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"The Ball Still Rolling."

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-So theUemocrat s snout m relerence to the clecticn in the ninth congrcssional district in Massnchusetts, 60 èoy we Returns from all but eight tovvnsgive 1881 voiesfor Goodrich, (whig,) 1533 for Wilkinsun, (Dem.,) nnd 673 for Juckson, fltivery .) Conscquenily no choice. The vote in sume of the towns is follows; Ab'l. Dcm. Whig. Seat. Roxlniry, 102 331 285 _ 28 Brookline, 3 60 32 Brighton, 8 63 51 1 Newton, 59 82 83 3 Natiek, 46 66 61 Dpflhnm, 52 333 174 5 Wrenthnm, -14 135 192 1 Medwny. 104 26 118 Franklm, 39 60 60 Med field, 14 47 42 Nrodnam, 7 69 83 Cantón, 8 70 128 West boro, 73 92 - The Atlas seems to tako the matter very uweh to heart. It snys: "If those who hnvc hitlierto aoted witli the whig party, nd vhose dcsertion and bet.nyal oftheir frionds have defoated us in n district which can give a whig nmjority of fifteen hundred, con derive any sniisction fmm tliis resul;, they are wplcome to it. It may servo, perliaps, as snme consolation for the universa) feeling of indiijnant condemnatinn with which their recreancy is . everywhere To tlieir pnrty and their forrner political friends they owean explunation oftheir unexpected desertion at a moment po critica], which they must be prepared to givp, if they or their friends would ever ngnin receive the confidence of tlie whigiofthe District." A new election must be held, and theEmancipator says the whigs must select a new candinte. It th'rnke that Goodrich has been deservedly rebuked för aïtenipting to hu a Clay whig rnd in abblitioniet at the samo time. - II sa} bat iitïle of the Democratie candidato, os the "nntnriil nUics" ofthe slave power in iho Dis ïict do rot piesend to be any Ihing ele. Qr The Marshall Statesman says of the aboJitiouists; "Inthis county we are glad to say are Btrohgly in favor of the Protective Policy. But we fear their party organizution may dciêat thé r presentation f the county en thin princilp, and perhap.s nffect tiie congres6innl eJection. Mr. Sluart, of New York, a di.stingui.-hed champion of the party, in his Inte nble Iccturcs in this vülnne suid he " regarded'thfï qncstion f proteiion as one of lile nnd dealli to the countrv. ' "


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