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Jackson County Convention: For The Signal Of Liberty

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Pureu&ïit to prcvious no;ice. a Convontion of the fnends of liberty was licld on the Htlt o.' Ju!y. nt the Court House n Jnckson, fbr the purpose of jiüiiiinating county oíllcers for Jnckson couniy. The convention was organizad hy clecíiiiír Dr David fJmghain, PrcÜtfenr, nnd Thomas McGcc Vicc Prcsidtfn', nnd RppoFnting J. L. Ec'crio nnd L. H. Jonce Socrcta;ics. The Convrntion tlicn nppointcd a comaiittc consis-ing of or.o nova eiclt town represented t( present to tho convention a suitable nominatio: íor tounty officers. Tlic convention aiso nppointed a cornniitlee consistin? of Missrs. Binglnm, Treadwcl!. Rexfprd. Edgerton. Love :md Jonrs to dra ft resoluijons. expreïsive of the s.nsc of ilie convention. The committce on nominatjona presentcc! the i'ullowing nomes ns cnmiidaies for county ofiicers which vrére unnuimously adopted by the convention.For Asscmbhj. TIJOMASJM'GEE, f Cmcord, S. B. TREADWELL. of son, R. B. REXFORD, of Napoleon. I'or Sheriff, IIARVEY AUSTIN. of Napoleon. For Registert, NORMAN ALLEN, of Lconi. For Coi n ij Clr.rk, LUCIEN H. JONES, af Grass Lako. For Judgcs, THOMAS COTTO.Y, o Brooklijn, O. U. FÍ FIELD., of Jacks. n. For Coroners, JAMES St. JOUNS, ff NupoiéJii, JOSÍAH WJilTMAN, of Sprln-rport. For Surrajor, AUSTIN POMEROYr of Tompkins.Toe cornmittec on resnlutions ihen presented he foHowiug to the Convcnúon, whích a'fter reinai ks, ai sonie lengih, upon thetn by R. B. Bemcnt, and sonie brief remarks in iheir favor by S. B. Treachvell and otliérB, for want of furtber unie for discussion wcre unanimousiy adopted by the convention. Resolved, That (lie past history of aíliiirs in our country, as well as a trnin óf late successive signal eveiiis have most abundantly shown that 10 mcasures of mere tinanc:al poücy, (however skilully (!e.'ised,) without the cntire abolition of slavery, and the consequent overthrow of the destruclive political sl.ive monopoly to all our rights, wül ever rescue our nation'sliberties from ts iron grasp. Resolved. That the true principie upon wliich our great cnterprise should be conducted is speedly to libérate tho slave, not onJy because the )urest principies of religión and hunanity denand ií, but as the only way hi which we can c'ncre (not preserrej oar own lcst liberties rom i:s tyrannical hand. Resolved, That, viewing ihc subject of American Slavery as wedo, both in iis moral, politica! and civil espeets, v.-ecan have no poütical fellowbhip wjth any political party, which has nol xMANIFKSTLY for oneofits most prominent objeets, its immediate and entire extinction in all constiuitional ways. Resolved, Tha.t the most consistent and eiïective suasion-ADOLiTioN is ihat which VOTES in ihe same direction that it tarjes and prays. Resolved, That the few national leaders of the old political partios in our country nre leagued wi!h the slavk io.vKit, entirely on its interests. and subjugaied by its influencc, and that if the pcuple ol this country cannot bc brouglit to see this league in due time, and in their sovereign capacity, destroy ït, through the Ballot Box, t ;ey and thcir childrcn must still be compelled to re Qjain under a slavehoiding dcspotiái'n.Resolved, Tbat inasmuch as we regard the leaders of the oíd political partios as fuliy under ihe influence of the sl.yve powkr, and rivalling each oiber for iis favór, we can not and m not cx'end our sufi'rage to any man (lu;vuvcr oiherwise respectarlo, or popular,} w!ie is nol 0PEN1.Y iden'ified with the libertt party. , Resolved. Thai we earnestly recommend to the liiendsoi ' liberty in the sevcral towns in thiscounty henceforih to hold weekly liberty meeting to beadjourned froni one district to anoiher through their respeclive towns, and to spare no reasonalile eirort or expense to procure speakers who wiïl prosent the claims of our cause for the considera;ion and patronage of the people. Resolved, That if the friends ofliberty throughout our country would litcrally and carry out tías plan oí action, our cause has nover bid fairer o make rapid advances among the more thinking, patriotic. and untrainnielled portion oí ourfellow citlzcns. A spiiit of harmony and determination remnrkably clmracterized the convention. After the adoption of the above resolutions the Convention voted to fo ward its proceedings to tli2 Signal for publicaron, and adjourned sïrie die.


Signal of Liberty
Old News