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Threshing Machines

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npHE undersigned would inforrn ihe public tha X they continue io mcnufuciure IIorsk I r.r.s n:ul 'I'iiv.i M.uiiK-r.s. two nnd a half! miles froih t.'ie villnge of Ai;n Arbor. on tlie iü:1rond. The Horse Power isa late invention by !á. W. Foster. rind is dccicleilly superior to r.ny ether ever offored to the public, as will nppt-ar by the statements of those who have uscrl them divrfug the last year. It ia light in vveight and sniall ia eompass, being cairied together vith the Thrcsher, in a coninion waggon box. and drawn witb ease by two horsea. Jt is as httlq liable to break, , or get out of ropnir. as any other li'orse Power, : and will work as easy afra thrash ;:s rfiuch vth foiir liorses aitached to it tóány orher posver with fivi horsea, as will appcar from theüons bclow. New patterns have been mode for tho cnst Iron. anü adJiiional weight and streiïgth applied wherever it had appeared to bc necessary from one ycar's nse of the machine. The eubscribers dccm it proper to state, thr.t a number of liorse pewers were sold last }-cr.r in ihe village of Ann Arbor which were bclieved by thepurchasers to be those invented by S. VV. Fostor. and that niest or 11 of them were eilher mnde matei hlly diiTcrent. or altored belbre eold, so as to be matcriaüy different from thoso made ahd sold by ihe subscribers. Such .'ilterationbeing decidcdly dotnrncnm'. to the utility of the machine. Tliey liave good rcason to belieye lint every one of those returned by the purchasers as unsatisfactoij were of this class. Th'ey are not avvare that nny Power that went from their shop, and was put in use, as they made it, has been condemned or laid asideas a bad machine. All wlio wish t.i buy are inv Itecl to examine them and to enquire of those wlio have used them. There will be ons tot examination at N. H. Wing's, Dcrlcr villaje; and one at Martin Wili.son's slorekouse ia Dttioit - both these gentlemen beinsr ngents for the sale of them. The pricc will be 120 for a four horse power, whli a threshing macliine, with a síavc or wooden bar cylinder; and 13í) f.rn horse power with a threshing machine with an iron bar cylinder. Tho attenüon of the reader is invited to tüe following rcconimcndations.S. W. FOSTKR&CO. Scio, April 20. 1843. RECOMIENDA TIONS. Thisisto certify tbat wo have used one ofS. W. Foster's newly inven ted Horse Powers for about fivo momhs, and threshcd wiih it nbout 8JOÜ bushclö, and believe it is consiructod on bctlcr principies than any othcr Horee Power. - Une ui' the undersigned has owned and used eiffht different kinds ofHoise Powers, and we believe that fjur horses will thrash as mucli with ihis Power as fu,c will with any oiher power with which wc are acquainted. II. CASE, S. G.iVESi Scio, January, 12. 1842. Tuis is to inforin the public that I have purchased, and liave now in use. one ot the lloise Powers recently fn ven ted by S V. Foatef, made l.y S. W. Foster, &Co., and believe it be construct ed upon beller principies, and requires ss slrengCt of korses than any other power with whicli I ain acquainted. A. WEEKS. Mount Cicmens, Sept. 8; 1341. Thisis to inform the public that I have purchosed one of the Horse Powers, recently invented by S. V. Fo8ter. and ua;d i for a nanibér ofrnontÖs, and believe it is the best power in use, working with less strength of horses thun any oiher power with which I a;n acquaiiued, and being sniall in conipass. is c:isily moved í rom one place to another. Í believe 4 horses will tliresh as inuch with this power as 5 will with any othcr power. The plan and the workinj oí' tliis ppwer havo been universally approvodofby fennersíor whom I have thraöhed. E. S. SAIITH. Scio. April 11, 1842.The subseribers multo vcry good SMÜ'i' MACHINES wlnch tliey wijl setl for $'60. This machine was iavented by onc of the subscribers, who has had many year's experience n the ruilling business. We invite those who wit-h to buy a yood machine for a fair price to buy of na. ït is worth as musK ns most of tlu machines that cost f rom 150 to 3UÜ. S. W. FOSÏER ifc CO. Scio, April, 18, 1842. Woolen Manu factoryThe subscribers have recently put in operation i woollcn manulactory for manufacturing woollen cloth by power looma, two and a halLmües west froin Ann Arbor villaje, on the raí road, wI.oit. thcy wish to manufacture wool into cloth on.slnres. or íor py by (hu yardj on feasonab'i i-finí, Thcy iiavc empíoyed efcperieiiíted wo;k ihen aüiil ibcl conSdcnt tlist wnrk willl.o wel: Thcy !h--'n iv;c rcspectKilly ;:sk a pliaie o! puMic paironïiac, esápccisily Irom tltose who aie i: lavor ;.; ty. 'iVuu! hkiv bü !cii at S. W. FOSTER & Co. Scio,.A)ri; 19. 38 42.


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