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The Following Article Is Denominated By The Free Press...

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ÍEPTlio following article is dcnominated ly Cha Ftee Press "A Tvbfjr the Alolltu nislf." Fr.m añofcs'.- The Free Press sneers at tho' Providénoe, VJvf lioi give ihis unfortunaté class of our popukition jus: p'reise whpo iht-ir conduct, as in tliis deservts it. Ti.ey did not piéss i'urward inro the r;;nkb or claim ?o tnke nny pnrt in die politie;.1. procccuincs of tiic (J.iv; bul they volunteered w proiect (6e city iromfirc. Owjiing lutlcproperty tl)om6(;lves ;uid liabie to lidie loss, tlicy ïfei o yi t r.sady t puörd i!ic dwéllingsol thcir whife bors. Thé géneróus oflei wna moei reú5otible 'j'he mörfiLèrs of i tic fire comprimes, in hrgc nuhiberö, liad gójjö iVom hoüio. ünder the (jrders .rent, and had lefi ilieir propei iv !. Gtcai exejiettjent vv;üj pravniUiig, tlíe bands ai' crd'.r lóosened. anti every oppormniiy opened ia incendiarishi ns well ae Ai sueli li'iie, IitínegíOfiS, popr, desöisewd ond de;rai]ed. sicpt forw.ird to guajrd thg ciiy. Was ü neroua, Doblal And vet the Ffee Press can sneer nt t. The editor luis liimsolf suflbicd 81 ven Iv frpm fires. Did be cve. t h i : ; ïi. of épurnmr t!ie .-iid pfobiackroan. in pheólfjng tba fiámea :uing his properiyï .Nove;1, lic i' ■ anly fpr sdcb on, (iet. And jret.thia islliêspirii 'i;s 1 yed (ow rd the Erovidence negro.-s. - Sav. Now. w do n)t ihiuk the abolitioiiiStS wil! lal! into liiis tub. The editor oí' ihe Advertiser i. too hcirtlfiüs an;i politie to gain their cinüdsnce. Truc. he commends the conduct of the coiorcd peop.'e of Providence os noble and generous - So it was. They havo thc-rc. as in othcr pinces. heen oppressed and dogradcd. ar.d they have pcacèfuily. reiijrned g.od (at evil, accordmg to the Scripture injunction. The Advertisor oudFreo Prosa have had soine sparring on the subjcc; oí' negro suffi'age, (lic foririer con tendí ng ihat democratie principios require that colored mei. thould be allowecl to vote: but when the Frt Press denounced the Advertiser as an advocate of negro su'I'rige, il bácked vut, nol admittinr the correctness of tho ch'irge! Snch. at least, was the import of ïlic dseuís;on, acoordingto out rccolieciion: for the papers are nol now by us. - The Free Prcs3 need not have öny fears that n party or [:ixjr that nnrulesiscJüar perceptions ! the rig'irs of men. and yet is tifraiji to advpeau in the cöirfideiice ,öf qbólhiönröM. - A:;:] while we nrecn thissubjoct, wc wïl) sny thal the cwnduct oXthe Free Pressi in tricering at the caiored Rèpfe. and the eílbrts made for their elevation to the riplits and privileges of citizens. .inaniil-sis the very reverse of a inanly nndno:c spirit. A djspösilioli to sustain ancl perpetuare the degrèdatiofi of (he colore:] peo:i!e. is n 't only oppresgive to t!:ch!. bui it is absurd and rrational as a rint'er of public pulicy. Svipposc. for the snke ofargtirñcnt, that they a are decraticd and yielous set of poplr. 'lt quglit to be pürsued rowiirdB tlieiíií If such is chaructcr, tiieii inflitencfi nd c.x.anipe njust bo deleteriütis ii those portions of comnmnity lyiih wfaoril they .nve intercourse. WoulJ it therefure be gpod ïolicy to oppress theni inore and more. nn;l ilnis ako away. eyery inducenieric to right aciion on their pnrt. and sinli them s'.ill dceper in degradation? Or wouid it net rother bc the part oí enightened pulicy. as welL as of humanity. to eie vate their coudition, by giV ing thétri tluir rights. hatructing their ignot'ance, and encouragtag in their bosoins, the aspiraliuns which l)t'coin treóhen? Thepppósitecoörsè ia as loolish as it is ungencrons and cruel.


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