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r-DaVEon, íbrmcrly ofíhoIroit Adverlisnr, hut now the editor oí' the Monröé, N. Y. (misnnincd) Demoorat, with fill his tact, as a poüucnl vvritcr, oAen pols info scrapes i'rosn wliioli it s a severelask to c.x1ric;Ue himself. Wcciie !he lullowing decloration oflnsnesn inslüüco of tliat iant: The Duelul Cvngrrssman. - 'j'iie qocfition misos wheíher Marshall has not forfoilcd Jus in Congref-s liy fig-Iiling a duo], ro havo not the Jdw t!mt Congress passet! upo;, tliat pubject a ycar or two ago; ; hut wc heücve llial it isfiwecping1 in it provisions,an(] (!i?qunlïfiesa mernbor from AWwg in Cougrofis, vlo i!'!]t.s a duel w'iüe a member, in any place or Öiidcr any circumstances. 'J'hi.-; Aoh be lts próvido. JVb man ivho icill jighl a duel- alkmpt to lakt the. life of andüicr - rhuvkl be fermittéd to makc Imrs fw the pcople Re should nol bc aflottéd, hervafter, to darhm the dnors of the Capítol; andhiglily ustvehive rstcnncdMr. Marshall harïoforc, icc hope the Hovse muy cxprfl hint the moment h? maces the atieiOpt, - Monroe Democrat.Ncnv it is an oldand n correct v)iic!i says thnt "it is a bad rule which wülnot uork bolh ways." I( strikes us thnt this snmc Mr. Paweon is a warm advocate of Mr. Chy of Kentucky, for tho Prcáidency. At a!l cvcni.s if nominaled by the ivhig party, hc will sustainhim. Wha! is Mr. Clay's characfer it tliis respect? is ho not a duelitt? To this interrogatory all must ïeply ín the nffirmative. He stands before tJie world the most nntccï duelisí extant. líe has fouo-ht three o: four duels - he has atlcmpled lo tuke the lifv oj his fdlow creatures. If, then, accordiry to Mr. Dawson's doctrine, "he swuld iiot bc alloivcd to darken the doors o the cijpilol," wouW it bejust - would it be proper to place hun in the Presidential chair, wiiere he would wicld a much prealer power than a mcmlier of ConfrTCBsl If the editor would have the House of Representativos expelí a membor of that Imby forhaving recently foughl a duel, would he support a man for the higbest office in the gií't of the people, wlioi is a noted duelist, and v)jo


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