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General Intelligence: Southern Society

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ETThe following extracts f rom ourlast exchan ges show the naiurul workingofthe peculiar n siitution: murdor, rapt; , buining o death, lyiotk ing down, stabbing. shuoting, assassination, wife-wlnpping, duelling, ifcc. &o. 'i'iius the rñeasure that the whitea meet out to the slave. ia iciurned into their bosoms, produtiug a fciaie of sjcieiy scaicely raised aboye tha oi the daik ïegions oi Mahommedan despotism. Alore Black Demons.- On the night Öf the near o:viiL, Tenn., three ncroes suppofied lo be runawüys, broke at ihe .iad oi ni; ht iniu thé house ot a widuw lady, killed her ciiilJ. a lad aloui five ycai3 old, violaied her peraunj aaú. olíer saesfymg Uieir brutal appeíites, wüuuded her in severul plaucs, struck hor over the head walt a haichet, and. aupposmg her dead, üed. AJosi lurtuuately, however. tlio lost blow. wniuh tiity thoughl had laken effect glanced off' iier tiead beiiig piotoCted by her tienes, wfneu uimg dishevellfd down hei ueck, As 'soon as tíliti jecuvered lier senses. shé succaedeJ, though üieadluiiy lucerutcd, 10 cira hers. li to a neighbonnn n use, wheíe bhe iclaied the honid puiiage peipetiutcu on lier 'l'he wholc neiglibjrtuiOd WU8 l&fown mio exuitement, and hu..drei!s ui annecl men weiö the next day scoming tlie vvuods in search oi ihe despeíate hiffians. Qne of theai was shot ai the Ubion buuom, wounded uid tracked by lus biood lor several imlcs, but succeedod in reachmg ft thick canebnike. wJiere ne iiieeiually escapod the grasp oi his pursueis. Accó'fdiijg to ihe last accounts, the wnole uuuniry was iii auns, and scounnj ihe wöods uid bouoins with bluoúhoamlü-l'ostoiiFoáL [Thc-se are the legitímate iruits ol slavery 4ace ihe credit to ihe nght source.] Burning (ƒ tac Alluding to the Jale lonible lustauees of the burning ot iwo slaves in uouisiana, ttie editor of the New York Tribune Siiys -The tone in which this horrible transaclion is poken of, ndicates a state of society but littlein iilvince 01 tliesavagu. Civilizcd men. u would seein. couid nol calmly inflici such punishmeni jponadog; iheheórt must be cused in triple teel Ifijpt would not shrink l'roui beboldmg the anuiteraule ügon'.esof a brute beast thusbumed deuth. Wfaqi, then. n the name of Humani% inusi we thmk oi those who c;in riot oniy bnrn 0 deuth u líuiiKiñ bembut with a fiendish spint 1 liellisli heanitissiiess üivite iheir uiends 10 'stou wiiile.' and witntss the horrid rites? JS'o ñ.atter il ihë poor wretch hi.s made iiimseifan incurnaie devil by his BirquiÖus erimes; the man who lo blacken the ,-ige, and lo shame the deeds oí 'the Spaniah inquis;tion.''Juztce ni Mis3T8sijifn.r.te a lato term of ihe wrésrsstppichcuít cuiirt, at'Ñatcbez," a friendiess iorc yner, Ui the utmost dtstnuiion! was seiiteuced io iwo yta:s imprisOiiinen in-the jieniientmty, lor sieaüng a basket öf conls. Tfiewnounl 01 (!vjde;ice. n issaiJ. iv'ae, tliat on a severe winter nicht, whilc süfferiijg with cold. lie took some Coals irom ihc re::.i:,son wiucli hu vsms loir.nolauly iesi(!iug„iKj huik a fire lor the purpobe o! protecüng himeelt Irom the sevfiity oi the weaiher.' A Orate, indeed.- A man named Sniiih, vvhó betps .1 wvéffl noiar Kiclimond. Vn., wlnpcd I113 wiie nol long smce ih a nost cruel and bruta! ínimher, witb q cow-lnde, so tlmt portions of fluáli wero cutuut, ,nd her budy dieadluily btuaeá, he havíilg given her some 15Ü lashes. IJer cíínie waa guíig io meeting.recèntiy rp ri,ed enfavorabiy to the trüth of ani ma] i, i giusiii, &c. at Baffalo, On VUun-oyancc, which i„ deiined to he tiie lacuky ol seeiny objecis whethcr present or absent, (xistmg or on ly hoving cAisted, the commune report thatnuthmg 'bas hce.. dieiied by tbeir exaumiation wh;cti establièhes the ciairvov;iut poweiü;s above deiined. Th? resuü of experiments on Identün of scnsunon.m tusting. helling, hearing. &cl furm-li tbnt species oí toued lestimony which the conmniiwi cJcoin insuUiciont for the cst.-.blishmenoi truth Itke the ono in question. - dn. Post. Of the e.-nigrants who arrived al iev Vork !Ë! in'ínn'í L lhe 7th AIny' il w:is ascertained ibat JO.COü had nut one shilling each left on hi an ival. Emigrathn-By a table published n the New Vork 1-osi, n appears thnt the emigraiion to lhe Ltiited States froni Great Biinin during tho last VVer]ualS Y■ '3Ji7iv aveiagingyearly 28,. 7t ü. J he nuniber è to Cunr-da rturiiic M'sanie tune; 321 ,807. Yearly nverago. 20,800; IL? A comniittee oflearned gendeinen'have %■ UarnardnndRccccs, have in operation at the sieqrn mili in this village an apparatus for dicjsing. staves, that most clearly deserves a icwspaperpuif. The shaving mochnse will throw _uti4 heavy pork barrel etayes per uiinute. oi b-lüper-hounand HKU9U in iwelve hoiira: and hejointer will finish si.x per miSuie, 36Ü per iuur, and 4,320 in iwelve hours;M-least such was ;ts opei-ation ciurint: the lew minutes ihat we walcLödil. - W. 11. Chron.Snjcty f Ratlroad Travelling -fThe Enüsli papers etmi ihat ibe total number of persons'who Havftiéd by railway ia Great IJni„in and Irelund n l4l wns 15,226: and the accidenta werè only asoné toí-lo,y(33. A sirectfight occurred nt nton, Mississippi ü bureau wh.cb resuliod n the dcath of the attcr. Jherato was examined. and the kilüne eclaredjustüiableho.n.dclc.-a,, rJst. d the keeper of the pe.mentia.y t leflerson ty, some titne last year, nnd nftenvards SJS" ns beenappreUended. and was taken fo St. Lou s on the Ibth, from Lo-jisvillc. iic WUI bc te ven to Jcflcrson ciiy for trial.lhody Affray.-A gentleman In. n, J.ckson. :niorined the editor óf the Grand Ouli Advertiflcr thal u street figlu occurred ai iaat place on the Igiji ultimo, ëyétUAg. betwèeii Oen Weiiiy S. Fooje ml a lawycr 01 the name ol I'itzpatiick, n which ihc lauer w;is badly and it wfis fe;irid rnortnlly wom-ded l)y q juatul bal). I , bere wcre iwo discharges, bul üiie only took cxlect. The cause uf qiKirrel wes the biushnj U) ü( an old misundersunding. Muida-. - Ezu-act of a lettor to the editor of the Norfolk iierphj. áauú. "S ffaïk, ( Va.,) July 3cL 18-12. Cüpt. Roben Givlntí, Q vvorthy caixen of tbis p!;ick; was s!un down in the street yesterdny niorning1, abut eighí o'clock. by o wonhless fell..w of the name of fctnggerty. "']'ie „iuske! with I whtch Gwinn was sliot wüs clmiged with buck ! .-lio;, twtlve of which entered lus body. Liaggerjy alter discharging the Diusket, flëd to the thick woods, pürsued by muny of the citizens. but up to ihis hour has not been coptii red. He.tnay probably make his w.iy to Nofóik or Petersburg. Anothzr Dvel.- On Tursday, 5th inst., Mr. Robhins, a bank oflicer of Vicksbur and Mr. Füll. editor of the Vicksburjh Seniind, louglu. According to the arrangement, the pariies "had si.v pistola ench, which. afier the word ' fire,' tlicy wcic lo diic'uuge as (ast as they pleased.- Mr, Fall fired iwo pistols without efiect. Mr. Robbms' iiïst shot took cflëct in Mr'. Fall's thigh. who feil. and was unable to continue the combat. - ( in. Po.t. ■Hcnry Clay hns been formnlly nominated for nc.t PrèéWéni By th whi g slate conventions of Miiine. Dclewnre, Nonh Carolina, and Georgia, and by large mee:ings oí the people af New j York, Ohio, Louisinna. Sec., &c. Dr. FranUün says, ' Alter, munh occasion to considei' the lolly and misulnefs of a state ut' war(ure. and the titilo or 110 advantages obtaincd even by those nations which have conducitd it %vüh the nioet euccess, l have been opt to iliirik that i tlurencvcr has been, mrivcr icilUe, sxich a thing as a good war, or a bad peace." Horses and Horsc Shoes. - According to the late Uniied States eensus, thcre Drein the United Siaies f'our million liorsos. It is said thm they require tweniy iive ihousand tous of trun annually For shoes. The distillery at Marengo has lotely added a wreek titying appnrams. It furiiK-hes w!iskey for home corsumption. Hom horrible to wreek the fortunes ántl consume the cliaracters and lives of neihbors; but it is úiet as moral as to eend it away to consume and


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