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CLJiNTON SLOAHNARY. THE fall term of this instirution will eomir.cnce on Monday. Ayg. 15. iind continue 1 2 w. eks. Tliition, ibr studies pamied by sinall children, $2.5) - for cotnmon English branches $3,wO - !br Latin, Greekj Frendi, Hebrew, ChomÏBtry, Astronomy. Algebra, Geonictry. Keeping, Moral and lntellcciual Philosopby. ,s i.OÜ. h is very milch for the studehts tü3vahtae lo enter at the begirïning of ihc teniij nnd vet those who eiiter afterwardd will be charged aiitiononly froni the titne tliey cotnc in lo the close of the term. Tuitiqn lo be jmid 'm aiicunce. A cniiyeniërit nnd cömroodious building in a pleas nnt nnd rctired location hns been procarcd. ]!■) lid. liicliKÜng room I tul wnshiug, may be hrul in goód fhmilies nt 1,25 to $t,50, or rooms may be hired and students board theniaelvts at niuch less expense. Pairons and frienda a:e resprctfuüy i:vi;ed lo visit the school at llheio:ical cxcrciscs, which oceur on every Wcdnes'!. y, M. A short lesson in vocal naisic forms n p;irt of the daily e.xoiciscs, "Jüveniló Souirs. by Thomas ïiastings.V hns been itcemly introdui c-l. We are linppy to be able to inform ourfrie'nds, tint we trusi the school will uc rendcrod more valunblc ihan heretoiore bv the nddition of' the sftrvtees of Mr. .T.nnes ö. nièdtey, A. B., who will coMiuHMieo his lahors as teacher of ilcbrcw and Fro ich :it the opening of the no.t term. Krini Mr. Siöödlcy'8 oxpewence nnd succoss :is a teacher, togethqr with lus kn'own churacier for promptne . nd mdusrry ;iria sCholnr. we "re! confidont he will do much tövyards rendering the school what we wish it to bc, a place wlmrc the pliysienl, ihtellectual and rnrtra] of the youth of boih seXea shail bc trained for future aiid respectability, aud Itappiness añ I heavon. GEO. W. IWSCP.OFT. I'rind.wL Mes. BAffCROFT, Assislpní. Clinton. July 3, 18l-."QARSON'S SIIKAJíl.VG MACHINES." Jl -Tiií'ü. íl. Eatow & Co. J38, Jefll-rson nvemie, arethe sulo agenta of these vcry celebroted machines. lá-tíw SATTINETT VVAIU'S ON BEAMS.- Theo, II. Eátos & Co.. 138, Jc'. Avcnuo, ofler for sale a lafge .stock of Sutiinet! Wmps, from thc New York niiüs. These 1.aij).s are coiibidercd superior to anv oilier in the country, and wili so!J, for cash, át n smnll advárfee. I3f8wE STAT E OF ELLEN W1LM0T DECF.ASED. Notico is hereby cfvöri that-rhe undersigned has been Bppointed Ly the Hun. Gcorgc Sed gwick, Judgeof Probale in aud'fur ilie Cuunty of Washtcnaw, adinimstrator on the osiate of Ellen Wilmot. Inte of Saline n satd County, and has'given bondsaccording to law. - All persons having demonds agninst soid estáte are r (juested to presont them for adjustment, and all persons indebted tosaid estáte are renuested to niake payment without delny. ISRAEL WILLIAMS. Ann Arbor. June 3), 1842. Í2 Üvv PÍEW GÖÖDÜ JII. LUND s no'.v receiving direct frorr Roston and New York, a lnrge and ■vvcl! elected stock of Mcrchnndize. consisting of STAPLE AND FAftCY DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CIÏOCKEUY, $ GLA6SWARE, DRUGS MEDIChE8, NML8, CRXDLEAKD QIIASS 8CYTHES, BOOTS ND SIÍ0E8, %C i-C. whiefa ho offers for eaie cicaj for the rcAdy. Dated,-Ann Arbor. May ü. 1842. NEW SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. JUST received and tcceiving ut the New York Ch;ap S;ore,. purchascd nt ihe present low prices in New York, vvhtch will etable him to sell lower than ever before ofTercd in ihis place, a large lot of Fronch, Engüsli and American GOODS. consisting of Dry Goods. Ciockery. Cooks and Stationary. Boots and Shoes, Looking Glasses. Also; a lugo lot of Yankee Noiíohk. !i"!esa!e and rciail. D. D. WATERMAN. Ann Arbov. iMny 11, 1842. &WTHE Subscribois are prepared to cnnl Wpol lor cusiomers; lmving first rate machines.and having employcd an cxperienced workman, they i'ee] corifidont ot' trood g&tisibctión to all iviio wil.l favor tlieiii wuh llieir custotn. Thetr maiuiiactory ia tvö and a hrili" miles west of Ann Arbur on the liuron. S. W. FOSTGR. tCo. Bero, May ïlih, 1 84. Wol! Carrlin nnü Eioih Dressing:. TT! F. Pnbsni'Dors respcctluüy nnnouncc to the ciüzcnsAnn Arbor and vicinity, tliat tht-y are preparctl to curd wool and dress c!oth fo; customerSj in the best style, an'l at the shortest notice. i hving gnod inncbineiy, expericneed worknien, and long practice in the öusiness. they have ihe utmost conüdence that they shall give complete eatisfaction. J. BF.CKLEY & CO. Ann Arbar. April. Í25. lf-4'2. "33c ïajs oï txinMn3 QÜlne íoroV' TEMPE RANGE HOUSE, B0TAN1C MEDICAL STORE, With Hot and Cold Baths. i JT, T WILSON, fötst cnl of Main Street. Jadizov, Mtrli.MEW GOODSÜ CHEAP FOR CASH. AT the Store of the Subsciilier. n new and spleiulid assonment of NEW GOODS at prices so cheap as to as'onish the purchascrs, consisting of DRY-GOODS, GR0CER1ES, CROCKERY. BOOTS, SHOES, AND LADIES' SLIP PERS. SIIAKER AND LEGHORX BONiYETS, $C. s-C. Muslin De Lane at two shillings per yard; calicóes at aix cents per yard, and oilter goods at prices to correspond. To be convinccd. just cali and sce the g )ods and prices. 4100 pounds good buttcr wantcd; 991)99 bushels of house ashes wantod, at 10 cents per bushel. L;kevise field aslies, dehvered at my ofehery, near Cliapin's iron founihy. N. B.- All kinds of Furs taken in exchange for goods. If. BOWER. Aun Albor, (upper towh) June 2, 1642. N UW GÖÖDS ! Í FDEíNISüN hns just reccived a complete slock ot JDRY.GOODS. GROCEIUES AND CROCKERY, which vvill be sold very cheap for inoney or most kinds of produce. Dcseripiions and prices will be given attheSiore . Ann Arbor, June 1, 1842. TO COILXTRY MERCHANTS AND THE PIJ 13 LIC GEN E RALLY. THE subscribor has on haml and offers fbi" sale ai low rates, a large and general as sortrnerit of Drugs and Medicines, Paints, Oils, Varnish. Dye Stufls. &c. fec. , wi'h evcry artiele in the Drug and Paint line. Persons wishng to purchase any articles in the above line are requestcd, beforcpurchasinff elscsvhere. to cnll at PIERRE TELLER'S, Wholesale nnd Retail Drugist 1"9. Jefferson Avenue, sign of the Gilt Mortar, Detroit.


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