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Watchman! What Of The Night?: Good News From Western New Yor...

Watchman! What Of The Night?: Good News From Western New Yor... image
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UUca, June 28, 1842k E. W. Goodwin E6Q:- Dear Sir:- ï thmight it might not be uninterestmjr Co your readers, to learn thé eheering anti ttohgbtful coursc things aro taking in rolfition to oor A. S. cause, in the Western nart ó'fthis state, wliere I finished three weeks of the most unbroken and scvere labtir on Sutu relay night last, I ever perfurmed in thia cause, or any other, in my lie. William L, Clinplin Esq. ofRochester, bent mea very kind and pressing invitalion, in the Month of May last, requesüng me to attend a senes of convetitions, l went; nd on the 8th and 9th of June, we held a two cïay convention at Sprïngville, m Eric Co. The next week A Uvo dny èonvention was liolden at Castile, iri VVyorairig co., and the third week ft conventinn of two days was held at East Bloomfield-, üinario co. These tonvëntions were great and 1 mny trnly say without inagñifying, thcy were g'orious; and I bclicve morö good wis done than at any three state conventiona I ever attended in my life. S1000 was raised, to support the A . S. paper iind the cause of the western society, to which Mr. ChapIiñ has corsecrated himself malriyr like. Í think we had at least 100 Clergymen of dirFer ent denominations in all, at tliese convuntioris, v!to are voting Liberty-party men. Western N. Y. Ims glorious spirits embarked in this cause. During the three weeks, meetings were held at the following places, besides the conventions, to wit: Elicotvillej Franklinvillej Macliiasj Arcade, Pike, Perty, Nunda, Mount Morrisj Genesce, and Farmington. A vast numbef of other invitations u'e were obhged to decline. The money was poured oilt likè water, in tliese hard timós tö vindícate the Ia9t rrtreat of freemeiif the ballot-box. Western N. Y. will do her duty, in November, nnd all the time belween. Men liave ceased to have conficencein eitl:er of the prc-slavery parties. Thcy see northêrn lsbor and the produótiöna of the free states, cnllicd by öiaveholdiiijr legislation, they sec northêrn indüstry anil shouihern hum inity laid ín a comtnon grave togelhcr, and they believe their resnrrcction will U #....#{.jk A ivnctoi-n nnntioQ u'nro nrrrftti .ized by appointing a com. of one from each countf, and the first 4 most western counlies tvith C. O. Shepperd Esq., of Arende, as their chahman, and tlic next uve countics with the same gentlemanj as thcir chairman, and the riext five counlies with Henry Bradley Esq. of Pennyan, as their chairman. These three bodieá of county committees vi)l meet n lliree división?, and employ an agent, a formen méchame, or some oihcr professioO) for each county or 14 agenta ior 1 year to comei JGacli agent is to go forward, lecturing from school - district tó district in his county, oreranizing school, district, and town liberty-party associations, of mea andwomen. The men being requested to vote the liberty ticket, prcvided thc voter believes the candidato honesf, capnble, and devoted to the slave, otherwisc not. Each person joining the district, or iovn apsociation, is requeoted, if he like,to pay, .f:1 dollar each, a a fund to pay snid county ogent. And if more tlmn enough is raifed, for tbat object, the balance to be applied itl printing A. S. traets. The cry is universa], ue want more Yight poured on tlie ballot box dut}r, as a christian doty to vote f etters off, and vote the 13ib!e to theelavc. 1 hope it may be iven. I liope other counties wi!l sen th'c propriety of adopting this course of organizing. I have never scon a time vlien a given omoiint of labor wouhl do so inueb gcod. I have o douht oue can do more novv in one day, tima tn ten dayp, in 1840; orin C in 184l. We must hold at lenst, 20 of these convention bcfure wiji;er, embracing two or three cotintjes, and two of them in n week- say Tucsday and Wednesdny for onej and Thurs3 da'v and Friday lor the o'. her, Never hold one short bf two days. 6000 con be raised by tl)Cf3 means, easily m this taie and the countics be .-rganized, and 40 ngents put in tho field on tt:c syetcm aforsüid. Yonr friend, A.STFAVART. I go to Penyan on Sd and 4th July & deliver 4 addresscs.and then go to Michigan and hold a niass meeting of two or three days, andganize and raise 500, or $800. - locsin. DITTh Cizenovia Abolitionist says: "The Mo'.hodists, (Episcopal) own 8!), 000 slaves. The Bnptists, own l.OOO sla ves. Camtiellites. " lOa.ÜOO " Presbyterians, (both schojls) 70.000 " Eptscopslians own 10 : STin illerdenoniinetions in proponion, thu9 ma king in their inclividu;ilcapaciy ns cliurch inein hers. aöumof not le-;s thnn 451.000 human he ing ownc'l by proft" ' ■ ehrisüons fellowsuipped by tne Uociois oí üivirti tv, tbeo!c?:c'! fjttr.inarfép, end cfauicfce$-f ;hv


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