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HdtB&AN'S .1 o ;,!! fe: M I.-..IÍ: ■■tí o! long siuiïdturuniirfi - rendfrs Btifl joiíít: ■ i's i! id fv,"( ííecl and infln'nied IK ■■- ■ .i fpipulüs, ii npplied in earlj èfoe'; preven!;-■ipiicrriiion o'r innitt.-r Jonr'iiLr, :üif! aives in all Itnieeasé iVoni pain. Certrficafps o. tliis fnct coiiiil lm ítívci) if'neccfíarvi '"is rèmedy olièried to tHc I'uhlie vvi'ih tlu fnll Hösürnncc tli-' it ff ÉSiCels tbr; Oi.uideldoc't liuiénia ' the piesen" drfy, fir the abov..t A tri;il L oiily wnntoa, to giv.c n i!i Ibe. JM'iny iiénce hive tfsèd ifiia öintinm md exiojs i:-; mèttla. n9 Tiic aboye binttuent is for saje wholesnlp ant! 3ídii by Í, BF.CKLRY. Ann Ar!)or. (lövror town) June F")'.h, 184'2 9TO PÍIYSICIAiWS AND COUNTRY JUERCHANTS. THE subscritor invïlés the nttontion of Phy ■ ■ioi:ins and Country Mnrclumis, 'o hi.present stock of' Drug.?, Medicines, Patnt?, Qïls, Dyo fStufis, Vurnish, Brushos, &c. &tc.' cfintpriying one of the lórgest arJ -inllest assort:iK.'iit. hiMiirrht -o the country. Li his present toek wii) be íbund: 100 oz Salph. Quinine, superior French und F.nyliüi, 20 nz. Snlph. AForplija, 1 oz. Acct. do 50 z. Carpenier's Wiiherill's Extract of Bark, 1 bbl. Powdcrcd lihubarb, 1 Chet Rhubarb Koot, 1 bM. Powdered Jalap, 50 Ibs. Cnlome!, 3 casks Epsom Stdff?, lScasksFall and Winter strained Sperm Oil, 40 hoxes Sperm Cnndles, 2000 ba. White Liead, dry ond grnund, 4 casks Linkeed Oi!, Qeníkts Jnstnimmta end Stock Go!d, Silver md Tin l'oil Platina Ware, Pnrcelam Teeth. A peñ'er&I ásortrnéií of Patent Médicirifis, l "f wliich will be sold on tlie most reasonable ertns. PIERRE TELLER. 159 Jefierson Avenue, sion ofthe Gilt MhTch 13. iMornr, Detroit.'i AiLORi.'.G blSi.XKSS ! A M. .Oi5,I:], wójiíd respnctfuiJy mforni thfi . ciiizens ofArin AtborTaird iis vicinity. timt e haá cpcncl ;; eliop in r':o ÜttíeQt 'ïovtn. inmiete i;:c:cniüilu rtf Lund & l;'.-iiri. apd oppc-iio tüe 8'0;-e of J. Eorkhy & I ' ■.. wiiare ha ' at ;ill (mies todo work i liis line, with pipiinptaese, aód in a ncnt and [uruMe inonnci'. Particular fi'tnntion vill hc paid to cutiini: sar:■'.'.,■■ PrödiicG wflí Ijf taken nl the i:s:;ii pr) i, for work done :u Ijis sfinj). Thi-s.: wüo hwe ■ ish to pViy for serviros of tïita kind, are p:irticularly invited to ■ Aun Arbor. Apr 1 27. 1S-12. tf riiTIS pijl Ikik not. cnly been used by my Ju. self, büt by a niimber of Physicians of' 'iip.1i si-.!idi:irr. b;)-h in tliis a :d othr Stntes, tu erp-nt ri(lvnnr.:i'io. l'y the frequeni a'id repeatpd sólrcirationsof.xyy rinnda, I have cohsTènted lo ofTei therri i the HiWic as a must efïïeacibifs fötnëfTy lor n!l ilins'? Ülioua diasees jr;ginaiing in n new coun:t v. Thu above pill ia for salo WlroleSnlé nntl refnil !}' L. BF.CKLEY. Ann Arhnr, flnvrer townVJiing T'h 11"'. 9TO CLOTH1ERS. nn HK s-ubscriber is jusl in receipt of n fuiJL tlier suriplv of Clothier s srock. cotisist''ïiis of ÜfAÓkïNFj (7AIUÏ8 if v y fessnpi ■■; CIJJTHIHR'S JACKtS. &TTINE7 WARP, Omn VLEXNSBRS dnd P[EÏC, -', saui'i' reeds, khttles. IT.WS'. PÁRSOms yjn;.n;(; cay--:. emër% (r,f, í:.; teñ'DEü UÖOKS, PftES}& pa;1;);'. t Wtór !?i a ■ l ' o 'm :t. of J; i Ë WOODSui id DYE STUFF8 oï the vcsy btet gfowtlj'.-ñnd : .lllllíur; ,ü e. ná rhoy dó cíivecl frftín ïrsl l;iu:.!s) i -,- r-;,,,!,!;.:! ,, g,jt ]uWérthiin aayothcr, house west of ,cw Yurk. bë solicita !;:' ntieniion of iinns in thi; nlothirt.g busliwss. to ■ . ion of hrs stoeft ■ml p ices béforè goih'g éast or pureh-.isiiif elsuwlieto. riKRRE tej.lï::?, Whnli'sülo iin.'l ÏI-m-A DfH(jist, I_2(Q Jeffcrson Avëniic. sj n oí ihc Gilt Mortar, Üctroit. E3TAYF, -ÓP JA'JOB LAWl'üN Dl (''.ASED. - ?wiicc is hereby iven. tliat ü'.r uu !. r.-:;: !!-■ !i;ive pmved tbc l;:st will and testament cl Jacob L;ivton. decenseti. and ttaye tnk( ii etiors TpsiainërttaVy ibercun. nnd báve Lii'.c'i !n!i!. aeciffiing fo lovv. All persons ir(íel)tcd to siUl esta:e aro rqrtesfod to muke p;iyirienl wilhfWit 'lehiy. onl al{ pérsoDsTiavin'g oluiins i'iiiins! .snid esta e are requesfeel fo present tbe ü-m-e to t'ac subscribers, welt auüicniicnted, for paymerit. GEOftGHS E. LAWTON. DAVID T. .M'f'OlLUM. Exrcutois of tbe last will and Testament of Jacob Lruvton. Datc:l, Ann Arbor. Mny 7. 1842. 3mTEMPERAN CE HOTEL, CY ISOÊ5ERT& TEKHUflE. (COBJTEK OF MICHIGAN AKD WASHINGTON ;YLÍÍOL8, DJ-.!i:0tT.) THE ribove House is plonsántly situatëd nca' the Central Railroad Depot, and is nowun -I :-:--. f r i ?r tliornuijli repairs. The reomsaVe plens í tii .' ]]' ds and fíí'f J tí n ir a!I new. and ilie Tabíe vill Le eupplietl wiih the chöieost of tiio market. ■ uu! t!ie prupiiftors nssure those who wil! favor ttie.m vi:!i tiiüir custom, thnia'l pains shall be taken to niake thtiir siny wiih them agreeabl& FajKk. rnnjhio. and accóiriniodatton sjood. - Carríages tó convoy ptiseiingers to and froni the IJ.i'cl iicc oi' cxic;im'. Detroi, Apr1 ' i ■ '2 :XO3IY IS VVEALTfl." THE Süoscribers will pay pay two cents pvr inu (i in Good$ or l'.ipi-r tnv ao quannty oí ;h).I clein SWINGLE TOVv', delivcred arihc . 1 1 ii Aiinir Paper .Miil. JONES Sc OR.MSBY. Ann A'lir, April 27, ISi'í. tí D'-l. J. V: n.XUSKS, Pf-IYSICÍAX AND SUltGEDiX. - llwiM nn:l OiHce, (w ijiïh ol thé íifayetrc House, where lie can !e fuujul uiu'iit nnd dny. .Aun Arhor April íDth. lf?!2. : NEW G00D5 1 lv FDENISÖiS' h.n's U3t receiyo'l n complete . stock ..I DRY-GOODS, GROCERIÈ8 AND CliOCKERY. wbich will he sold very r money or most kinds of produce. Descripaons and pitees wil] bc gíven at theStore. Ann Arbor, June 1, 1842. E' S'J'A'IE OF ELLEN VV1LMOT DE 2Ka SED, Notice is liereby givon thi'utho andereigfloli hns been nppoimcd by the 'tlon. Gre.irge Seda wiek, Judgeof Probnte n au d for 'oiinry ot Washjennw, administrator o n the e of Ellen Wihimt. Inte úf Salino in said . tul lis irivcn bondsnecording ro 1: . A,!l persons bavin-demnntls ngninat snid tnic am rcq(iesieH ) ;■' "' thebi lui aajustmènt!, nnd :ate are reqtiest eá to :i:tki: paviuent vnhoui delay. ISRAEL WILUAM S Ann Arbor. Jane 3 . Lfí &. -(Jw JJt WALKF.Il respccifully iniprrnei his ("irnos and ihe public in general. ib:;:he has reccntly eonimencca'busjriëssi in the tn 8ori'ri'ü ü dooreásf ó.'Bower's dry coodss de. vvhero be s [iejnrcd 'o f xceu'c ordcis in iioneütf'SÍ andinos? Ijiliiónnlu tttylp. Cnnncntf! wil! lic rr.adc to brdér, in strict timoiniiiv with tbe present [revnilins fashion 'jnd,' ■'i.sto ut' the day, and warrr.ntod to fit oiTiO charges. L.tdics' RidinT Hr-Mti nmde in the latcst Iseui York or PüHi(ifijia fnabions. Friends. or Qünkors' gaiments Avill be made in 'hr neatrst nnd p1ariest styïe. Cnttinrt dom: ñt sbortcst nrtfïfee. AÜ kinds oT Military Uniform nnd undress cnals nnd pnntrtlüfirfs. ir.nde nL'roeablio to iLe present military uv recinienta! order. .T. R. W.ALKFILAnn Arbor, July '2.")th. 1842. nl4- 3m,LiTMÏfêR coristómly on hnnd in'd for aale by F. DENISON. Jane 10, 1842. tf "TARSON'S S IJ E A K I N G M A C 1 1 J N KsJ' JT - Tiir.o. IL EatoIï&'Co. 1o8. Jeflbrson ïivermc, nrethc sole agents of these vcry cel■'btateil niacliinos. 12-8v QATTINETT WARPS ON BEAMS.- O Thko. H. Eaton & Co.. ]"8. JefTerson Avenue, olier for sale a ïhfée stock of Sattinett, ii om the New Yoik milis. These Wnipsarc conbidered superior to any other in the ccuinuy, and will be sold, for cash, "at a smnll idyancp. 12-SwNEW GOODS ! ! " CIIEAP FOK CASH. AT tin; Store of il. e Subsc her. n rtew and splei).'li! assortmcnt of JNJÈW GOODS at prices so cheap as to nstonish the purehasers, conáiisfíng of OnV-GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKFRY D OOTS, SHOES, A XI) L ADI ES' SLIPPEliX. SH&KER AND LECIIOR.V BONTÏETSt, c.C. tW. Muslin Du Lañe ;t fwo shillinga per yard; eníicopá at six cerrta pèï yard. and otbér goodnt price? io Citrriispónd. 'J'o hc convinöed, just cali í:iiil 8öó the g jodsnfid prjc'Cs. 4')H) ]i(n!iids gcrod buitsr wnnicd; 99309 bushels of house nshés wantcd. at 10 cents per biishel. Likewifo field .-sIips. (K:hveic' ;it ny ashery, ic::: Chrrpiu's )ron foundry. N. 15.- All kinds of T'urs t.-iken in i-xchange Tor gopi& Ij. BOWER." Aun Arbor, (upper town);June 2, 1P42. WoüI l?arding nd EloK ïiresssngTi Til!; Subscribeis rc.-:peetiuily announce to tlic ciiizens Ann Arbor nrul vieinity. that thny are preparet] to card v.rool atid dress elo!!i fa.' custoniers. i the best atyle. and at the ehoriest notice. Ha ving gooá tnachinery, experiencec! workiheri, and long practico in the business, '.hcy have the utmost conlidenee thnt they ehall give complete satisfaction. J. BF.CKLEY & CO. Ann Arbor, April, 25. Ib42.3 "33c fcajjs of trín'ííurj G&Uxt forro'." JACRSOtt 1 TEMPER ANCE HOUSE, BOTANIC MEDICAL STORE, With Het and Cold Saths. Br.J, T'WILSON, .'■' ft' of Main Straet. JacJeson, Mich. Eivcr Saisin IMTITÜTE. TH IS lnstilution s locatod in the town of R-:isin. nenr the fiord, bank of the licnntiful wliose naniu it be;irs. onê unie cast of the direct ró.id fiom ']'ec:imseh to Adrián. cljgible sie has been sclcctcd 'r its quict seclupnin. the ler;:lity oud elevation of s 8pi!, i :b pure and bftnlthlúl ; atniOBphere. and plensani eeiiftry. Rooms. - TheÑí aro nojv on liic p-emiaes su::b]o rooms lor the apcommpdation of lorty siti. 'leiüs; which are ife.-iipcned to b) occupiod fo'r priv.ite siudy nnrl lor'ging Qther neccciB:ir' build ing aicprovid;d lor recitations and boardii)".EXPENSES. Tuirion per Term wf eleven wecks. $4.03 Soaid " with -i liours wurk eacli weck. 7,57 Room Rent, ' gg Incidental, f, y Tof.1, J2.95 Thore wi'l be an nddiiional chnrge of one dolI'ir lor ihose pureuintí ihe hiylior branches as Philosophy, Álgobro, Gconifitiy. Astronomy, &c. For C'licnÍF!rv, LatÍ!j ot Greek aii addition of iwo dolíais will lie nimio. Schulnrs are expected to. pro.vide themselvca with yvhat furnitnre they ■ill neéd in tlit-ir rooms, ülso, with liglits. fuel, and washing - none will hereafter bourd thcm selveíí. Bills to be sclílcd in oávance. The school ie open tö ;i! npplicants of suitable age and moral character inespective of -complexión or condition. S-j"rhr. sr.cond term of litis su-mmcr icill cotnme.iuc IVcilnt s .' Julij l20tk. Il is very desirable tliat all who design to at tend the .chool. should be on the ground - havo ihcir bilis settled. and their rooms prepared. bcfore the first dó}' of the Term. Any furthörmformntion can be obtained at the Jnstitntion, or; by adJressing, post paid. J. S. Dixo.y. Pirncipal,, Raisin. Lenuwce Co Mich. Raisítí, May 19th. 1842. nö2xnNEW SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. J17S5T received and iccei'ving at ilie New York ( hï.ip Store, purchased ut the present low jirices in New York, which will ci.aMe him to scll Iowcr tlinn ever ucforo ofiered in ibis placida large lit of Frencli, English and Aiuencnu GüODS. qorisi8fipg.of.30ry Gpöds', CrocKêry, Bjoks Söd Stntionary, Boots and íílioes, Looking Glnsrs. A!si. a large lot oi' Yankee Noiions. vho!esale .-uk! retail. D. D. WATERMAN. Ann Aibor. Moy II, 1342. 8w CIMUPIJTG. npHE Snbscribers are prepaicd to card Wool A lor customers; havihg fi'st inte nificliines.and liaving oniployed an expeiiunced v.orkman, they fecl eonfident ot" giving good eaiis'action to nll ivho will favor them witli their cusiom. Their mamifactory is two and a hall' miles west of Ana Arbor on the Huron. S. W. FOSTER, t Co. Scio, Mayjlth, 1842.


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