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Jn the House, n bil] foï the relief Of ceriam Georginns. who had lus; JO) negiucs. given up t ihc Indnns, (valucd at fcSO.OliU) lwviny been joj-cte.l to l;y Mv. Aúürns, the Rcv I:nn. Mark A. Cooper. of' Göorgiii: (mark !,i:n! J in grent wratb nrose. and deel;: red that unlees ihis objection were wiilrlrawn, ho wou'd otiject to ev■■,) refniaininjbill on tiie piivate cnlendor. IVir. C. theii proeecdtJ wit!i lus objections to every b!II ns iis rille v. as ciücii. till the entire calendcr had been gane tliro'ugh wiih. Much tinie vo lost l)}7 the rising- 110 quorum - a cali of the Heuse - a return íatu Coir-miiu-e - a hew attempt to go o;i wiih business - and much confusión with ninnj' poiuts oí' order. of the members wero indignnnt nt lus pciVL-iseness. Thjs Tvlr. Coopfer is a Mctlmdiat preaelïorj and the clamante from all paus of' i ho countrj'. whosc claims will probably be dci'cned to anolhef session, and per'mps (brevet, by this piecs of slavocratic obstinacy and ovcrseerisui. may i'eel as grnteful to Mr. Coopcr as they can. Mr T;ipp:-,n, of Obio. preseiued to ths Scnate n iñi?iíMrtnl on Wlieat. frotri Josbua Lcavitt, accorppaniod by oumerous Btátisúcal tables. pray:ng that C.iti2ii'S3 will mi-.irporate int.) the iicw tnfiff [■'.]. Bhoufd one be p'ássed a previsión rediicii'a the dal Les one thirtl on all producís of such countries as will rfdmit tle giaiu, flot:r. and saltêd incat of the United State, di.ty fice. - - Tbis is to secare a Ibrèisjn market for :he iniinense ,igiiculturil producís ofour country, éspeciálly oí tlie' JN'ortiiwcsi. it was ordered to be printed, and refencd to the coinniittee on Agnculture. Tins was ihcjirsl business that has come before t'liai comtniuee drfring this long eession. The little tarilf bill is djspóscd of under t!io operation of the previous question. The vote va taken on Monday on its final passage, and the result was I 14, nays 87. Uo.tft'o-thirds not votng in ihe .i.iiiin.uive, as requi red by the Consliluti m. the bill is rejected. Tho reguiar Tariil Ins beerv debq tod severa! dnysand many speeches deüveröd on both sides, according to the politics óf the niembers.


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