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TEMPERANCE HOTEL, BY HOBERT& TERHUKE. (cOR.NER OF MICHIGAN AND WASHINGTON AVBNÜSS, DETRQIT.) THE above House is pleasantly éitúái.ed near the Central Railroad Depot, and is nou' undergoing thorough repairs. The rooms aro picasnnCth.! B-da and Bedding nll new, and the Table will be supplied witli the choicest o iho mnrkét, and the proprietors assuro lliose who will luvor them wiih their custom, ihat al pains shall be taken to muke their stay with them agieeaole. F.xuk. vcnjluw. and accommodation goud.- Carriages to convey passengers to and frum the Hotel f'ree of expense. Detroit, Apri': l12. FASHIONABLE llats, Caps, & JBoiinets AGOüD ao-sortment at the New York, Cheap Store by D. D. WATERMAN. Ana Arbor, May lfftti,Thrêshing Machines. jpjjV „ rm ilje nublicihni 9 til, nufucture floKsi: PowLRsnndTHfliisJn.NG tiwo nndn li.nll unies trom the viH&ge of Ann Arbpr. on the railroad. The Mofse l'o'u'er :- a late mveniion by S. W F08tef, nnd is decidedly superior to any other ever oíil-red to the p'iblic, as will appear by the statements of those who have used them durug the lafet yenr. Jt is light in weight and small in i compass. being canied logethèr with the 1 hreslier, irí-a cotpnron wopgon box; qnd xlrawrt .witfc case bv two liorses. Jt is as hitje lialik (d breuk. or net'oiu of repair, as ; ny oihèr Ilorse Power, nnd" will work ns ewy nnd thrash as i-much wh Fout hoiscs attaehed to it ás any orbêr power wirti ïj borses, as iviil appoar fvom the leiów. -New pnitorns have been ni; the casi Iron. and addilipnal veighl and snenath npplied wherever it had appeared to be necessa-.y froni ore yoar's use oí thé líihcbiñe. The su'bscribers cleem it proper to sate, UW)t 'i nurnber of hóree powers werc eold bi yenr ni the vii!;:2cof Ann Arbor wbich werje believed by ük puvebasers to Ie i.hpsè invented by tí. W. Foster ui'l dia: most or all oí (hem were cithcr macle materiaily difi'crent. or altered beíore sold. so as to be materiaily different frorn tlioso made nnd abïcl "by thé'sulséribëri. Sucli nheraiions bemg ■ dccidëdly dëtnmenta to the uulity of the mnchine. Thfy h-ive wod leason to believe thnt every one of.those returncd by the purchnsers as unsauafacton were of ■ Tliey are not awnre thni any Power that went from iliéir sitop, and was put in use, is they made it. bas boen condemncd or luid isiJeas a bad nmebine. ■Mi u-hu wish t. buy are invltod to examine them nnd to enquire of those who have used them - TherewillbeonclbTsxnminationutA. H.U ixr. s, tilLagc; and one at Martin WïLi.sqn stoithovse Vi Dcpóit- bötli these gentlemen bein' a-'ents for the snle of ihem. The pnce wijl be J2Qfor a lour horse power, wiih a thrtáhirtg ruachine, witli a stave or wouden bar cyliridcr: and $180 fora liörso power with a thresiíing machine wiih an iron bar cyhnder. The attention of'the reader is invited to !lie followiln=';cCm"I1)eml:tnW. FOSTKR&CO. Scio. April 20. 184?. RECOMMENDA TIOXS. This is to certify thnt wa hnve used one of S W Ffstér'"8 ncwly invented Hbrso Posvers for :ibóut live month's. and threshed wiih it about 8 IQÜ bushels, and believe it is construí hetter p, i -iciplrs thnn any othér Hoïse Power.'- One of the nndersigncl lia wn(ulnri:l tiscd ciiilit difü 'ror.t kinds of Ho'rse Powers.and we bfilieve thai four h-)!scs will thrash as riiubh with this Power f as Jicc will wiih any other power wnh wbich we I are ocquaintcd. OASE S.' G.'fVES.Scio. Janunry. vt. j-í-í. T i is 10 iniorm the public that I have purchnsd mul hnve now in use. onc oi the Morse Pow;rs recemly invehtett ly S S. Foster. made bj 3. W. Koster, & C:., and believe t be construct jd upon beíter principies, and requires Ic.'rs itrcngt't korses tban any other power widi wföch I acquaiiitctl. WEEKS Mount Cíemeos. Sept. 8. 134J. This is to inibrm ile public that I have purchas■(1 oö'eöf the Horsê Pbwérs, iecentíy invented by 5. W. Foster. nnd us d it tbr a r.uinber of months. and believe it is the best power in user vvorkina svith less suengih of hors:s thnn any other power with which I am aequainicd, and being smal] m compass. is ensily moved frota one place to another. I believe 4 horses witl thresii as much with this power as 5 will witli ariy other povVer; The plan and ihe working of this power hnvo been universnlly approvod of by funners for wliom IhavethrasheJ. E. S. SM[TH. Gcio. April 11. 12. The subscribërs makévef.y good S-Ml"l' 1ACH1ÑES which thcy will sell for $50? IP'S machine was ihvciïted by onc of the subscribërs. who haVhad many ycar's experience in the rmUmg business. We invite those who wish to buy a cood machine for a fair pricc to buy of ns. it is worth as nmjh as most of Uu machines bat cosí fromloO toSHOO. „ _S. W. l'Uöl ÍAÍ CC v-w. Scio, April, 13. 131?. Woolen ÏVIanufactory. The subsciibers have roccntly put in operation i woollen manufacfory for mañufiicturing woollen :loth hy pávver looms, two and a half miMs wesi r.iin A ii n Arbor villaje, on the ra i rond, wheir th'ey wish to mapufar.lure wool into cloih oii slinies, or for pny by (Re yard, on rensonahlr ternis. Thoy have e.-nploycd cxiicriencod workmen and feel confule"t ili'nt work will bc woll done. ÏTiey thJ-efore rëspectfolly ask n shaie o! )ii!Hc palronné'c, éspecihlfy ''rom tliosu ivh'o nre in ofirr.Tw:-; ixnriTKY. Woul mïiy be left at Sciovtllnge. s. w. F0STER & Co. Scio, April IS. Íéí& TO CLOTH1ERS. THE subscriber is just in roceipt of a fur thcr Kunplv of Clothier's stock, consist iiiir of MACHINE CAHJJS ƒ iviiy lsri fnv; CLOTHiER'S JACKtí. HA VTIXE W1RP. CARD CLEANSJS'RS and Pir'h ERS. SUUTTLF.S'. REËÜ&, KETTSJIS. SCREWBi PAIiSÖN'S SSHEARINtS MA'; CHINE. ÉñiERY, feréfy fize,) TENTER HOOK-S', PRESS PAPER. tasLhet tiiith a vi' sí ken d usj o lm nt. f l) V ■; WOODS.avd OYE .S'77FFiS' of tlic very best gvowth hód manulacture. These good? (coming ns they do dirrci ffmii first hands) tne Bubscïitjet is enablcd m soll lower tlian any other Ho'usë tvést ut' Ntw York. he tlieiefore solicits the atteniiop oí' fi.rms in ihe ciothing business, to thecxan ination oí '■ mei p ices before going cast or púíchasin elsewhete. PIERRE TKI.LER, Wholesale nnd Retail Dnieist, 139 JeiTcrson Avenue, sign of the Gilt Mortar, Detroit.:to country merchants and the public THE subscriber hns on hand and oOors for sale at low rates, a large and general assortment ol Dniiis nnd Medicines, i amts. üils, Y'arnish, Dye Suifïs. &c. Va. wi'h -very nrticlc in the Drug nnd Pnmt line. Persons wi.-hinü- to purghnse anynniclos in the nbove liiic-nn; rcqucsieil. bcforc pu'íhñsinsrolsexvherc; u culi at Prt'.HRF. TELLEJl'S, Wliolosnl.c nnd RetórDnjüsist 'M). JciTcr&jn Avenue, sin ofthcGtlt 'ortar. Deir.5l LU.MJ5KR constuntly on van nul lor sale hy " F. DEÑTSÓN. June 10; 1842. ff WOOL - F. Denison will buy my quajitity of Woo!, at fair priccs. if delivered at liis Store. June 10. 1842 tl E STATE OF JACOB LAWTON Dl', CEASED. - Notice is hereby given. that tlir; undersigned linve proved the lr:st will nnd testiinent of Jacob Lawipn. dccojised. nnd have taken letters Testamcniary thcreon. .i:;d have givèn bpnds nccyrding lo lasv. All persons iidebted to s.iid estáte are requested to make payment without delay. and all persons havingr claims against snid esta. e are requested to present the same to the subscribers, well authenticated. for payment. GEORGE E. LAWTON. DAVID T. M'COLLUM. Executors of the lust will and Testament of Jacob Lawton. Dated, Ann Arbor, May 7, 1842. 3m


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