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To The People Of Oakland County

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It will be rcmembcred tliata cotinty rnnss meeting was notified tlirough ibe public papers to bo i held nt Fontiac, on the íirst dr.y o( Juno i nst, the object of whicli was to h.-ar Icctures on the i grent and absoibing subject ofliuinan I etican by coinpèleïit spenkersj 8e1ecto.fl trom yariüus parts of the siate, and, t!i:i( a short timé before the meeting, n counter noticc üp peared in the Signal, olledging ns a renpon for such nolice. ihnta portion of'the gentíemen who wcre selecteil to ejicak on ihe occaison could not at'enl. Oonsocinontiy delegyioos froni severa] of the towns. who had prepared to come to the rneetinir. remained a home. Manv. Icarning the dis'ipiH:nn:u'iii. on eij'aring t!:e yjllage mmodiatcly U-AÏ. But a pufficieru nlimher renipined to (i!l tin; bnsrment, of bc Bnptist nïfeetinp house, who. after listènjhg to scveral off-hahd speakers, rippoinred the uiidersigned n cörrfinittee to cnll n not her meeting. T!io èomtnittée r6grel the necessiiy. whii:h is thriist upon t!ieti by circumstancps beyonil thoir control, to c.iil that n:eetnga a tinif!, viz: ilio 24th ot August next, at 10 o'dock, A. M., when it may be inconvenient for farmers to altend, but it is bcüeved, from the spirit of euquiry and the deep feeling töuohing ihit subject whiah hnve been recently mnniféstéa in this county, that the 24th dayol August, will, if no untoward circumstance3 oceur, witncss a!are concourse ofpcoplé at Pontiac, ponvened to iear Maters Biknky,Bêoki,ey nnd btüaiit who avo heen invhed and ure cxpecied to address the reling on tbftf day. Friendg oí" humanity, of ropubiicnn liberty, o' -your country - no matter what your crecds. po Utical or i - resolvc to come to tljnt meei . . Come not merely to bc elec rified by tlic oloqnuiice of B. ffSa nn i y. - in inscrutnblc Piovidctice may (JVsaoinl ypu ü int - but come ns ffièndsóf huniuniiy, as hniertf bppression. ns seckers and of tnuh -, in short, os SLAVF.RY-HAT1.V RREEM.EN to an ANT1-SLAVT.IIY MEË'l tNG, wiffi töhgiiea all unwed. :nul he verv spijit which &hill prompt such aoiion, will give tij' te interest 10 tlic moetinyr. Lnde. will 'yw meet wiÜi us7 ' Snfely, on this Öubjed tlm mlsntiona ol vour liMrts will bc in urneftn y'xúx tliose of our own. Vc l#ök u v)ii ns lie!)s in tiiis grent work of benévolcnce. ronic.ilion to the meeting nnd chetr tis on, and nervo uur arms in nssistintr 10 biin;; b:ick the country to o just sense of ibe aficcfity ofmrify1115 it of tbis Ilenven-dootncd curse of shvery. - ÍÍ' yóu ahotrld hcfir iis püliticnl rispeet and bcaiijigs !'.-,;-usci!, it will not harrn vou. 'iYour tc-irs n;y rust ibe cnptive'a ciiiiii'' atn! your siletit praye'rs a'ccö(i rn.t-e the Imppy psïiod wlien "evcry ';)ko slnil lio biDKí-n." and the moral condilion of the oppressors, as well as of $the oppresaed, árrielipraU d. Let tiot the 2'5tti or a';c,ust, 10 o'clock. A. M., be forgotien. Onr fricnJs ofadjoining couniics areinvited tonWènd


Signal of Liberty
Old News