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"There Was A Liberty Ticket Made Out At Rome At The Eleven...

"There Was A Liberty Ticket Made Out At Rome At The Eleven... image
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"Therc was a Hberty ticket tnvíü out ut Ronr at the eleventh faöuir ibr tlie lust electbn, and al ihough sevcral libsrty men knew nothiu of t and consequcnily did not go to the polls, therc wcr c more tlian tbirty votes cast on the pure demo. cratic principie- the universal brotherhood of" rn'an. Pcrhaps a fourth o('t!io voters are forthe ■rmint::inance of lbo fundamental principies of out1 rcpublican insiiluiions. We hope greater thin- nbxi rail." KTOur neigfibor of the State Journal has followeil tlïeexanipfe of líis Cotomporaries by com ing out with n forma! nominntion of Hcnry Clan !or the Fvcsuh.nry. The Detroit Advertiscf ssenis to huid back from fhc popular movcment, :ind is nppa:cntly waifing fór - somcthing. (CTThc Dcmocracy (!) of St. Joseph Co , un 'cy tbc auapicca éf.Hen. J. S. Chipman and ot]„ ers, seerris to bc thoroughly aroused in oppcsitipti tu ihe lihony principies. The Cemrevillé [cmucrai contifiuc'a its wcekly lucubrations o RboliUjwMjia, Th.u peper of July G has a column ■a the subject and promises n continuation. CTThc correspondent of tlie Boston Courier ( Wlrig) wiiies from Washington coricerning tlie new appwfrtionoierit: 'I was ín hopes that a smalf ratio ivould have been ndopied- so ihat d goodly numher of the snudyand strong-heaned inen of business- 'ierc!ñnt3. nnnura-;rurer3. fa miera r.nd me. cIwqs- niighi find their way liere. But oihcr soünsclbaye prevaüe; the country isdoomed to hc iarg? district syatem: politica! management ing here iis favorito lield. The House will con■inufi itobe filled wuh lawyers. demagogues ond o'i i.:i! schsmëTs; and the interests of ihe counry will continue to be guided and guardcd by tho -cntletnen óf leisure fröin the South. Depend upon it. by this strnnge movement - this rètrogradie nppirionncnt- -he Southern 3lave power bas leiipcd c'enr of all the checks and rmbnrrnpsments which a ncw census, ap all anticipatöd. was calculnted io throw around t. That o ,-wor Pfmds as strongly eni.'enched os ever, if ot more so. OThe N; Y. Standa.rd says ihat Marshall pubiicly declared that ü Wcbb was in Kcntucky, e woi'.Id slmot hiirj down (assüssinate hiin) without hesitation. Maralüill swears he will eek further revengo as saon as Webb shall have reeovered froni his wouhd.


Old News
Signal of Liberty