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Manners Of The Slavocracy--Violence And Murder

Manners Of The Slavocracy--Violence And Murder image
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The possersion of aibitrary, unlimited power over human bcings. háa an effect on tiic mind very similar to thatof Alcohol. It excites all the malignnm passions, intoxícales the reason, and in sonic circumetnnces. prodncss a state of mind similar to paniol insanity, who istito the v.u' Ihers wïtti Iiíe indignant whcn hie v.üi ís directíy ■ wlicrs tic ihi: I lonc. ! ; ill Le to hrcik down im ?pir ■. itely wtthstands hi:n. Evéry siavchulJer s a ng - a monarch - an uniimucd sovcrcign in bis pecular spljcre; aml liis love oí nrbitrnry power cao be as fuHy gratified arrl sntinícd 0:1 a B$ulhet?l Iiniaiion, as it could by commandin ilic üiilüons o! Russia. The svüi oftlleelave mnstbcntl to ilic ninoter; but l!ie innstcr's vill must ofton moet vviili opposition from thoo yyliose iniigluíticss and sfbbornnrss ate úot inft r'.oi to hís own. Tíic-kj irccli by conííiciing imeresis, óftcn end to the most fatal and fcrooícms cnccuiuers amor.g tl.c v,hi;o pofmtation, ílcncc it ia ih;;t urtné, oflensive and de'epsivo. are so cornmovly carrted ni the South. He who lias been once I wíl! naturálly arm hinisclf"ngn:nst future aggression; and the össnilatit, expecting armed reeisiance. piepsres himsdf for n des;e ;i!e cncounter. Thüs armé nre round 'm ercat nbund:1110o in the stores, dwclüngs, oílices. and on the iii:l tlie presümption in many ilaccs Í3. thn til yóu'attácfc a ichi'.e man t you nttnck an man. Honre it is ihnt ihe airrays at tiie South nre so Hoody. VVhere arms are not cirrit'd. men are scldom kiüed in quarrcls. At thü ast clection in A'ew Harnpshire, t.e Dcmoerats lad a !lil!in-í out in ths town Iiouso in Coticorc), ind sstnted tbat roarly 158 men werc engaged nafight'fronrtón to fiftecn niinnies, nnd yol, ring nnnrmed. and having notliing but their tists to fi-l)t wiili. no one was killrd. Now supoose t!iey had been aecustomod to deadly offrays rom t!itir er.riieat yéars.fahd liad gone to the néejing, armed cach wjth a brace of pistols and 1 dirk, tlie house would have been dreñehed n Wood. That murder ond vioicnce preváil uñonu lG slaveholders to an oxíein nlirtost betond comparison wi:h tlic fice States, can be hown by aburuimit tcstimony.laK.e, lor inetancè, tlic cuse oí JVqwOiJeans This cily confnins übout two thirds ns mnny white jnhbbitants as Boston. A faw extracta from tlio New OrL-ans papéis of I8Ö7 and 18S8 ivij] give soine den of the s;olc of ihings thcre arnqrtg th'e white populaiion. Tho Beo. of May 23, I-:.-. óf the "frighlfvl dclago of kt mm Hond th?ii f'ows t!irog!i our strecls. and our plnces of im'üiic report:" and ;.'irn;s that crimes w.jíl soon hecome (hemost powcrfultigent in d?stro : almipt etéry criminal cuides thé laio." - The snme paper ofOotobcr 27, 1837. sr.ys, tlYc . willi regret !i:e fiiylufu' Ust of hurgicides int nrc D.1U.V commhied in Nev Orieana." - I;e Advcrtiscr siys: ':V7itliin the last ten or ■e!vc days. thrco suicides, four mulders, anti two executions, have oco;irrcd in tho city." Sáid Judgo Cnnonge at ihc opening of the criminal Cour!: "Without sonie powcrfuJ nnd ccn.ain romedy, our y;rccis wil! become butchkiiiks. orerjlow'.n? li'h ihc Hol of ovr citiz ns?' - The Boe speaks of ''the b!ood which now defïles ,trects ar.d our cofiee lioincs ns if tbc-y wère sJiamlLfsJ" and ol ihc "many vm„ instances of of oiub:oakiny passion which have tlirown wholc fc mi lies into the dcépest monrning." A Geor gia pnper fiayslhrcè murders were committed in New Oiieans in onc evcüing, and it was not kfiótvn tlat any arreéis liad been made. Tho -on Mercury contains an account of tho eiecutiöii of onc man in Orlèans föfroblicry witli intent to kül, of the arrest of another for stabbing a man lo death with a catviug knife. indofa third found murdered on the Lëveé In the Jatter case the mnrderer was known, but nos(ep3 wcre taken for liis nriist. One number of iht Bce mcn'.ions tho tmassirratron of one Barba: on Munday morning t!ic body of a mr.n. liamcd González, was hauled out ofihe river, drcadfully muiilated: on Fridny. a body wasfonnd. s:abbed. wounded, and Liuised. and the liead cntircly cut off. Auoihcr New Orleans paper has tlie following summary: 'A short lime since. two men t-Tiot one anotiter down in one of ouv Iar rooms, one of whom die-d instanily. A duy or iwo after, ono or two nfanis wcic fouml murdered. tbere was evcry reason to beüeve, by their own - I.-ist week we had to clironicle a bruta! and bloody unirdcr, committed in the hcart of our city: tho vory next day a nmrder-triil was cornmeneed n our critnnal court: day ensuing tlrs we publishcd the parficulars of Hnrt's inurder. The day afier, Tibbetté was hiing for altempiing tocoimnit a innrder; tlie next day again we had to publiah a mürder committed by two Spnïniarda at the Lake - this was on Fiid.iy Just. On Sunday we publishcd 'lie account of rtnctiicr m urde F comiuitted by ihe Italian Gregorio. On Mo!n3ay, nnothcr niurdcrer waslodgnd n jail. On Tuesday morning anotber man was stabbcd and robbed. and isnotlikeJy torecover, but the aösasain escaped. The same day lleynold, who killed Barer, shot himself in priso'd - On Wedtiesday. another person, Mr. Nicolet, b'ew om tiiebrains. Ycsteidny, the unfortanate George Clement destroyed himseli in his cell; and in addition to liis dreadful catalogue we have to add that of the death oftwobrothers, who (icsiroycd thcmsclvcs through grief at the death of tlieir moiher; and truly may we say tbat 'we know not wliat to-inorrow willbring forth.' " Add to this the list of homicides, the numbers slain n duels. The Picayunc, Juiy 30, 1837, say: MWé dtaly tiear of somcy?Z duel.'' A correspondent of the N. Y. Express says: "kirIren duels took place in or ncar the city dunng the week: fice more are to come ofTthis morning."wnat a liorna state 01 society is mm in me most virtuousnation onearth"! These. primes. bc it remembered. werc coinmitted iiy whiicinen v.ytm white men. wliilc the countless oiittages, robbcries. ad murdêrs coinimttod at the sanie time upon the helplcss slaves and free blncks are not even nlludc 1 to in (hs account. It is in vain to urge in exienuation of these crimes the great number of foroigners in New Orleans. Du not foreigners visit Boston nnd New Yurk? But the sime state of ihings exist3 gcnernlly tbrough the Southern States. Our last exchange p;ipersbronht the followmg, wliich is bul a specimen of what is perpciurilly occuning: Mutder. - Wc leam by a gentleman direct from Pme B'uiíís, that on Thursday last. the I9th instant. Paul Vaugine dèlïberately sliot two men. T. B. Tülery nnd Win. M. Potts. wiih a doubie barrelled gun. The circ.umstanccs, ns related to ii3. are. that Tülery and Potts claimed acerain [inrccl of Unuber in posses-sion of Vaugine, ml V"augSpè hnd threatened to kiil thcüi il thcy emoved it. One of them did remove a poriion f the lumber. but on secing the other, conelued to rönj'oveno more ofit till thoy had a lawul right so to do. Khortly aftei, Vaugine met ïem. and without saying a word. shot Potts irough lbo side rail belutul a pile of ut Vaugin wentaround on the other side. and dischnrged the contents of tlia other bnrrcl af him, Kfllïrig hiri inistnutly. Potts lived a few. Vaugiiie imuiedíaioh lio rivcv, ! w-h'óre lio h l.he woods. - k.(Árl;.) limes, Mr; !t occurod n Pen6á&!á, on the l"fí two í.ifn, vvliMse mimes are Avaiít ana fíiípos; tho leuter is dangerouí-ly i im íatclly wvnu(Jc(l: They were b'oih armed wiili pátolü. and four shots wcre íirfí. luimes receiml lineo hnlls inhsbxly. He wus 'ñol i'xp(;ctcd to survive. Avant had nut Lc;ii arreated. D.i!rrr:'e -Cue of the Mösi dclibcr He nurders ve fnvo rnost ever readof, lá Darraedl'y ibe Keimiicl. pnbl ;. morí. iSVmh ii.i. A pooi whilé vomon, naiicd FoiVny Ginett, wü'o of títephó) Garrctt, Ijving near Jnnicsíown, Martin rouniv. N. C. went un ilie lo Uio .oreíiord oí" ;i inr;n Wm. ;i. p-hó livViíl jn Jjer nojgtíüoriiood. n:id wns in ihc act of pickinir úp a few plume, wh. n slio w.-is difcovcrcd ly V,-;i.on. wh very deliborately kí'i kiswprk, wem fotUo.bousö and gn bis gun, vmlljLÖd bfusk towerds lier until ncnr enotigh to sliDot. look delibérate n'mi, r.ri stiöt t!)'.1 oor in■ c womnn r!end on ilie 'pot. ;ui'l iHr hpr ■■l: i:i b!iod. Wa.Mon isnlimit f"5 ■ thot tlie woüi:m liriJ a liíin. lic wns ;irrcíí:ed ::n! iiiprjsonod fíir trial Munhr of 3. F. S'oon. - Wo vci'jct to finí tlini t ï j i -ï genfjiïinnn. so vvell kiiown in lbo y ';iro. l'orrnóriy 8 ifieablecdifororihë l'urt Gibson Gorrsponüént; Jnis been reeemly killed on his plania'ion; in Texoa. by a conhectírtii. we tiear. mined Tlintche!-. Sonic wordspasscd pnsed beiween ihe partios. Stocííión èutins on the fence, when Thn'tcher snddènly shot hi;n. t!ir öbarge passin.? thro'igh lii.s hipli; Siocktou feil. itbdwhile on (hc round. ond in i hc net o".rBÍSÍng liis i'.vn. hc, received tlic conicms of Thálché'a seconS lnr;el in liis brea&i. and cxpired. - Xatcicz Couii:r. Amttscmcnts of t'ic South l - Wc learn from ihe clerkoftlie Highfender, [lint wfnlè wooding a sbort distiince below the tnoui!) of Red r.ver. they ere invited to siop a short line. nnd see nnoiher negro burned, Thcy were inlbrmed tha' (he feliow wno was pippared for the exlubinon. was ano'her of' the gnng rcentiy roefttioned. ns bavtog coroitted enarmities apd iied to the Rwamp - oacpfwhöin yvaa buuit, as alr. ndy pnblislied. 'i'hr.t feliovy it wns nscertafned. hnd killed a mnn. nnd carried off two w-amen, iinoof whom he had violnicl -ml for i his tliey bod biin wel! cháineti, nrd tho fagois rcady, with n view of givmir liim n rOretr.a o oí inevitable uhimnte ci;d. - JV. O. Bklictin.Ilurrihlfí Marden. - 'I he IIopkinsvil!; 'Ky.) Gazeturbiings he necjunt ofahoiher awful h'iurder. That i:;jor saya: On 'i : e negro wae despached lo the woods lo cut hs'y-fórJke, lio spVédily rctiü-no-.l wiiji a.síartling tile ibat lie had discbvttced ihc body ofá '.veiTüii pai a1iy deVrfured by lios. Apnriy iia ftpaíred i tbe spot nnd o! a vyas fitaja I npparëtitly not murilatt-d .. botín t horèd and malí el:! n i!c mus; i a mnnnóc ty gonVc .v;mm inhumane shape. Suspiciq,rvwiíh is Arjiis cv(''s p'jotí íhsíencí! on ilie negro wli.i firsi comtnuniciired thr; tnurdcr. líe wus inihiedíate'y conviyci! tp town, rik?, RÍihougl] ni cross-exaniíiied. noihins was eluci.J ti to u-.-üiniít fiis oo!iini;i;i!. In tlie ínenninnc. bowevcr. Iris ches.t .wns opp.ned nrici -i i.und.'c ol female nppcre! found iherein. wbich was eoon idcnu'ficd ns ihe prupprty of ihe linpleps vicu'm. - The wretch was ;i2;i;n appreheniïéd, nnd by dint ofneute intorrosoiion Míe murdeier sícol confessed in all hi? foalliéftmenesa. Aftor ilc wretch found íhat he douh!inr and lies wcre of no avoíl; and tbal tíie proofs of his guih weie too evident to be evaded. lio nindc n virme of necessity nnd confessed liis c.-ime. v.nhotu assigning any motive eteve that iho faikrqf aíl lies ihsiiguted hini to the pprpetralion of'the deed. But 'the chivalry' not only ejeel in the use of arms, but il:cy praeuse o kind oí refincinent in tbc-irpugüisiic èxerciaee, wliicli has becomc qmte famous, and is tüus quainth'described by Morsc: ; We are told a etrange and very bnrbnrous practise provails among the Iower cines of peoplc in the back parts of Virginia. Noíih and South Cafoünn. and Georgia: it is callcd gouginq. mi is r.eillier more nor less thnn a man, when boxDLr. pyfti'rig o::t Ihe aje of h's antagonut uih kb thuvib." RSADÉni whiio yon blcss God tlmt our society at the Norih is better iban that we have describèd. C0sse not yonr eíTurts to drive the curse of slavcry from our whole l'md. And be sut'e yon do not niock your Maker, and nuUifv your eíForts, ly voting for a godlcss, heardeas. jíaxsirAi.ini and wojUN-wtíüTJfa to preside over thisnntiönl


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