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Tkreshing Machines. nnftlS undersigned would infurm úic public that A thty continue to mrnuiacMirc IJoksk Powi;::s nnc! Thrksiuxg Machines, two and n half miles rum the vil.'nge of Ann Arhor. on the ru lrop.d. The Horse l'ower is a late invention by S. W. Foster, and is decidedly superior to any otlier ever oficred to the public, as wili appear by ihe siatements of thoso vvlio liave used tiiem dniinrr tiie lost yenr. ]t is Hght in weiglu and smail in corapass, being cnrried togctlicr with iho Thresher, in a commojo wuggon box. nnd drawn wiih easc by two horses. h is as hule liable to break, or get out of repair, as any other llorse Power, and ri!l work as easy and thrash as much wjtli fuiir horses a itacbed to it as any otfier power with five bosees, as will froiu the recommondaiions below. New pntterns have bven rrtade ior the cast f ron. and addiaonnl weight and strength applied wlierever it had appenrod to be necessary froin ono year's use af the machine.i lie subsciiners deem u proper to sínte, tliat a numbtr of horse pc.wers weie sold lust ycar iu thc vhlageof Ann Albor which were believed by tliepurchasers to be tlinse ínvcmed by S. W. Foster. and thni most or all of thetn-were eiilier runde natc.iiilly different, or alterod'befbrc sold, so os to be muterially different from' those made and sold by tl:e subseribers. Such nlterations being decidedly delnmenta to the utiüty uf the machine! They have good cëason to believe thnt every one qf tapse returned by the purchasers as iinsatistiictory were of thia class. Thuy are nol awarc thnt any Power that went from their shop, and w;is put (n use, as they made it. hns bt;en condttmñed or laid nSideas a bad machine. ' All who wish to buy are invitcd to examine them tuna ío cnquire of those who have Ued tlie::i. Therewillfaeonoibr examination at .T.'s, Dexíar vUtagc; and one at ÍMautin Wii.i.son's storéhpttae iu Detroit - binh theae gemlmncn bcing ásents f'or the sale of them. The price will be .-JlOfor a four horse power, vvith a threshing mnciiine, with a stave or wooden bar oylinder; and n :':) f,,r a horso power with a threshingr m.icliine wiih ati iron bar cylinder. The auention ofthe reader is invited to the following reconunendations. S. W. FOSTKR &CO. Scio. April 20. 1343.RE C O MM EX DA TI ONS. Thisis to ceriit'y ihat va have used onc of S. W. Foater's newly invenied Horso Powers for abottt tive inonths, nnd tUreshui wiih it nln.ut 33ÖÜ büsiiüls, and beliove it is constructed on belter ptinapTcs thfin any otlier Hoiso Power. ■ 'ne oi'th uiuJersigned ims iwoetl and nsedeiJKf ilillbiüntkiiulsoí'HorsePowers.fmd we-beJiév&that fjur horscs will ilirash ns rnuch wiili this Power as Jirv will with any other power wiih wbíeh we are acquamted. II. CASE, S. G. [VES.Scio. January. 12, 1S12. Tis is io inform the public that I have purchased, and have now ín use. onc of the üorse Powers ïeccnily invented by S W. Foster, made by :}. V. Postor, íc C.)., and believe it be construct ed apon botter principies, and requires ks sirehgtk of horses than any other power wuli which I am acquainted. A. WEEKS. Mount Ciemens. Sept. 8, Í34Í. Tliis is to inform tbè public that t have purchased oneof the florse Powors, recently invented by S. V. Foster, and us d it for a núinber of raonths, ind believe il is the best power in use. working with less strengtli of horsrs thnn any oiher power w:th which 1 am acquainted, and btíng sinall n cotnpaás. s ea9ily moved íroin one place to ánother. 1 believe 4 horses will thresh as much With t!)is power as 5 will with any üther power. The pían and ihe wórking of this power have een universally approvodofby furnieraior whom have thrashed. E. S. SMITH. Scio. April H. 1812. The subscribera makeveiy good y.VIU'i' MA1-llNF.S which they will s.:ll for $'J0. TJiia inchine wns invented by oue óf llie subscribers. vho hos had many year's experience in the milling usiness. We invite those whp wiafi tp buy u ood machine Tor a air price to buy or us. it is vorth s rnuah as most of tfw machines that cost rom JÓO to $300. S. W. FOSTER & CO. Scio, April, 18, 1842. Woolen Rlanufac tory. Tlie subscribers havo recently put in operation woollen ménuiactoryfor manui-ictunng vvoollen Iota by power looms, two an] q half mijèa west rom Ann Arbor villagc. on the rai road, wheie hey wiah to manufacture wool into cloth ons'iK-.rcs, or for pcy by the yard, on rr icinis. They Iwvc cinployed nxpciicncc I men nnd leol ëqii public pi'tron ooi inay hu lelt il écio villtfgc. 55. W. rCSTER & Co. Scio, .;-r;: IS, 1842.: PO COlTilY D Tiïh ïr"gIIfj eübaclber l):i5 on h::) 1 knñ for .3, salo at lovv rutop, a iarg-c urn! general os tqrtment at Lrn;;p aüd ;i:mf-'i. Dyc Suiiis. Ac. &c. wi'h every artiele in the Drug and Paint line. I'ersons wish .'urciiiiPü miy ariicies n Ure abpve line are requestctl. belbre i.iurchnpiiisr ' or.II ut rJKRUE TiCLLKR'ö, Wholesale and Retiñí Dnms-ist ].39. Jel Avenue, suni oí' the Gilt .Vurt.-.r, DeüMit.Da. BANISTElt'S ÍKL11ÍRATED VKR AGÜE PlLtS.-PürjUij icntubh. tór foyer tta . : L3 1 1 1 riüue,. f-hill fi.-ver, and thc biliou3 ú'.v. . neyp counlrics. TJiegja i I ! s :trc d the ;.íTetions of i);c livcr iiml i,' wlncli nlten'ditüe S of il.c new ;'.:ul n,i;:s:'i;iiií: poi lionsol our country. The propijclor bnving iried them in a prcct v.iriety of cases üonfídéntly bilioves t si'iperior to añy rcm.dv tfia'i h.'is cver'beun ed to the public For ihc nb'oVe disénscsIt is pii:ely Pegettitrlc nri'í) pe íec-tíy hnn nml c-m be taken hy noy pcrsori, nmlu o' I -. 'J'íic fíríis iye priaparod in iwí) scpornte baxtí, nnrkcí] No. 1 aiu! No. 2. nn J acccouip.uited vviUi uíl direciions. A írmnt numbfr 6f cert:ficates misiit be proon ro:l in íhvor oí' t!u3 medicir.p. biit íhe prqpricte iis tliou:ihi til ti'ot'to ins'.'rt théú. in aa n:iieh os íedcjioiKÍs upon the merite oC the &:ime fbr its eputniioh. Tiie abo ve pill is kept coastmtly on hand b ie projiricfr niid enr: hollad af v!i:)!f.r--!e and n ni at thc store oí' Beckfey iSíjGo. Ol-tíers fró ; ie country prornptíy aïtendoc! to. Aíih Á'rb'pr, (luwer town) M;iy?oih I!'. ! L.' BV;CKLEY


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