlsopDÍr" JII. LUND s now receiving direct from Bosion and New York, a largo and well elected stock of Mircrnndize. consisting of' STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, GltOCERIES, CROCKERY, $ GLASSWARE, DRUGS S? MEDICINES, NAILS, CRÁDLE AND GRASS SCYTHES, BOOTS AND SB0Ê8, SrC iS'C ■vliich ho offers for sale cieap for the rcady. D.itfid, Ann Arbor. May 9. 1842. El STAT E OF JACÜÜ LAWTUN DEÁ CEASED. - Notice is hereby given, tliat lie undersigned have proved the l:st will anil estament of Jacob Lawton, decensed, and liave aken letters Teslamentary thereon, and have ?iven bonds according to law. All persons indebted to said estáte are requested lo makc pay. ment without delay, and all persons having claims igainst said estáte are requested to present the same to the subscribers, ivell authenticated, for payment. GEORGE E. LAWTON, DAVID T. M'COLLUM, Executors of the last will and Testament of Jacob Lawton. Dated, Ann Arbor, May 7, 1842. 3mNEW SPRING AND SUMMER G O O D S. JUST received and teceiving at the New York Chcap Store, purchased ut the present luw prices in New York, which will eriable him to sell lower than ever befare oflered in this place, a large lot of French, English and American GOODS, consisting of Dry Goods, Crockery, Books and Stationary, Boots and Shoes, Lookiug Glasses. AIso, a large lot of Yankee Notions. wholesalc and retail. D. D. WATERMAN. Ann Arbor, May 11, 1842. 8w ' C&RniJYG. THE Subscribers are prepared to card Wool for customers; having first rate machines.and having employcd an experienced workman, they Teel confident of giving good satisfaction to all who will favor them with their custom. Their manufactory is two and a half miles west of Ann Arbor on the Huron. S. W. FOSTER. fcCo. Scio, May llth, 1842. ' Wool Earding and Cloth Dressing. THE Subscribers respectluily announce to the citizens Ann Arbor and vicinity, that they are prepared to card wool and dress cloth for customers, in the best style, and at the shortest notice. Having good machinery, experienced workmen, and long practico in the business, they have the utmost confidence that they shaÜ give complete satisfaction. J. BECKLEY & CO. Ann Arbor, April, 25, lf-42."33 e fcajs of fctíníifna WLHtiz forLot." JACKSOPJ TEMPERANCE HOUSE, BOTANIC MED ICAL STORE, With Hot and Cold Eatfcs. Br. J. T WllrSor, East e-ui of Main Street. Jacksrm, MicH.NEW GOODSÜ CHEAP FOR CASH. AT the Store of the Subsciiber. a new and splendid assortmont of NEW GOODS at prices so cheap as to astonish the purchasers, consisting of DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY. BOOTS, SU OES, AND L ADI ES' SLIP PERS, S II AKER AND LEGHORN BONN ETS, SfC. $0. Muslin De Lano at twoshillings per yard; calicóes at six cents per yard, and other goods ai prices to correspund. To be convinced. just cali and see the g jods and prices. 4000 pounds good butter wanted; 99399 bushels of house ashes wanted. at 10 cents per buskei. Likewise field ashes, dehverecJ at my ashery, nearChapin's iron foundry. N. B.- All kinds of Furs taken in exchange for goods. IJ. BOWER. Ann Arbor. (upper town) June 2, 1842. NEW GOODS!! FDENISON has ust reccived a complete . stock of DRY-GOODS. GROCERIES AND CROCKERY, which wil! be sold very che;ip for money or most kinds of prod S e. Descriptions and prices will bc giveu at th ö Store. Ann Arbor, June 1,1842.


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